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jvilla777   Australia. Oct 02 2013 08:00. Posts 1348
Hey LP,

It’s been awhile since I last blogged. I also decided to try and write up a proper blog rather than just random updates. Some of LPers(Marshall, Goldrush/Neilly, Dustyswede, DJforever) actually motivated me to write it up just like theirs.

I haven’t played poker for about 3 months now, because every time I tried to play I had mixed feelings about it. I felt like I was more forcing myself to sit down and play rather than actually wanting to play. I felt like I had no motivation in doing so, so then I decided I will give it a break. I still do love it and basically visit hands that’s being posted on here. I am currently still at 25nl basically starting from $30 and have never busted this roll. Basically I am rolled for 50nl but have learnt a boring nitty br management. I still do like to watch poker games on YouTube, and see hands unfold here on LP.

After this semester I will basically have 2 subjects left to do at UNI. I have told myself multiple times that I felt like I chose the wrong degree but only realized this halfway through my studies and could not turn back. I have no idea what the fuck I’m going to do when I finish, I’ve spoken with a uni students about this and people that have positions in organizations and have come up with my own conclusion that most businesses and organizations don’t really care about what you studied in university or what so ever, most want to see the experience you’ve gained while being at university. Yes the kind of degree that you did only shows an interest in the field you want to work in but does not necessarily give you a gold pass in getting a career. Therefore the degree that you have finished only shows these employers that you are capable of learning and have the ability to push yourself to learn so when they do employ you, they can provide you the essential training and experience you need to be able to work for them. Basically experience is what matters to most employers since I guess they prefer you do the job rather than train you first. And when they do decide to train you, the want to see that degree to show them you are willing to learn.

Also for the past 2 months my motivation turned to getting fit and healthy, I felt like I wanted to get out more and not stay in so much. I signed up to the gym and had no idea wtf I was doing. But I felt like we only get 1 chance in life to do stuff so why not try new things. The first few times I walked in to the gym I felt intimidated and never tried to make eye contacts with nobody. But the more I went there more confidence I gained, I kept doing my own research in regards to nutrition and which foods to eat. The more research that I did, the more I felt like wanted to go and work out. I could feel minor changes in my body and my sleeping pattern. I slept more and started to get a pattern of waking up early in the morning. This basically became the time that I went to the gym. I started by going about 4 times a week and then in the last two weeks I have been going every day.

I feel so much better and healthier and as I continued I felt more confident in myself and feel like I can do more things during the day. And now also I’m craving to play poker but I’m going to limit myself to only play for 2hrs max at any given day.

Also if you like you can follow me on or on for daily healthy food porn and gym motivations.

LOL also thanx for this pic which was posted by LPer in the ROFL thread

My current transformation n BAAAAAAAANE MASK!!!!

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longple: ur missing the point! this is an attempt to get away from the bumhuntmentality! 

Highcard   Canada. Oct 03 2013 00:33. Posts 5428

gj bro

I have learned from poker that being at the table is not a grind, the grind is living and poker is how I pass the time 

djforever   Canada. Oct 04 2013 00:13. Posts 1510

The before pictures are always so sad and the after pictures always have much better lighting. Surprised that I motivated someone else to write something when most of the time I lack so much motivation myself haha. Good to hear that life seems to be going well though.

bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Oct 04 2013 15:45. Posts 8648

nice, going to gym and eating healthy is def one of the most +ev life moves, i need to get back on the healthy train myself after slacking/partying too much the last couple months. what is your major btw?

Truck-Crash Life 

jvilla777   Australia. Oct 04 2013 20:58. Posts 1348

  On October 04 2013 14:45 bigredhoss wrote:
nice, going to gym and eating healthy is def one of the most +ev life moves, i need to get back on the healthy train myself after slacking/partying too much the last couple months. what is your major btw?

e-business broski

longple: ur missing the point! this is an attempt to get away from the bumhuntmentality! 


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