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growing inequality in wages

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mnj   United States. Oct 05 2013 12:08. Posts 3848
how big of a problem is this?

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tapatapaz   Brasil. Oct 05 2013 13:10. Posts 1279

inequality is natural and not a problem per se, poverty is. unless you say that everyone deserves what everyone else has, which is bullshit because people are different, with different skills, aptitudes, and tastes

And what does self awareness have to do with anything you retard? srsly stfu. - baal 

ktp   United States. Oct 05 2013 13:34. Posts 48

Its not a big problem but its a sign of misdirection. Countries with less disparity between wages tend to produce happier and healthier people. A growing inequality means that people are being exploited much harder for their time and service. I don't see anything positive that can come out of that, only instability and people getting fed up. When people get fed up they say fuck it and start rioting.

tapatapaz   Brasil. Oct 05 2013 15:04. Posts 1279

exploitation only happens in full-blown slavery. if you are free to choose where to work and you feel you are being exploited, its your own fault

edit: and you can probably thank this exploiting job for your life

And what does self awareness have to do with anything you retard? srsly stfu. - baalLast edit: 05/10/2013 15:05

Svenman87   United States. Oct 05 2013 15:25. Posts 4636

I thought I've read that CEO to worker pay ratio is pretty much at the highest it's ever been. That being said there have also been studies that show a large % of CEO's are looking for their next job and generally only stay at one company for less than 5 years. Meaning - many don't give a fuck about their employees and just want to get paid, make their ludicrous bonus deals, take their stock options and gtfo - meanwhile someone may work for the company for 25 years and see less than inflation increases. Kinda gross how the extremely wealthy run basically everything, and I wouldn't be surprised if riots start up within the next 5 years over wage issues.

tapatapaz   Brasil. Oct 05 2013 17:01. Posts 1279

their wages are high precisely because they can easily change from firm A to B, they are valued in terms of competition. paying someone more than they deserve in a free economy is just bad business by the employer, and everyone else should mind their own business

And what does self awareness have to do with anything you retard? srsly stfu. - baal 

nlloser60   . Oct 05 2013 19:00. Posts 304

  On October 05 2013 14:25 Svenman87 wrote:
I thought I've read that CEO to worker pay ratio is pretty much at the highest it's ever been. That being said there have also been studies that show a large % of CEO's are looking for their next job and generally only stay at one company for less than 5 years. Meaning - many don't give a fuck about their employees and just want to get paid, make their ludicrous bonus deals, take their stock options and gtfo - meanwhile someone may work for the company for 25 years and see less than inflation increases. Kinda gross how the extremely wealthy run basically everything, and I wouldn't be surprised if riots start up within the next 5 years over wage issues.


NewbSaibot   United States. Oct 05 2013 22:22. Posts 4946

Who cares about income inequality, if you dont like it then do something to earn more. I dont see anything high earners doing that is preventing you from earning. Complaining about income inequality is like complaining you cant beat NL50 and it's not fair some people are playing NL1000. I've only received like 2 or 3 raises in my life. I've always had to just quit my job and find another that pays more to get a real raise and improve my income. The point is, I took it upon myself to change the situation. You've got people working at walmart and shit struggling to get by, well then fucking QUIT. Go to community college on a gov't loan for like 1-2 years max, and get a real job. Or stretch it out a little and go for like 3 months, get certified in something that at least lands you a better paying job which you can then afford to pay your way through school.

bye nowLast edit: 05/10/2013 22:23

Gnarly   United States. Oct 05 2013 22:43. Posts 1723

  On October 05 2013 21:22 NewbSaibot wrote:
Who cares about income inequality, if you dont like it then do something to earn more. I dont see anything high earners doing that is preventing you from earning. Complaining about income inequality is like complaining you cant beat NL50 and it's not fair some people are playing NL1000. I've only received like 2 or 3 raises in my life. I've always had to just quit my job and find another that pays more to get a real raise and improve my income. The point is, I took it upon myself to change the situation. You've got people working at walmart and shit struggling to get by, well then fucking QUIT. Go to community college on a gov't loan for like 1-2 years max, and get a real job. Or stretch it out a little and go for like 3 months, get certified in something that at least lands you a better paying job which you can then afford to pay your way through school.

The people who work at walmart can't quit. They will literally lose everything because most already have to rely on government hand outs. Class mobility is at very minimum levels right now. (unless you take into account going from high/mid to low, cause that's as easy as quitting.)

Diversify or fossilize! 


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