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GameOverNoob   Canada. Oct 09 2013 11:04. Posts 961
I intended on getting my certificate in the appraisal of real estate, but now i'm more interested in getting a bachelor is history. Does anyone have any experiences to share?

Appraisers make decent money, they pick up skills needed to be a good real estate investor and i have key connections.

History leads me to law and is obv more interesting.

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TalentedTom    Canada. Oct 09 2013 12:09. Posts 20070

law should have higher long term EV and stability

I think a major reason a lot of people get jobs asap is because they are tired of being in a classroom. If you don't mind being in that setting, I'd go #2

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us and as we let our own lights shine we unconsciously give other people permision to do the same 

nerdonpoker   . Oct 09 2013 16:02. Posts 414

I'd invest in real estate. Theres about to be a huge dip in prices. And if you can learn fast huge opportunities will become available too you. Real estate is nice because it makes passive income readily available. And when you ahve passive income the world is your oyster. You have time for hobbies such as history.

def_jammer   Germany. Oct 09 2013 16:22. Posts 1227

Technical or scientific fields arent an option for you?

GameOverNoob   Canada. Oct 10 2013 09:29. Posts 961

Thanks for your answers.

I considered techinical trades and scientific programs. I'm leaning towards the two options I mentioned.

To get better opinions, i need to tell you more about my situation. I fear that without context, im wasting our time.


nerdonpoker   . Oct 10 2013 22:23. Posts 414

A multil millionaire once told me work to learn dont work for money.

GameOverNoob   Canada. Oct 11 2013 09:09. Posts 961

Well said gnarly.

It might be unreasonable to pursue law. My brother is going to law school next year... Even if I was to learn law, I'd likely only practice for a bit.

@lehgoboyLast edit: 13/10/2013 11:22

brybear22   United States. Oct 11 2013 21:59. Posts 142

I strongly disagree that law would be interesting in any capacity. Before making your decision I implore you to read the blog posts below. No matter what you do, I would advise avoiding any school debt. Let's suppose you decide you don't like law, well, tough shit because now you're stuck paying back, on average, $108,293 (2012 statistics).

Edit: Just noticed that you're canadian. Keep in mind my law school stat was for USA.

 Last edit: 11/10/2013 22:00

2c0ntent   Egypt. Oct 12 2013 15:32. Posts 1387

to do

+-Last edit: 12/10/2013 15:33

GameOverNoob   Canada. Oct 13 2013 10:57. Posts 961

Does no one think that school has anything else to offer but the end result of getting a sophisticated job?



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