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GoldRush   United States. Oct 15 2013 12:51. Posts 1025
Hey guys,

I haven't been putting in too much grinding lately, been learning the art of Zoom poker though which is a big plus for MTT's and CG's (99.3% MTT's obv)

Ugh, so I just moved into my new place, I didn't have an address for my momz to send me my meds which sucked. So I have an adress now - so she can send them. Without them, its very tough to focus on a page in a book, let alone 15 hours of 15-30 mtt's stacked ontop of each other..

So now I have the address atleast!

The apartment is nice, I'll go back into the blog later and upload some pics, pretty standard, 2 story house, 4 apartments, hardwood flooring, orange walls, flat screen tv on the wall and my 32 inch lcd i use for poker under that. Cozy couch with foot extender etc, queen side bed, nice balcony, enjoy it.

feeling a ton more relaxed than i have since i arrived. very thankful, on Canadian thanksgiving i moved in, and obviously I have much to be thankful for.


OK so I'm going to be 6-7 tabling (the best mtt's and just keep 7 going mb pop and 8th on the other screen if its too good to miss from the start)

Do this until next Monday and evaluate everything. I believe I can make more by risking less - I got burnt out after about 45 days and haven't been playing too much since.

My energy levels are rising again and I'm feeling good again though, this is a big plus.

GL to everyone at LP,
I tend to always do my best when it winds down to the last 9-1 mtts of the night anyways, maybe this will be sweet. I've always been to greedy to just keep 7 up. (started out 24 tabling fr cgs like forever ago)

ok just ramblin
love my new place and very thankful to not have the distractions i used to have.. it seems solid atleast.

Meh sunday wasn't so good last week, I'm kinda sour from it, I want a great performance this Sunday. Settle for nothing less.


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LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Oct 15 2013 15:45. Posts 15163

Why even bother with cashgames, they are clearly signifficantly -ev for you?

93% Sure!  

Shenny   Canada. Oct 15 2013 16:57. Posts 1514

still in ottawa? where abouts are you now?

GoldRush   United States. Oct 15 2013 17:00. Posts 1025

I live in downtown Ottawa next to OU

York street

come hang sometime Shenny, good grindstation;

GoldRush   United States. Oct 15 2013 17:05. Posts 1025

  On October 15 2013 14:45 LemOn[5thF] wrote:
Why even bother with cashgames, they are clearly signifficantly -ev for you?

Actually, after tons of marshall and jlost88 coaching, im kinda gettin pretty solid in the cg arena, learning a lot daily obv, but testing myself on the side to see if i can get up to nl100-nl500 zoom on the side.

b4 the coaching, i would have had no chance.

b4 marshall taught me what he taught me, i would have had very little if no chance at all.

looking to the future here, in the usa zoom poker is gonna be boomin hard in 45 days it will launch i believe?

if i can become a sick monster at it (which it doesn't matter since I don't let it interfere with my grind schedule) then it would be fckin awesome

my buddy andrewboccias been teaching a ton of zoom poker to me as well, he keeps a live stream going with his cards covered, but i follow his thought processes well and often he breaks everything down that hes doing. you can check it out;

its also just fun!

hes on a day off, first time in forever

GoldRush   United States. Oct 15 2013 17:06. Posts 1025

spoiler hes on 3-4 min delay and covers his cards, but watching nl200 6max for 1-2 hrs a night for a week, let me understand a lot of bad bets i was putting out there.

redrain0125   Canada. Oct 15 2013 18:37. Posts 5455

Hey LP,

I took down a few small tourneys this month. Still $300k in debt to various people though. Holding pretty steady and playing my A-game where it counts. I can't believe you people are still lending me money. It must be my hypnosis working. I have a knack for gobbling up stakes like a vacumn hose sucks off a freshly ejected batch of semen. Just you know, movin from place to place living the dream.


chris   United States. Oct 15 2013 18:54. Posts 5503

ban yourself from cash games. they always lead you to your downfall. MTTs are your goldmine. stop mining copper

5 minute showers are my 8 minute abs. - Neilly 

chris   United States. Oct 15 2013 18:55. Posts 5503

hope you continue to do well. wish you the best Ryan

5 minute showers are my 8 minute abs. - Neilly 

GameOverNoob   Canada. Oct 15 2013 19:00. Posts 961



NewbSaibot   United States. Oct 15 2013 23:29. Posts 4946

Why shouldnt he play cash games. I mean it's just fucking cash.

bye now 

napoleono   Romania. Oct 16 2013 11:09. Posts 771

Whats the banlimit you set for CG?

Highcard   Canada. Oct 16 2013 20:50. Posts 5428

put some pics up yo

I have learned from poker that being at the table is not a grind, the grind is living and poker is how I pass the time 

TianYuan    Korea (South). Oct 17 2013 04:52. Posts 6817

  On October 15 2013 17:37 redrain0125 wrote:
Hey LP,

I took down a few small tourneys this month. Still $300k in debt to various people though. Holding pretty steady and playing my A-game where it counts. I can't believe you people are still lending me money. It must be my hypnosis working. I have a knack for gobbling up stakes like a vacumn hose sucks off a freshly ejected batch of semen. Just you know, movin from place to place living the dream.


Neilly posts can be annoying as hell, but his last post said he was down to some pretty small debt amount, didnt it? Could be misremembering, but if its true that's a pretty good step.

Hm.. Off-suite socks.. 

GoldRush   United States. Oct 17 2013 21:04. Posts 1025

i have like 6k give or take in debt left to pay, ~10~12k paid in the first 2 months up here.

im doing well - playing alright, just took a few days off waiting for my meds to arrive tho, just been watching movies, evaluating everything, getting ready to step back in the ring hopefully tomorrow morning.

bud, in the last 3 years i worked for baza88 for 1.5 years, myself for about 9 months, then to Jlost88, before that I did have a lot of stakes tho, but b4 that I wasn't a pro..

ne ways,

GoldRush   United States. Oct 17 2013 21:18. Posts 1025

ive played like 5 hours of zoom im +3bi at nl25 and b/e on 1-2 hours of nl50 and b/e of 30 mins of nl100!

GoldRush   United States. Oct 17 2013 21:47. Posts 1025

  On October 15 2013 17:37 redrain0125 wrote:
Hey LP,

I took down a few small tourneys this month. Still $300k in debt to various people though. Holding pretty steady and playing my A-game where it counts. I can't believe you people are still lending me money. It must be my hypnosis working. I have a knack for gobbling up stakes like a vacumn hose sucks off a freshly ejected batch of semen. Just you know, movin from place to place living the dream.


its kind of almost semi close, but years to late to be funny bud

GoldRush   United States. Oct 17 2013 21:50. Posts 1025

thanks chris

lol i can keep the cg unbanned and still not play them, its ok Im aloud to play any games I want tbh, since I don't ever play in games that I can't beat ITLR.

I don't play higher than nl25-nl50 zoom lol, i did nl10 first

its just for fun and balance in the game tbh - and yes theres like a stoploss of 1-3bi (whenever i say f*** cg's im goin to MTTS@!) - happens sometimes!

redrain0125   Canada. Oct 18 2013 01:13. Posts 5455

  On October 17 2013 20:47 GoldRush wrote:
Show nested quote +

its kind of almost semi close, but years to late to be funny bud

nigga plz, nothing has changed

GoldRush   United States. Oct 18 2013 04:14. Posts 1025

its much dif, talk to ppl i know, not gonna get into it.


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