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Live poker in NYC

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JohnnyNYC   United States. Nov 14 2013 12:54. Posts 2
i have been getting tired of driving 2+ hours to play poker in another state. its frustrating to be in new york city and be surrounded by neighboring states where table gambling is legal.
i have linked up again with one of my old d-gen friends from childhood (we both got our poker starts in high school online) to get into some 'card clubs' around the city. there are 3 running games he explained to me, a saturday and sunday 5/5 and then a 1/3 on tuesdays. i think they have hourly charge to play but no rake.
i would play in the saturday one but im going to a fuckin wedding (second time my cousin is getting married in 5 years) out in long island an hour away. im taking my gf and my mother along aswell. should be ok. il certainly be drunk considering we have a room out there to stay.
hope to pick up a few hundo. gambowll

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