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Hands v former HS player

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LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Nov 23 2013 06:36. Posts 15163
On Sunday I came back from 400km long trip, hangover as we went drinking sat after our match, tired as fuck from floorball games (One game lasts the same as ice hockey game) - perfect mix of being cocky and tilted for a disaster wipe of my BR.

My thought process was the basic 2 card one that I revert to when I play tilted - I open NL50 tables and this dude sits me - let's play till the fish join, no big deal.
has a ton of hands at 600NL from 2011 ish and a failed shot at high stakes, $400k tourney cashes

Needless to say, I get my ass handed to me.
11 wins, 31 losses lol

These are the hands above 6bb, as went chronologically:
-don't know him yet, he reps nothing much here and weak regs usually raise give up with air so I float.
Thing this was way too wide and my floating range should have less gutters and more back door flushdraws that I can continue with on the turn
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This hand made me realize something's off and I started googling him.
- flop is a decent one for check behind imo with the sd value. On the river against nl50 regs should be a call because of the sizing - they usually are polarized when they bet like that and Ank never bets like that. When he used polarizing sizing with a hand like that I knew I was in trouble xD
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he opened literally 100% buttons and called lot to 3bets so I rly think I have to be calling hands like these pf? I tried playign with 50vpip but I just l
On the river I hate a check call because I don't know what the hell to do so I bet big to try to look bluffy -,-
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Prolly shouldn't even open that hand preflop wen he 3b rly wide?
postflop don't think I'd play differently 3way
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So I wasn't 3betting him very much at all - but doing it with a hand like this is a desaster one way or the other. I just counted on him folding a lot pre as I didn't 3b much at this point. little did I know ;p
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I got fucken pissed by now he was aggro and I tilted. think if someone 3b 20% we can get in 88 99 but probably not 22.
Problem I have with this hand against someone who 3b alot is that when I call I don't get paid as much, and this guy was somewhat balanced in that he wasn't cbetting too much and did cr some as PFR so I rly hated calling. guess if I want to call wide range and bluff at him it's nice to have pocket pairs and strong hands in my range but I just can't flat hands well v aggro good guys. Because I never play aggro guys that are also good xD
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I felt I was totally being run over at this point - just folded preflop 8 times in a row just ran dead at the table I felt like I needed to take a stand at some point and did it with a hand like this, oops it just suck xD
Postflop I really don't know, the guy barrels with balanced frequency somewhat if I turn it into a bluffcatcher I pretty much fuck myself up and don't know how many to call off as the kicker's so weak. So basically I use the outs to barrel.
On the turn I pick up shitty heart draw I don't want ot cc or cf so bet seemed like the only option to me meh I dunno rly don't want to cf that aganst him when he call alot andwhen I cc I will want to strangle myself on pretty much any but 9 6 rivers.
River ship what else can I do
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Ye like I am completely hemorrhaging money don't knot what the fuck to do here. If I 4bet I have to fold to shove - he wasn't shoving like crazy or anything. If I do it too small to 4b fold he calls me and I'm fucked anyway.
So calling seemed like the best option by far, I am ahead of his range a ton and dominate random suited QKx shit he 3b with.
But then again - I don't know what to do when I call 3bets... when I peel one on the flop U just fold the turn and give him even more money, basically I hope he cbets and checks it down? or that I hit a jack?
fml I just give it to him...again...
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Ye so like he open 25% UTG 6max or somthing gay like that so I 3b stack off of course, in this flop he'll have air so much also draws yada yada he's aggro so I check raise in his face because fuck him... then I remembered that he likes to check behind IP and doesn't autobet when checked to like most people...oops? then I guess I wanted to seam weak I rly rep just shitty hands when I check twice and he should bet 2x on a lot of runouts so yeah check again call twice on river think I have to shove as I should cb a fd most of the time here.
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Okay so like I hate my sizing on the flop here - it's consistent with my range but all draws fucken beat me. I rly want to reraise huge here to seem liek I have a huge cock and I'm super commited like with a set because any made hand is just a flip against me
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Ye so like fuck that dude he 3b me foken all the time, Ima stack of 88. But wait the bitch calls me? fml of course. This is like the shittiest flop ever I have no equity mang but fuck him it's hits me A TON as well he should fold stuff.
Turn I just bet fold repping the nuts as he floated me like every time in any situation that kant.
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Alright I take this as paid tuition:
- Don't play HU at the highest stake you play when tilted and hangover
- Against good players I REALLY have to consider my own range and make sure I play based on equity, not raise with random shit just because I'm getting ran over.
- have to learn how to play when I call 3bets in and out of position.
- He showed me the importance of playing wide PF but then balancing postflop - float a lot IP, don't autocbet oop (He c/r against other people as PFR too), don't autobet vs missed cbets and generally use position a lot more. he c/r more than normal players and barreled more - basically when he'd be aggro postflop he'd make sure it's for more than one street if possible

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93% Sure! Last edit: 23/11/2013 06:46

drone666   Brasil. Nov 23 2013 08:56. Posts 1825

I played hu vs him a few months ago

hand 1
I rather 3bet the flop because aggro players will be betting the turn ( and sometimes rivers) most of the time even if they decide to bluff

hand 2
pretty standard size since your hand is faced up as a bluffcatcher and your range is capped

hand 3
I would rather have this hand in my 3bet range,don't like to call vs some competent player
turn I like to overbet and bet big some rivers, since he prob have some showdown value when he checks back the flop, even if he calls you will put him a in bad situation because his range is capped and you can rep really strong hands

hand 4
3handed don't know

hand 5
bad hand to 3bet with, std c/f postflop if his 3bet calling range is wide

hand 6
too many people, don't know

hand 7
don't like the 3bet unless he's folding a lot to 3bets

hand 8 - 11
too many people

146 hands is a really small sample to say anything about HU, you might just ran bad, but as you don't play hu and he's a decent HU player, he probably just owned you

Dont listen to anything I sayLast edit: 23/11/2013 09:00

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Nov 23 2013 08:59. Posts 15163

Nice thanks alot

93% Sure!  

drone666   Brasil. Nov 23 2013 09:14. Posts 1825


hand 2:
on the river I think it's a good spot to turn your hand into a bluff ( would be better if your hand was weaker ) if you think he is always valuebetting any ace, he doesn't have much 2pairs+ in his range and you have a few, K8, KQ, Q8, QQ, TJ, also he probably won't think you are capable of turning your hand into a bluff and isn't a spot where people generally bluff

Dont listen to anything I sayLast edit: 23/11/2013 09:15

djforever   Canada. Nov 23 2013 10:18. Posts 1510

I played a lot of 600nl vs him back in the day. He was super spewy back then.

DustySwedeDude   Sweden. Nov 23 2013 12:32. Posts 8623

Not that I play HU anymore, but isn't it standard to have something like at least 70%+ VPIP in HU? Most PLO matches i play HU I have like at least 80+.

NewbSaibot   United States. Nov 23 2013 12:39. Posts 4946

It seems to me like you're just really failing to represent anything. You 3bet with 96o but then puss out with a halfpot bet on a king high flop with 2 hearts. Is that what you would do with KJo? My guess is after 3betting and flopping top pair, you would probably cbet near full pot, especially if he has been calling a lot. Then on the turn you probably bet/fold or something if he jams. Or even check since you have defined his range a lot better now.

Kinda like in Hand 1 where you float. People dont float check-raised pots, they float cbets. You raised preflop, you have the initiative, and you're telling me that with any hand that hits this dry flop you're just calling a check-raise? Again, is this would you would do with AK? Fuck no you'd 3bet that flop.

Again in Hand 2, you raised preflop and dont cbet an ace high flop? If you've been opening a lot of buttons he's probably not just flatting with Ax that often, so you should easily be able to cbet flops like this and take it down. If he calls then you give up.

I'm no HU pro or anything, far be it for me to give advice, but it just seems like you are completely telegraphing every hand with what you have, and not what you want him to think you have I'd probably lose to him too but only because I'd be getting reverse value towned when he 3bets me with 95s and beats my ass with a flush when I have top pair

bye now 

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Nov 23 2013 13:19. Posts 15163

  On November 23 2013 11:32 DustySwedeDude wrote:
Not that I play HU anymore, but isn't it standard to have something like at least 70%+ VPIP in HU? Most PLO matches i play HU I have like at least 80+.

like half is 6max, he opened 100% buttons and vpip was around 75% hu.
I played with 60% vpip HU and felt like I'm draining money so much - it's like playing blind when im only used to tight ranges when I'm forced to open up a ton or get run over

93% Sure! Last edit: 23/11/2013 13:20

k4ir0s   Canada. Nov 23 2013 15:40. Posts 3478

man, I hate it when I try to start tables and only HU specialists join, then they leave when the table fills up.

because i'm stubborn, I always try to play them

I dont know what a dt drop is. Is it a wrestling move? -OlyLast edit: 23/11/2013 15:55

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Nov 23 2013 16:43. Posts 15163

ye I probably wouldn't play if I find out they are doing that. Fuck them I mean they bumhunt me?
Still should be aight at NL50, the regs won't sit when 2 good regs play and it's usually fish that come.

93% Sure!  

Highcard   Canada. Nov 23 2013 18:39. Posts 5428

well you are starting a table to get a new table going, he basically gave you a 100% boost towards getting a new table by sitting

I have learned from poker that being at the table is not a grind, the grind is living and poker is how I pass the time 

casinocasino   Canada. Nov 23 2013 20:31. Posts 3343

some preflop leaks

goose58   United States. Nov 24 2013 02:53. Posts 871

Sounds like you learned something from playing this guy. But was the amount you lost more than a HU coach would have cost? Food for thought.

k4ir0s   Canada. Nov 24 2013 04:16. Posts 3478

  On November 24 2013 01:53 goose58 wrote:
Sounds like you learned something from playing this guy. But was the amount you lost more than a HU coach would have cost? Food for thought.

this always goes through my mind when I tilt vs a good player, and write it off as a learning experience

I dont know what a dt drop is. Is it a wrestling move? -Oly 

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Nov 24 2013 05:42. Posts 15163

nah man I mean even if he anal rapes and makes you tilt like he did it's like what 20bb/100 edge in his favour?
So for 100 hands it's like $10 you paid in tuition, show me a coach that played on this dude's level that will coach you for that money ;P

93% Sure!  

casinocasino   Canada. Nov 24 2013 12:16. Posts 3343

You haven't really paid for your tuition, you don't realize your own mistakes, which is why you post your hands for analysis.

Not even comparable to a coach imo.


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