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MARSHALL28   United States. Dec 05 2013 12:30. Posts 1897
I signed a deal to make 18 videos at runitonce over the next 12 months. Thought some of you might like to know.

Been running kind of bad in poker the last few weeks. Funny that whenever I post about big wins I seem to hit a downswing almost right after maybe 4 times out of 5. Very weird. Looks like only going to profit 15k for last month. Also I busted my ACR roll trying to play 25/50 and have run like 10k under expectation @ PLO so probably need to find a way to get some more funds on there.

That's all, GL

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ToT)MidiaN(    United Kingdom. Dec 05 2013 12:41. Posts 5070

I thought it was a pretty good debut video. I like how you didn't spend too long on the intro and it def had some useful content, although I can't really get behind the idea of checking 100% of your range on A44dd as PFR, I really don't get that, but I enjoyed the rest of the analysis. I'm curious, how are you doing so far in the Stars games? It seems most of your success lately has been on other sites, how do you think the Stars games compare to those other sites you play and have you dabbled much with the Zoom NL games? Thoughts on those vs the regular tables? Look forward to more vids anyway

One day good. One day bad. And some days, even hope 

napoleono   Romania. Dec 05 2013 12:52. Posts 771

I know its under NDA, but its worth a try - how much u get?

VanDerMeyde   Norway. Dec 05 2013 13:22. Posts 5108

Finally someone that talks fast in a video !!! All other videos make me fall asleep

Very strong video


Highcard   Canada. Dec 05 2013 13:24. Posts 5428

so what made you quit CR than decide to start back up at RIO?

I have learned from poker that being at the table is not a grind, the grind is living and poker is how I pass the time 

MARSHALL28   United States. Dec 05 2013 14:24. Posts 1897

  On December 05 2013 11:41 ToT)MidiaN( wrote:
I thought it was a pretty good debut video. I like how you didn't spend too long on the intro and it def had some useful content, although I can't really get behind the idea of checking 100% of your range on A44dd as PFR, I really don't get that, but I enjoyed the rest of the analysis. I'm curious, how are you doing so far in the Stars games? It seems most of your success lately has been on other sites, how do you think the Stars games compare to those other sites you play and have you dabbled much with the Zoom NL games? Thoughts on those vs the regular tables? Look forward to more vids anyway

i think probably betting some % of 4x and then some % of non showdown backdoor draws is probably good w/ the expectation to 3 barrel 4x for value and all bluffs whenever u pick up bd equity and to give up the times u dont is probably good too. obviously there are still a number of different ways to play and nobody knows exactly whats best.

i havent played much in the stars games mainly because they are quite tough ... definitely the toughest on the net. doesn't make sense for me to put as much time into games that i wont have as large of a winrate in. the zoom games are tougher than the regular 6max because most guys play an approach closer to GTO and attempt less exploitation. 500zoom is significantly tougher than 1knl regular.

MARSHALL28   United States. Dec 05 2013 14:24. Posts 1897

  On December 05 2013 12:22 VanDerMeyde wrote:
Finally someone that talks fast in a video !!! All other videos make me fall asleep

Very strong video


MARSHALL28   United States. Dec 05 2013 14:24. Posts 1897

  On December 05 2013 11:52 napoleono wrote:
I know its under NDA, but its worth a try - how much u get?


MARSHALL28   United States. Dec 05 2013 14:25. Posts 1897

  On December 05 2013 12:24 Highcard wrote:
so what made you quit CR than decide to start back up at RIO?

cr wasn't really willing to pay me as much as i thought the videos were worth and also they have moved away from doing too many full length videos so there just wasnt that much availability.

Darace   France. Dec 05 2013 15:13. Posts 255

the regular crew back at my pad. there's no way these were taken before 4am, haha

TimDawg    United States. Dec 05 2013 20:07. Posts 10197

Just saw this yesterday. Congrats

I will have to give it a watch soon

online bob is actually a pretty smart person, not at all like the creepy fucker that sits in the sofa telling me he does nasty shit to me when im asleep - pinball 

Baalim   Mexico. Dec 05 2013 22:38. Posts 34261

how much are u paid per vid? if you dont mind telling

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

NewbSaibot   United States. Dec 05 2013 23:24. Posts 4946

  On December 05 2013 21:38 Baalim wrote:
how much could someone theoretically be paid to make videos? if you dont mind telling


bye now 

handbanana21   United States. Dec 06 2013 04:45. Posts 3037

Seems like ego is the motivating factor to being an instructor. I just couldnt see myself doing it. Theres a reason why all the rio coaches are b/e / losing players in 2013.

tooker   . Dec 06 2013 05:54. Posts 470

  On December 06 2013 03:45 handbanana21 wrote:
Seems like ego is the motivating factor to being an instructor. I just couldnt see myself doing it. Theres a reason why all the rio coaches are b/e / losing players in 2013.

Is this true? I remember in one of galfond's videos he talked about how he made sure the vid makers were winners at their stakes. Would like to know cause I'm currently paying 100/month. Only watched Galfond/sauce/Marshall's vid but will eventually watch others.

MARSHALL28   United States. Dec 06 2013 10:30. Posts 1897

  On December 06 2013 03:45 handbanana21 wrote:
Seems like ego is the motivating factor to being an instructor. I just couldnt see myself doing it. Theres a reason why all the rio coaches are b/e / losing players in 2013.

seems like jealousy driven post. not uncommon to see in quite a few of your posts in general.

lol ... im up >300k this year but w/e.

handbanana21   United States. Dec 06 2013 14:19. Posts 3037

  On December 06 2013 09:30 MARSHALL28 wrote:
Show nested quote +

seems like jealousy driven post. not uncommon to see in quite a few of your posts in general.

lol ... im up >300k this year but w/e.

I didnt mean for it to come off as negative towards you. And im far from jealous.. shark/irunlucky/lucas are all b/e in 2013 and that new guy alpha went on a 100k ds and decided to be a coach. It seems like a joke that guys cant win any more then decide to become coaches off of past results. You can have a debate with me about a subject without having to come off as a tool.

NewbSaibot   United States. Dec 06 2013 15:50. Posts 4946

Whats the difference between being a coach and just offering free advice on the forums? Is everyone commenting on hand histories a losing player? Some people just like to help. Teaching also forces your mind to think 4th dimensionally.

bye now 

flounder44   United States. Dec 06 2013 16:01. Posts 916


flounder44   United States. Dec 06 2013 16:03. Posts 916

  On December 06 2013 14:50 NewbSaibot wrote:
Whats the difference between being a coach and just offering free advice on the forums? Is everyone commenting on hand histories a losing player? Some people just like to help. Teaching also forces your mind to think 4th dimensionally.

Did you seriously just ask whats the point of making money? I think theres a kid on LP that charged like an exponent of his winnings named myth... i wonder how many retards fell for that


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