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LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Dec 08 2013 10:09. Posts 15163
You oughta Look Out? No my precious, this blog is about the proper douchey meaning.. There's a lot of people that are waiting for something. They are the far seer causality scientists of this world and speak in the "when" "then" terms. When the perfectly right moment arises, then I'll speak to that hot chick in my class. When i retire, then I'll start working on my dreamy model airplanes. When I get promoted or fired and change my job, then I'll be happy. What they don't realize is that they can be run over an ice cream truck tomorrow, and also how the human brain works.

The brain is constantly overwhelmed by an endless stream of information, ant it's constantly to process it and make sense of it all whilst projecting everything assimilated into the future in order to help you make decisions. In the process it simplifies, anchors to arbitrary things, and tries to see patterns even where there absolutely are none. It fabricates the projection of the future, but also manipulates the understanding of the present.

So fuck the when and then, either act and take the steps to shag that girl or build the model airplane RIGHT NOW. Or simply ask your brain often, loud and clear to perceive the present; not the fabricated projection of the future; as the time and place to be happy, as the time of opportunities, not problems. Because even when you are absolutely sure you know the "when" and "then" you are still probably wrong.

/end random bored on subway ramble.

Personal shit:
Went to Paris for 4 days, spent one watching 4 Star Wars movies in a row with my pal drinking their largest, 250ml beers. Yolo.

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93% Sure! Last edit: 08/12/2013 10:10

iop   Sweden. Dec 08 2013 11:16. Posts 4951

You went to Paris and stayed in and watched 4 Star Wars movies inside? Why?

Milkman lol i didnt spend half a thousand on a phone so i could play it cool and be all stealth 

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Dec 08 2013 11:21. Posts 15163

Also I went there more to visit my pal than sightseeing, even tho we did that too

93% Sure!  

Darace   France. Dec 08 2013 13:31. Posts 255

  On December 08 2013 09:09 LemOn[5thF] wrote:
drinking their largest, 250ml beers. Yolo.


LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Dec 08 2013 15:43. Posts 15163

bottles in packs come in 250ml and smaller sizes in supermarkets usually

93% Sure!  

Darace   France. Dec 09 2013 14:57. Posts 255

No idea what you're talking about

Twisted    Netherlands. Dec 10 2013 05:07. Posts 10422

Not entirely sure you know what ´yolo´ means.

2c0ntent   Egypt. Dec 10 2013 21:07. Posts 1387

OP knows what yolo means

yolo is spelled
you only live once.

not You Oughta Look Out

get real kid

blast you with my fist

that is how you play knock-out

+-Last edit: 10/12/2013 21:10


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