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GoldRush   United States. Dec 11 2013 18:31. Posts 1025
Hey guys, gonna do a write up on my first 4 months in Canada so far (3 months 28 days or so)

Key points - No More Rent Payments, at 100% with backup backers if need be, 60-65 days left.

So I got up here and stayed with a good friend, we were drinking alot, going out a lot, was a fun month, he charged me $100 a week and was very hospitable. He does really well in most 2/5 games around the city and has been playin around 10 years. That was a lot of fun.

After a month, his lease was up, he moved into a new apartment, it was a 1 BR, so I found a place on a craigslist like site (moved in with a Tibetan man and his French Canadian Wife. They had 2 kids, one dressed like a pirate all the time and was cool as heck, the other was a lil 2 year old girl, she was cute but never said much. she would just smile up at me though that house was speaking french,english and Tibetan. Tibetan mostly, kinda cool since my Father and step-mom are Tibetan Buddhists. Had a great insight. There was some sweet bike trails, was a safe nice neighborhood, but living with a family after being on my own for 10 yrs was really starting to cramp my stlye. The kids would scream so loud for sooo was sick.

I then went and found a 4 month lease downtown Ottawa, since its downtown its pretty steep (I just had a sick heater though so wasn't to worried about it) ~1200/month (paid 2400 move in - security deposit will be my Jan 14th - Feb 14th rent) - Paying rent again in ~3 days.

I was staked the Majority of the time I was up here which was cool, I made a solid 40k or so and things were great. I was very content and working hard non stop etc.

After moving into my new house...we hit quite the hick-up. I had an issue with getting my medication (Bi-Polar/OCD) - and had to go 2 weeks without playing. When I came back, my reads were off, my timing was off, everything was off.

After a few days, -5k or so...after a week....-15k or so...after 6 weeks...-28k or so in gameplay....

Nothing was going my way, AK vs AT on K77 boards, JQ turn riv, KK vs AK, A riv everytime etc, for thousands obviously.

I never took any time off, my heart knew I was in a semi manic state, I knew I needed time off, but also the ticking time frame of Canada (2 months 3 days before Jersey I imagine) (can stay 6mo/yr)

So I was off the stake, got a loan that I tilted into the ground, got another $500 loan and finally started playing decently. Thank god I paid off like 20k in debt prior, or there's no way in hell I would have had any credibility in the industry to stay afloat and I would have went home packing on the 14th most likely. Maybe a little silver lining of good karma there for working so hard for so long to rectify my past, always leaving myself with practically nothing..

SO ya, after I was off the stake, I was doing pretty bad, I lost for 3 weeks, then took 3 days off, that I knew I needed to take like a month ago.

Came back and fell into a good rhythm again, on a Very Low Bankroll ($500) I was playing mostly 45 man SNG's and NL10.

I managed to bink out a 3.5 180 and get 2nd in another one at the same time for a solid $800, and finish the night in some $4.40 1k max for 2nd for another $200 and something.

OK that was GOOD. Rent PAID.

No More Rent Payments in Canada for the following 2 months. Only expenses are food and a lil green.

Time to take this BR to the Roof.

So since I got off the stake, I've been thinking purely in terms of hourly.

I have been doing the grind in multiple ways, but ZooM is the most fitting.

I have been playing 90-120 minute zoom sessions, taking 30-90 minutes off, and doing the same. then going to SNG's at night (reg 10-20) and finish the night with a few mtts and look to bink out good.

So i have 2 months left, im low br'd - but i survived lol, i have ppl that want to back me if need be, but yeah, take my time and good br management and i shouldn't need to worry about much, although going back to work for John may happen in the future.

Lifes been nuts, 45k upswing, 30k downswing, kinda on like a lil swing up i guess now? uptickin a grand or more...2 months to get to 20-50k.

Workin hard...

Thx for everyones support via skype through the tough times, things are lookin up again, LI YOU WILL GET IT LOL! NO BULLSHIT! Sry didn't take care of you on that upswing sir! Get it to ya when I can

Respect guys,
I'm gonna Chronicle Everyday to Robusto or Busto with 60 days of blogging before I gotta bounce back to USA.

Yesterday - BR 1779 - +$81 NL10 + NL50. (3bi + 1bi)

Today - Cashout $1395 for rent and medication.

BR LEFT : $366.02

On my Own I make like 2-20k a month
Staked, I make like 15-50k a month...lets see if I can get to 5-20k by 30 days and 30-100k by 60 days. That'd be sweet.


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 Last edit: 11/12/2013 22:02

Trolala   Estonia. Dec 11 2013 20:36. Posts 2050

good luck

TheTrees   United States. Dec 11 2013 20:38. Posts 1592

I feel like I need a translator when I read your posts

hiems   United States. Dec 11 2013 21:01. Posts 2979

If I were you I would drive a cab or go back on the stake. It's going to be hard to do anything with that bankroll so low.

I beat Loco!!! [img][/img]Last edit: 11/12/2013 21:02

hiems   United States. Dec 11 2013 21:06. Posts 2979

  On December 11 2013 19:36 Trolala wrote:
good luck

I'm not you though.

I beat Loco!!! [img][/img] 

n1ck   Bulgaria. Dec 11 2013 21:33. Posts 308

I don't mean to be a dick but OPR has you at 200k winnings for 2013. We have no idea how much the profit is. But let's say you are the ultimate monster and have like 30% ROI which I highly doubt. This is 60k profit which makes an average of 5k/month.

How can you say you make 15-50k a month?

This whole post sounds very delusional and is more worrying than funny.

The cruelest dream, reality. 

Shenny   Canada. Dec 11 2013 21:54. Posts 1514

Dude we still haven't hung yet eh? I'm just on kent. Let's hit up some place and watch a sens game somewhere.

GoldRush   United States. Dec 11 2013 22:03. Posts 1025

n1ck i played 2 months on stars in 2013.

GoldRush   United States. Dec 11 2013 22:04. Posts 1025

Shenny gimme a week bud - buildin up some cash - payin rent tomorrow and have to send the rest of my cash back home

playin cheap ass sng's and mtt's and nl10 zoom building up right now

in a week or two hopefully.

GoldRush   United States. Dec 11 2013 22:05. Posts 1025

so n1ck that would be 30k a month but OPR only tracks prizes and not cashes, use sharkscope.

I'm up ~10k in MTT's on the trip - i haven't looked in depth, maybe more maybe less, but most likely 10-15.

GoldRush   United States. Dec 11 2013 22:06. Posts 1025

been a shitty trip so far but 60 days to turn it around and well atleast no more stress

NewbSaibot   United States. Dec 11 2013 23:49. Posts 4946

a $300 bankroll is fine, if you have an alternate stream of income. Cant you at least get like a part time job or something for some guaranteed cash flow in between? It would hardly cut into your play time and keep you afloat when times get rough. Go back and get some more roomates, split rent 3-4 ways, that oughta do it. Anyway I'm glad to see a little honesty coming out about how dire your circumstances really are. Confessing you only have $366 is a lot better than just talking about the 10k upswings.

bye nowLast edit: 11/12/2013 23:50

mnj   United States. Dec 11 2013 23:57. Posts 3848

just look at the blogs. u have wh00sel a highly successful responsible player making mirrions and mr goldrush. who would have had more money in his account if wokring and moving up the ladder at McD's.

Skoal   Canada. Dec 12 2013 01:11. Posts 460

The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.

-Neillyson Mandela

Xervean   United States. Dec 12 2013 01:17. Posts 682

  On December 12 2013 00:11 Skoal wrote:
The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.

-Neillyson Mandela

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Dec 12 2013 03:09. Posts 15163

Is it rly normal to play on stake most of the time in poker? Never had one apart from a couple single MTT ones doesnt it suck to play for other people and be stressed out you gonna lose their money?

93% Sure!  

traxamillion   United States. Dec 12 2013 03:35. Posts 10468

good luck neilly. I remember you posting 200nl and PLO hands not that long ago. Was that on a stake?

or did you go off the stake with a decent BR then hit a downswing... then make some back to pay rent.. and now here you are? quite the roller coaster but you are +ev making money just stick to whatever is most profitable for you.

hiems   United States. Dec 12 2013 03:55. Posts 2979

  On December 12 2013 02:09 LemOn[5thF] wrote:
Is it rly normal to play on stake most of the time in poker? Never had one apart from a couple single MTT ones doesnt it suck to play for other people and be stressed out you gonna lose their money?

I don't understand why you don't apply for a stake yourself...I'm not going to expound further than that as you seem like a person pretty deadest on your ways. I probably won't bother you further on these boards after this post.

I beat Loco!!! [img][/img] 

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Dec 12 2013 04:15. Posts 15163

  On December 12 2013 02:55 hiems wrote:
Show nested quote +

I don't understand why you don't apply for a stake yourself...I'm not going to expound further than that as you seem like a person pretty deadest on your ways. I probably won't bother you further on these boards after this post.

Why would I apply for a stake? I have the br for games I want to play with my current skill (nl50) why give someone half of all my winnings and be stressed out?
Please do tell but why not just move down when you are running bad instead of getting staked? I get MTTs and high stakes have huge variance so its kinda understandable to do swaps and stakes etc. But never rly got it for low stakes NL

93% Sure! Last edit: 12/12/2013 04:18

MysticJoey   Poland. Dec 12 2013 11:33. Posts 1430

this video is too good, just brilliant, kills me everytime


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