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The poker mindset

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NewbSaibot   United States. Dec 29 2013 04:27. Posts 4946
I'm looking for some material on how you should be thinking as a professional when it comes to making money at poker. Nothing specific about poker strategy, just the whole psychology of a successful player. Lately I've been getting super tilted playing HU vs fish, even when I'm winning. Thats right, I dont even want to play them even when I'm ahead. The other day I played a reg for over 2 hours and loved it. To me it was fun. This seems like completely backwards thinking. I should be overjoyed to play the fish reloading 5x and should hate playing regs.

I know there are a few "how to think like a winning player" type books out there, and am just looking for opinions on which to get.

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LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Dec 29 2013 08:15. Posts 15163

The poker mindset is pretty good lol

93% Sure!  

r0mx0   Slovakia. Dec 29 2013 13:10. Posts 1581

put jared tendler radio into youtube , helped me a bit

You gotta plow through that shit !  

drone666   Brasil. Dec 29 2013 16:42. Posts 1825

mental game of poker by jared tendler is by far the best
but don't just read it, read multiple times and do the exercises and I'm pretty sure that you will fix 90% of all your tilting issues ( I lazy as fuck and for me it's hard to keep doing everything I should ), also I'm reading an awesome book that I I think it's pretty good for poker players overall and especially for your specific issues, the book is not about poker, is about motivation

the book is DRIVE - by Dan Pink

Dont listen to anything I say 

devon06atX   Canada. Dec 29 2013 17:54. Posts 5459

  On December 29 2013 07:15 LemOn[5thF] wrote:
The poker mindset is pretty good lol

This. I have it as the book that props up my laptop heh. Probably read it 3 times now. Not a game changer, but has some interesting points.

Garfed   Malta. Dec 29 2013 18:15. Posts 4818

The poker mindset and mental game of poker by jared tendler are both decent imo.

player999   Brasil. Dec 29 2013 22:05. Posts 7978

its normal for me to feel kinda mad when playing fish because of how bad they play, but then again I also feel mad with regs because they also play terribly

playing poker is one endless streak of tilt for me

Browsing through your hand histories makes me wonder that you might not be aware these games are possibly play money. Have you ever tried to cash out? - Kapol 


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