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LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Dec 31 2013 14:46. Posts 15163
It was my 7th year in Scotland, first after I broke up with my ex-gf of 4years. She was kinda the reason why I stayed in Edinburgh in the first place - our common language was English.

Job I rly liked stop paying us, wasn't enough work and the entire office is now gone.
I was burnt out, felt rly bad because of that, was eating rly badly and fell completely out of shape.
It was even worse than this
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October year before I decided I'm gonna grind some poker on the side for funzies from $50 and now I had to pay bills with it. So when my manager/flatmate decided to move to London I knew I'd move on from Edinburgh. I had some job offers for 26keur/y+comission from Ireland, and with a good degree and 2+y experience in sales/finance I'd get easily get a decently paying job and could continue the grind in the UK.

But I knew if I do that I'd stick at it and would hardly get the chance to do something that was originally planned to happen after 2 semesters in Scotland - move back to Czech Republic, at least for a few months.

So in August I just threw all my stuff had away (my russian neighbours took all my stuff like 5 minutes after I put it next to garbage outside xD), bought an airplane ticket and without savings moved to Czech Republic and stayed with my sister for a few months. I made enough to cover expenses with part time pokering while catching up with friends, starting floorball again at a local team and after looking at the local job market and rents decided - what the hell I can actually do it and it;s pretty much the only option that allows me to try playing sports on a high level again and stay in mu home town - Ima play poker fulltime :D

It took me October to get set up in my new $200/mo flat and since November I've been playing poker fulltime. Since them I dropped some 10kg, got under 90kg for the first time in some 4years
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Things I have improved poker wise
- Started thinking in ranges again when playing A game
- I still tilt, but my C game is WAY better than it used to be. I used to have 10-15BI money spew sessions, and now even in drawn out full retard sessions the mistakes I make are so much less frequent than when I played nearly fulltime as a student. The job in sales helped heaps in that aspect, its was pretty much the same -hard way to make an easy living as some 80people would reject you every day and you sign up 2-4 for good moneyz.
- started my strategy thread where I write down what I learned including hand reviews. I think working too much on theory is harmful and I tried to avoid that and work on my own game instead, and record only quality resources that I can review afterwards.
- improved mindset. I listened to this:
this and it rly helped in terms of being okay with what I am. I'm comfortable with myself as a person and I must say compared to other people I'm like Jesus Christ :D. I simply decided that I take enough negatives at work in terms of lost pots (read my blog on attitude) that I'm not gonna be negative outside poker. Normal people don't get this but but I got closer to the mindset of "if you don't like something in your life, change it and if you can't or unwilling to do so, just learn to accept it"
- and probably the greatest and hardest accomplishment ever - Deleted dota and didn't touch it in over 2 months. This probably mad the biggest difference in my life as it freed up so much time it's incredible.

2012 graphs:
pre-purge hobby play next to work etc, from $50:
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Since new flat and grinding FT in November.
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+ made 40 bucks at NL100 (have PT4 small stakes only ;p)
+ got some $200 from $90 at microgaming. Sunk way too much time into 10Euro blaze poker I must say :D
+ rakeback, and around $1200 profit from tourneys.

Arbitrary things I want to work on in 2014. I am looking into proper goal setting in scholarly research but it's not finalized yet and it might take a couple months.
1) Thought process - plan range based not 2 card based. This is entirely in my sub-concious and my mind evaluates every spot in terms of their range and my range then uses my 2 cards.
I can play both pure exploitative or pure near gto in any spot.
2) Time management. I only spend time productively, when not playing or studying or talking about poker I read/hang with friends/excercise/walk/spend time with family and when I play poker, I only focus on poker.
3) I eat regularly and have strong healthy eating habits
4) I am fit enough to match or better any other goalkeeper in the highest Czech floorball division physically.
5) I have friends or coaches in the poker community with which I set goals and challenges every month, and I push myself to my maximum every day.
6) I know I work harder than any regular who I sit with at the tables.
7) My game is strong from the top bottom but also from the bottom up.
I continue to keep record of my C game and every month I summarize previosu month and take actions improve my c game as shown in my spew thread

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93% Sure! Last edit: 31/12/2013 14:51

Silver_nz   New Zealand. Dec 31 2013 22:49. Posts 5647

Great genuine blog. You've really got in control of your life since the start of the year. some helpful tips for me too

voodoouser   Iceland. Jan 01 2014 06:22. Posts 741

good luck for 2014! I'm quite sure you'll do well.

napoleono   Romania. Jan 01 2014 06:49. Posts 771

Gl buddy. Keep it up!

HaiVan   Bulgaria. Jan 03 2014 20:09. Posts 2083

Im happy that you seem to be getting it right this time man

You're playing better, getting your gym on and you are on your own and it seems to be exactly what you needed to make it work.

Keep up the good work! gl&hf

Poker chobo. 


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