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Target that fish

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NewbSaibot   United States. Jan 11 2014 03:26. Posts 4946
I've been playing off a hand chart lately to tighten up my game and have nailed down 24/18/6 stats which seems to be working well for me the last few thousand hands. Pretty much any flop I hit I smash so I like this hand range. But on a few occasions I've had direct position on a 100% vpip drooler and feel like I should be opening up my game a little, but not sure quite how much. Should I just proportionally scale up my range to around 30%? More? Or just keep doing what works, miss out on all the small/medium pots, and hope he pays me off big when I finally hit.

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LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Jan 11 2014 04:25. Posts 15163

you and your golden bullets man xD

93% Sure!  

SpasticInk   Sweden. Jan 11 2014 06:28. Posts 6298

I think you can play more hands than that, some hands you can probably see cheap flops with without putting too much money in preflop. Depends a bit what kind of fish - if it's a fish that plays too many hands and plays straightforward isolating with a wider range and barrell off is fine, but if it's fish that splashes postflop then seeing many cheaply pots and win big when u hit.

Bullshit   Canada. Jan 11 2014 16:01. Posts 738

you can play as many hands as you want as long as noone else is fucking with you

NewbSaibot   United States. Jan 11 2014 22:26. Posts 4946

It looks like betsizing has a lot to do with it. It's too hard to isolate them when they are calling 100% with any two, and then calling your cbet near 100% as well. You're just kinda guessing if you can win or not. But if you overbet preflop you can sorta define their range, or at least their desire to play the hand any further. Ran into 2 more players like this and decided to just start playing monster poker vs them. It was actually the result of tilt but it turned out to work in my favor, I'd 12x raise if they limped and get calls about 50% of the time, followed by a check/fold when I potted it on the flop. After about 20 minutes of this one of them just decided to 3bet ship T4o for 100BB's on me.

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napoleono   Romania. Jan 12 2014 10:37. Posts 771

If they call any 2 and also cbet on almost any board, its easy - just bet/raise for value and limp behind the connectors, 2-gappers. Maybe thats what u call monster poker?


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