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My poker diet

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LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Jan 12 2014 09:47. Posts 15163
I never realized how huge impact your diet can have.

For the past 6weeks my landlord was redoing the bathroom and kitchen so I was without fridge, microwave and freezer and couldn't cook much cause there were always builders and dust in the kitchen.

My diet consisted of
- pasta with ketchup/eggs sometimes just pasta
- sausages
- instant mash potatoes, instant soups
- ham, cereal bread
- protein powder
- plain porridge
- meals with family (christmas etc.)

My bowel movements were all over the place, energy levels down i felt heavy a lot cause I ate close to no light food and had trouble sleeping.

I'm so freaking relieved and when I found out last night that my fridge works and kitchen can be used again I had to go refill on normal stuff.
I was never excited about shopping like I have been today, felt a little gay but it felt so good to buy food I like again.

I don't go full paleo, and I don't count calories. Poker diet is all about being practical, carbohydrates help with production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that is responsible for balanced mood and self-control and steady levels should be a priority. Only wholewheat pasta and porridge for carbs is brutal tho hard on the stomach as I found last 6 weeks, I'll still use them moderately but last 6 weeks showed me the importance of easily digestible fibre containing carbs tat veg and fruit have - you just feel a lot lighter. Got bananas, oranges and some added fibre cereal bars for snacking - need to keep that carb intake balanced and not load 30 minutes before bed as I've been doing last few weeks with pasta (lead to shitty sleep)

Got my chicken breasts, canned tuna, 10%fat pork meat, dried soy meat and eggs for my brotein, they are rly good for recovery if you lift and help you feel fuller for longer. Proteins also help with production of dopamine, the neurotransmitter that regulates motivation an

Monosaturated fat helps with production of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine that is critical for learning and memory. It does keep you full as well I hear so got my extra virgin olive (gigitty) oil, peanut butter, pumpkin seeds and some fish for that.

I don't count calories, don't have an eating schedule since I workout randomly sometimes come home 23pm. Most food lasts long - frozen chicken, vegetables, canned fish, cucumbers, i buy bananas that are greenish. Basically it's all about simplicity. I don't have strict rules or anything for me it's more about eating the right stuff and getting into a habit of doing so and having fun in the process. I'll still keep protein shakes for after workouts and b6 b12 supp they seem to up my energy without the negative effects of caffeine.

Well let me guys know what you think, and how you go about creating a diet.

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Highcard   Canada. Jan 12 2014 11:28. Posts 5428

looks pretty good man. If you want to get your carbs from fruit, look for the fruits that have the closest ratios of sugars/fiber.

a very convenient fruit, easy to travel with, have high potassium but they have a ratios of like 3gfiber/12g sugar. So if you want to get your potassium from a better source, eating avocado is a better choice. Banana is still good but something to keep in mind.

Fruits with better fiber ratios are
small blueberries, blackberries, raspberries

Fruits good for recovery after workout

Resistant starches
a form of fiber like compound that is hard to digest and goes straight to the colon. Green bananas have resistant starches. So if you want to eat bananas at the optimal time, eat green or partially green bananas vs ripe

Eating foods that have been cooked than cooled, like sweet potatoes, rice, quinoa have higher ratios of resistant starches. Good idea to cook a large dish and refrigerate portions for later. the next meals eat it cool instead of re-heating, for optimal digestion.

I have learned from poker that being at the table is not a grind, the grind is living and poker is how I pass the time 

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Jan 12 2014 14:51. Posts 15163

ye are potatoes good or not?
I cant be bothered with peeling them though

They dont really sell sweet potatoes here much

93% Sure!  

Nitewin   United States. Jan 12 2014 15:08. Posts 1552

"felt a little gay but it felt so good to buy food I like again." lol why do you feel gay grocery shopping?

Potatoes are a cheap and good source of carbs, good for bulking up. Sweet potatoes have a higher carb to calories ratio, making them a better source of carbs to build lean muscle, I think. You can eat potato skin. They're also really easy to peel after they're baked/steamed.

Highcard   Canada. Jan 12 2014 15:24. Posts 5428

pretty sure reg cook potatoes have one of the highest sugar spike/crashes and sweet potatoes have a lot more nutrients. If you can't get any than I probably would only eat reg potatoes occasionally in the week.

I have learned from poker that being at the table is not a grind, the grind is living and poker is how I pass the time 

punix   Germany. Jan 12 2014 15:43. Posts 406

eventhough looks like i dont know anything about poker i do now a lot about nutrition and chemistry since i have a phd in chemistry

that diet looks quite good and potatoes are definetly quite good coz they contain quite a good amount of branched carbs. branched carbs take more time to get cleaved by your enzymes compared to linear carbs and therefore release less carbs at a time but keep your carbs realeses more steady over time (which can help foccusing hours after meal was eaten).
something that is very similar and you should watch out for are whole grain noodles.

Mortensen8   Chad. Jan 12 2014 15:59. Posts 1841

Potatoes are probably good in moderation, but don't quote me on this, I think I read somewhere that your body expends a lot of energy converting the starch into sugar.

Definetely buy a blender it's so much easier to eat more vegetables.
Here's what I do:
1 Carrot
1 apple
Spinach a bunch
1 lemon (better than oranges)
1 celery stick
blueberries or any berries
Evian water
Extra virgin olive oil
Some sort of vegetable powder blend (I buy pukka)
I mention evian specifically because you can be sure it is natural and not purified tap water also it is among the least fluoride heavy, others are probably good but be careful of certain brands.

Preferably organic and fresh but in some cases frozen is actually better because it's fresher.

Also a point about omega3 capsules; in most cases the oil is rancid, hence the nasty after burp sometimes. I don't promote the product but I found one that claims not to be rancid (eskimo) keep it refrigerated.

Unfortunately this is pretty expensive, but I would much rather prioritize food over everything else.

Rear naked wokeLast edit: 12/01/2014 19:40

dnagardi   Hungary. Jan 12 2014 17:58. Posts 1776

whats wrong with tap water, my drink source is 95% that

hiems   United States. Jan 12 2014 18:33. Posts 2979

I probably hate grocery shopping more than any other activity. I think I'd rather do laundry or go to the DMV. I've been eating out on a reasonable budget. Then again, I don't function great without a professional cleaning lady haha. Unless I am serious about working out I perceive it just being a huge ball of rake (time, energy, etc). Guys like Bttech86 seem pretty crazy. I also find myself turning into a food nihilist often when I get active in the kitchen. What's the point of learning this recipe. What's the point of this and that. And end up eating like a bodybuilder/soldier/SuzieOrman. I don't have many health issues at all with regards to risk of diabetes or obesity either.

I beat Loco!!! [img][/img] 

Mortensen8   Chad. Jan 12 2014 19:22. Posts 1841

  On January 12 2014 16:58 dnagardi wrote:
whats wrong with tap water, my drink source is 95% that

Depends where you are in the world, people will go on about how it's perfectly safe and it might be safe, but I don't like the taste anywhere except where I grew up, faroe islands, which is really rainy and remote.

In many low income neighbourhoods the government takes it upon themselves to keep people's teeth healthy by adding fluoride which I don't want (this also occurs naturally with varying degrees but is usually low in fresh water).

Rear naked wokeLast edit: 12/01/2014 19:35

el_tilon   Canada. Jan 12 2014 20:33. Posts 296

good job! Do you actually considering in lifting weights? or just dieting for healthy purpose?


GoTuNk   Chile. Jan 12 2014 20:41. Posts 2860

Do not eat soy or derivatives of soy under any circumstance.

Silver_nz   New Zealand. Jan 13 2014 01:17. Posts 5647

nice diet, gotta find that balance between quality foods, and easy of use. If it isn't easy enough to eat healthy, you will inevitably end up junk again. so any ideas that are easy + healthy are great imo. e.g. when I played poker for long sessions I had a microwave and mini fridge right next to my computer, so I could microwave up mixed vege and chuck some tuna or beans on, then chow down without losing my seats to the left of droolers. Easy and plenty healthy

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Jan 13 2014 03:29. Posts 15163

  On January 12 2014 19:33 el_tilon wrote:
good job! Do you actually considering in lifting weights? or just dieting for healthy purpose?

I'm a goalkeeper in a not so well known sport called floorball - train 3x1.5hrs/week (+warmups) 2hr game every 2 weeks
I do gym as well average around 2xper week altho try to go more.

It's not really "dieting" just eating well and it does have huge impact on profitability in poker as you can play more and focus more when you eat healthy

93% Sure!  

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Jan 13 2014 03:30. Posts 15163

  On January 12 2014 19:41 GoTuNk wrote:
Do not eat soy or derivatives of soy under any circumstance.

why not?
seemed aight and it's so easy to make macros seem good in that +high fibre?

93% Sure!  

VanDerMeyde   Norway. Jan 13 2014 08:18. Posts 5108

ice cubes + cole zero + a slice of lemon as drink


QuirkyEric   Slovakia. Jan 13 2014 08:42. Posts 308


Je ti 31 let a umíš akorát klikat myší, vzpamatuj se -Daniel Havlík 

Mariuslol   Norway. Jan 13 2014 10:48. Posts 4742

  On January 12 2014 18:22 Mortensen8 wrote:
Show nested quote +

Depends where you are in the world, people will go on about how it's perfectly safe and it might be safe, but I don't like the taste anywhere except where I grew up, faroe islands, which is really rainy and remote.

In many low income neighbourhoods the government takes it upon themselves to keep people's teeth healthy by adding fluoride which I don't want (this also occurs naturally with varying degrees but is usually low in fresh water).

When I buy a bottle of water at the store, I always empty it, and pour tap water in it instead xD

Mariuslol   Norway. Jan 13 2014 10:52. Posts 4742

I try and follow this, not following all of it, but most of it.

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Mariuslol   Norway. Jan 13 2014 10:52. Posts 4742

Been really lazy lately, cba to look up more, and read more about food. Had a period I did it a lot awhile back, and now, I cba anymore. This will have to do xD


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