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4-5 Week break from LP

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mnj   United States. Jan 15 2014 01:33. Posts 3848
Randomly took a break because I was away from my desktop due to holidays and moving (for job).

And this is prob the most passively effective I've ever been in my life (not even exaggerating).

1. I picked up french on android app "Duolingo" and have been putting 30 minute sessions a day usually while taking a shit or waiting on random stuff like restaurants or coffee.

2. Ran a half marathon after training 4 weeks. Took me 2 hours 18 minutes. Running's been kind of addicting for me, after at age 25 being diagnosed with worriesome blood pressure ~140 mg/90. The way the doctor explained it to me was, yea it's prob ok for now, but when your 50, you really will want to reach 75 so go ahead and start now. Everyone has around 1.8 billion beats in their hearts, and the harder it is for ur heart to pump, the more resistance (aka high blood pressure) the more beats it takes per day. multiply this over 20 years, and its easy to see why you wont make it to 70 when u should be living to 100. Also running has been addicting. I've never enjoyed running even after training for a triathlon. But lately I've been doing a set time vs a set amount of miles. This way it's lost time anyway, and I should look to leisurely run and build my endurance.

3. Started playing guitar, and picked up a lot of songs. Cry me a river, hallelujah, say something, hey jude were all surprisingly easy to play!

4. Reached 4.3k on bovada! Really soft tables, and as a matter of fact fish get bigger as u reach .5/1, this allowed me to buy a surface pro2 and macbook pro and a mac thunderbolt display (all through my brother's bestbuy discount!).

5. Pretty good video. I think it's honestly prob worth a few thousand dollars for the students who are currently interviewing/looking for jobs

6. Pretty good economics article on government owned vs privately owned.

I remember there was a thread where TT got flamed over some opinions and ppl kind of dog piled on him after he said something questionable about economics or something. i just wanted to say that I learned economics through school. And part of the beauty of it was a) how logical everything was and b) how wrong I was about a lot of common phenomenon. Economics can definitely be tricky and it's a different way of thinking then what we've learned growing up. Everyone's acting like they were fucking born knowing economics or were self taught. Well honestly congrats if u somehow did self teach urself economics and ur prob a freaking genius, honestly. but for those few who are interested here's what i consider a very reasonable article detailing one of the beauties of capitalism (how demand is met with socially efficient amount of supply, without anyone having to say a word)

7. finally finished infinite jest. when i first picked it up 1-2 years ago, it was so damn hard to read at first. but it's a book like no other. even if ur just looking at the way the book has been organized. i've read in interviews that dfw had a poster of some pyramid fractal, and thought "i wonder if i can write a book like that". well he basically did. the book jumps from here and there. and because of that you can actually read the book from any page. i prob read 75% of it, but because of the structure never really felt the need to finish it. but after being home with so much time i ended up reading the whole thing. think there's a time in most people's lives when reading this book would be meaningful.


gl and keep productive lp!
i'll prob still check this site out once a week but not too sure about posting. most of my posts are pretty worthless and meaningless haha.

and i also want to randomly say/point out, for those of us where poker didn't work out i almost want to say we're the lucky ones. i think were forced to go back to reality and forced to grow and interact with it. i don't want this to come across as an anti-poker comment, but honestly, if you're a successful poker player, there is so much to be proud of. you're doing something successfully that less than 1% of the population can do. but at the same time, there is no doubt in my mind, that with those skills you could have accomplished something even greater. naturally this is pretty subjective and perhaps for some of you, given the countries your living in, poker was the best method possible. but when i see the posters on lp, there is some fucking talent and it's really easy for me to see the majority of you guys living full, kind, productive lives.

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 Last edit: 15/01/2014 01:42

napoleono   Romania. Jan 15 2014 02:08. Posts 771

Not sure why being away from lp gave u so much time. Not like there is too much going on. More than some 10 posts/day plus a couple hands, I almost read everything that pops up (besides ufc) and i dont think i spend more than 40 minutes.

Gj nonetheless on the achievments.

Highcard   Canada. Jan 15 2014 02:23. Posts 5428

maybe if you quit all forms of news and social media you can come up with some great ideas to improve the world. I am not joking

I have learned from poker that being at the table is not a grind, the grind is living and poker is how I pass the time 

PuertoRican   United States. Jan 15 2014 02:34. Posts 13095

  On January 15 2014 01:08 napoleono wrote:
Not sure why being away from lp gave u so much time. Not like there is too much going on. More than some 10 posts/day plus a couple hands, I almost read everything that pops up (besides ufc) and i dont think i spend more than 40 minutes.

Gj nonetheless on the achievments.

Rekrul is a newb 

napoleono   Romania. Jan 15 2014 04:02. Posts 771

^ haha

The heartbeat thing -

with an avg of 70 beats/min = 70*60*24*365 = 36,792,000 beats/ year

So 1,8 billion is at most 50 years with an avg of 70, so I call BS. Also women's heart beat faster, yet the life expectancy of a woman is higher than for a man. So BS ^2?

mnj   United States. Jan 15 2014 10:41. Posts 3848

maybe he said 2.8 haha

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Jan 15 2014 13:31. Posts 15163

did you delete dota too?

93% Sure!  

Chewits   United Kingdom. Jan 15 2014 16:03. Posts 2539

2 hours 18 minutes is pretty fucking legit time for a Marathon lol. Considering elite runners would consider 2 hour 5 min good.. thats pretty good man. Congratz!

Edit: lol just saw u said half marathon. Yeah ok that sounds more realistic after 4 weeks training haha. GJ still good though!

I am a degen. Do not believe in any of my advice.Last edit: 15/01/2014 16:04

thewh00sel    United States. Jan 15 2014 16:26. Posts 2734

Productivity ftw! Re: Economics articles, I would read some of Thomas Sowell's stuff. He's very logical, and he's a talented writer. To get an idea of the stuff he writes about, check out "The Thomas Sowell Reader." It's a collection of his essays on various topics ranging from education, to economic issues, to diversity. He's very good at showing how small changes which seem like ok ideas at first have large impacts that can be predicted if you think about them.

A government is the most dangerous threat to man’s rights: it holds a legal monopoly on the use of physical force against legally disarmed victims. - Ayn Rand 

julep   Australia. Jan 15 2014 16:50. Posts 1274

nice post.

but the song everyone learns guitar on is eruption or the solo to stairway to heaven

Stroggoz   New Zealand. Jan 15 2014 22:29. Posts 5328

hey mnj good to see ya. I went into hermit mode with no internet over the summer(except for a couple days)

I quit poker a while ago and am going to start uni pretty soon(although not doing economics). I still dont know much about economics, but my interest is more in the political side of it, and the economic principles that are applied in the real world.

Here's another little rant about economics and i can elucidate my point more clearly since i know a lot more than last time i ranted.

It does disturb me how many people believe the libertarian economic principles on this website. I think people should know that over the past 20-30 years many of the third world nations adopted these principles and suffered immensely because of it. MIT, Harvard, and particularly Chicago University taught these principles to the brightest people in the third world and they went back and enforced them, sometimes using dictatorships to do it. These people became known as technopols, and the third world was governed by this authoritarian technocracy. The third world was also forced to adopt these principles when the IMF made them conditions for getting loans. Something that relates to the article on Egypt. Fast forward to the present, and every country that was run by these economic principles suffered in every economic measure, except for Hong Kong. For people that are brave enough to follow the American media may have noticed the Austrian economists screaming about inflation during the recession, but not many people know that Brazil had 42% inflation and was one of the fasting growing economics during the 60s and 70s before it underwent the changes enforced by IMF, ect. South Korea had 20% inflation during its economic miracle. And even Chicago University showed a study that inflation between 8-10% has no effect on economic growth.

i read 20 or so books on economics related stuff last year. Mostly it was about how economics is applied in the real world, economic history, globalization, and neo-liberalism- financial crises, ect. I read the real history of my own country and how it came to adopt a 'hayekian philosophy' during the 1980's. government documents used the economic principles of comparative advantage, rational expectations, and 'efficiency' to justify the corporatization and eventual privatization of assets, as well as the loss of protectionist barriers and deregulation of finance, ect. . These principles have had a few critics that never get much attention in the media, the main ones are Joseph Stiglitz, Ha Joon Chang, and Noam Chomsky. efficiency is an interesting economic principle, when the techocrats used that argument what they meant was that a private asset was 'efficient' at making profit. Not efficient for people though. So for example a pharmaceutical company is efficient when it charges drugs for HIV/AIDs for $10,000 per year per person for african countries. Poor people cant afford it, but it doesn't matter. If a company ran at a loss and made that those drugs for free, it would be inefficient for profit, but efficient for people. That serves a purpose but in economic terms is deemed inefficient. (incidentally, in the real world those African countries imported copy-drugs from India that cost about $200-however this broke the WTO intellectual property rights agreements.) IP laws is another way the multinationals prevent the third world from developing, and a good way to protect their profits.

When it comes to 'free trade' and economic development, what's called a 'free trade agreement' is usually just a doublethink ideological word, and it is actually really a protectionist agreement, protecting the profits and rights of giant multinational corporations. This was true for the NAFTA FTA. And is probably true for the TPP one. Although the propagandists learn to use the word 'Partnership' instead of 'Free Trade agreement' this time around because people were beginning to figure it out. Anyway it's interesting to go back and see that in 1993 all the mainstream economists, even Krugman supported Nafta(one can see in this new york times archive)

For some reason the people that supported free trade for the third world forgot the fact that India and China were the worlds strongest economies 250 years ago, and that as Britain conquered India they used the same free trade arguments to open it up, stopping economic development in India. (Back then they were superior manufacturers to Britain in many ways). The way countries escaped the wrath of eternal poverty enforced by Britain was to develop their own barriers. The reason that India doesnt rule the world today and America isn't a peasant society producing corn and exporting its raw materials is because of the extreme protectionism it adopted in the 19th century under Alexander Hamiltons infant industry argument, this way it escaped British competition and their cheaper steel, and Carnagie developed his own Steel industry. Japan managed to escape the British free trade imperialism as well and over time developed its own corporations like Toyota. Then South Korea and the east asian tiger economies developed this way too. obviously i'm not supporting all protectionism-just saying that the western world is allowed to protect its industries like agriculture and the third world isn't allowed to develop the way America did.

Going back to libertarianism, many of the world leaders describe themselves as libertarians-especially the bankers. Yet their philosophy of minimal government intervention is the form of ultimate hypocrisy- as everyone knows that they collect huge bailouts from the crises they cause every 10 years. Their fiscal conservative principles are not even realized. What actually happened to the state over the past 30 years is that it cut social spending and increased it in other areas like spying, military and corporate welfare for bailouts. (the top 100 multinationals have all received some sort of government assistance). Its similar in New Zealand.

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beingsLast edit: 15/01/2014 22:35

TalentedTom    Canada. Jan 16 2014 18:34. Posts 20070

Great blog, saw the video, no time to read the whole thing yet, will post something more meaingful and insightful (and potentially controversial!) and when I get back

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us and as we let our own lights shine we unconsciously give other people permision to do the same 


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