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Recovery random blog

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LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Jan 18 2014 09:01. Posts 15163
SUp people last week was rly bad spewed loads, got tired, really bad diarrhea played like 2.5hrs/average per day was throwing shit across the room didn't feel like playing.

thought I'd share mah recovery over past 2days: (lost bout the same in a 10 day period prior)

- played through tilt, made shitloads of mistakes, spewed many stacks.
- logged off skype
- didnt watch any videos
- pushed volume by force even when I really didnt feel like it
- did lots of de-tilt stuff. I wanted to scream and throw stuff like I did thursday when I got sucked out on again but instead covered my face with a hoodie, bit it with my teeth closed eyes and took deep breaths to 10 and insterted logic
- consciously realized I was emotionally charged as fuck, and focused on not adding to that by any spots.
- I avoided regs that were aggressive that I spewed stacks for no reason to because they added to my emotional charge. Same when someone stacked me a few times I just left table when I felt like I'm getting negative emotions
- listened to jack canfield fucking awesome audio book and book the success principle. MOst important thing is that everything is my responsibility, I am accountable for everything I do in my life it goes like
Events+Your reaction=Outcome
And since there is exactly nothing you can do about events like getting sucked out on in poker, you need to focus 100% energy on your reaction to the events and that's what (in the long run) is the only thing that changes your outcome.

Finally got my body in balance after it was drained with that diarrhea thing - I was eating shitloads of pasta veg and chicken and multivits to load back on nutrients over the past 2 days and finally I feel like I have my energy back after 2weeks I feel pumped up for the gym once more.

GL people's at the weekend

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93% Sure! Last edit: 18/01/2014 09:30

waga   United Kingdom. Jan 18 2014 11:12. Posts 2375

shitty blog

nah I'm joking blog more about your diarrhea plz

nerdonpoker   . Jan 18 2014 14:12. Posts 414

Did you shit your pants everytime you farted.

waga   United Kingdom. Jan 18 2014 14:40. Posts 2375

The word you looking for is "shart"

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Jan 18 2014 15:48. Posts 15163

  On January 18 2014 13:12 nerdonpoker wrote:
Did you shit your pants everytime you farted.

They were very confusing times

93% Sure!  

napoleono   Romania. Jan 18 2014 18:04. Posts 771

Shart haha, Daut actually blogged about that way back when i only lurked.


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