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Javascript Poker Bot Competition/Library

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Rinny   United States. Jan 18 2014 12:30. Posts 600

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 Last edit: 04/02/2018 12:47

NewbSaibot   United States. Jan 18 2014 13:35. Posts 4946

You trying to archive all of our l33t strategies?

bye now 

Joe   Czech Republic. Jan 18 2014 18:19. Posts 5987


there is a light at the end of the tunnel... (but sometimes the tunnel is long and deep as hell) 

Silver_nz   New Zealand. Jan 18 2014 18:59. Posts 5647

from the git:
Like many people, I like to play poker and lose money. The obvious next step was to automate this.


Cool idea,would be a fun way to improve programming skillz
What I'd really like to do is find an easy way to interface to he poker sites, both grab data and send keyboard/mouse movements. however table ninja is doin it

Silver_nz   New Zealand. Jan 18 2014 19:03. Posts 5647

Ohh, in future he plans to have people pit their bots against each other while betting real money, like a dogfight

2primenumbers   United States. Jan 18 2014 19:15. Posts 199

Thanks for reminding me to learn programming - All of your commentated gaming entertainment. 

Rinny   United States. Jan 20 2014 13:38. Posts 600

If anybody wants to collaborate with me/ need help with the programming aspect feel to private message me or post here!

Rinny   United States. Jan 20 2014 13:38. Posts 600

We can name the bot "Liquid poker meta knowledge".


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