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Ecuador Trip Report

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2primenumbers   United States. Jan 19 2014 03:43. Posts 199
-- ty for reading

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Facebook Twitter - All of your commentated gaming entertainment.Last edit: 17/03/2014 20:48

k4ir0s   Canada. Jan 19 2014 04:44. Posts 3478


I dont know what a dt drop is. Is it a wrestling move? -Oly 

CrownRoyal   United States. Jan 19 2014 06:24. Posts 11385

damn, richard?


Raidern   Brasil. Jan 19 2014 16:13. Posts 4243

Use password reminder?

im a regular at nl5Last edit: 19/01/2014 16:14

2primenumbers   United States. Jan 19 2014 16:15. Posts 199

Lost the email account too, Raidern ^^ - All of your commentated gaming entertainment. 

Raidern   Brasil. Jan 19 2014 16:35. Posts 4243

PM Defrag or Meat if you want that account back then. Or let it go.

im a regular at nl5 

Skoal   Canada. Jan 20 2014 00:56. Posts 460

  On January 19 2014 05:24 CrownRoyal wrote:
damn, richard?

2primenumbers   United States. Jan 20 2014 03:16. Posts 199

WHOA who is Skoal if its not Crown!? - All of your commentated gaming entertainment. 

bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Jan 20 2014 22:56. Posts 8648

hey man nice pics! i just got back from 6 months in S. America (mostly Argentina but also Uruguay/Bolivia/Peru/Chile).

i saw the guinea pig pic, did you try any? i had some in Peru, it looked huge but there was almost no meat and it was a pain in the ass to eat with all the bone. skin was nice and crispy though.

Truck-Crash LifeLast edit: 21/01/2014 11:59

2primenumbers   United States. Jan 21 2014 08:41. Posts 199

I didn't catch any nice smells or anything from the guinea pig roast, so I was not really tempted to try any. 6 months trip huh! I saw like three pics on your facebook, do you have a trip report up or captions? Looked like you may have been staying with a family there in S. America? - All of your commentated gaming entertainment. 

bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Jan 21 2014 18:12. Posts 8648

nah i am really terrible about captioning anything on fb, actually i don't think i've ever captioned anything lol.

i lived in Buenos Aires for about 3 and a half months with a host family and took spanish classes at a university there (as well as a couple other classes so i could technically be considered a "full time" student and qualify for financial aid). after that i spent the rest of the time traveling. i know a girl who lives in Jujuy (northern province in Argentina near Bolivia) because she did an exchange student-teaching thing at my hometown university, so i also stayed with her and her family. thought i would only be staying for a couple days but ended up staying 1 week, then after doing a loop around Bolivia/Peru/Chile came back and stayed another week. i'll make another blog and do a TR soon i think.

Truck-Crash Life 

2primenumbers   United States. Jan 21 2014 18:15. Posts 199

Good stuff - All of your commentated gaming entertainment. 

Loco   Canada. Jan 23 2014 22:05. Posts 20967

Facebook 'likes': "The Secret" and Tony Robbins. Am I a fucking mind-reader or what? I didn't even know who you were and I could smell your bullshit from a mile away.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 

2primenumbers   United States. Jan 24 2014 00:24. Posts 199

You're alright in my book, Loco - All of your commentated gaming entertainment. 

k4ir0s   Canada. Jan 24 2014 10:38. Posts 3478


I dont know what a dt drop is. Is it a wrestling move? -Oly 


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