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I'm a bogger

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GameOverNoob   Canada. Feb 04 2014 22:40. Posts 961
It's true. The man that basically say's nothing is aspiring to communicate with the masses. Will have to start blogging frantically until my fingers bleed.

Might as well start here.

Decided I was going to stop being a loser and waste anymore of my time, replace the job I left over a year ago, and start grinding. And by grinding I don't just mean poker.

1. Work. I used to think things were below me. My ego was in my way. I'm excited to take any retail sales job and work my ass off.
2. Poker. I'm stoked cause i know when I get out there, i'll crush it.
3. Buying gold. You've seen those bandit signs and commercials advertising "we buy gold!" Yeah, i'll be doing that too.
4. Real estate law class at the famous McGill university. Not as prestigious as you think, it's an individual class for like 20 hours a week. Allows me to learn about REI which i'm also turned on by.
5. Blogging. Not for the sake of generating income (tho it would be sweet if I could make 80k a year like Gary Veynerchuck says) but for everything else that having a pool of many people from your market allows you do do, like market research, which is why i'm doing it.

The job front has been kinda weak. The places I've applied to, while being pleasant and sounding interested, haven't followed up with me. Kind of tilted in that if I would have started looking anytime in the last 4 0 0 d a y s i'd be a much better and happier guy right now.

Holding back on poker until then. Haven't been perfect about it though. A friend offered to buy my action in one of his games. Played alright, and lost a 500bb pot with AA vs a gs+fd OTF. It was one of those games that you could limp raise AA 30x pre and get 4 callers. Karma, eh?

Played a TCOOP and got murckkked. Ridiculous shove by my opponent. PLO mtt short handed, i pot from SB with AA45ddhh vs his OTB limp with 13bb. He calls, and jams my pot bet with a gut shot and two overs. Lost to a backdoor two pair! Also just played an hour on 1 table PLOZOOM 10 won something silly like 300bb.

Tomorrow 6 am, im job hunting baby!

Be good LP


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Highcard   Canada. Feb 04 2014 23:30. Posts 5428

yes garnering a blog following can make at least 80k, but more like 100k+. Now, fostering the following takes I believe 3-5 years and you have to have something good to say for that many years. Very hard to do, however, seeing that this guy chose wine, his market was quite large, with a low barrier to entry for himself and readers, just needed traction.

A good niche market example is He started out blogging more intricate details on things like processors and breaking down the components of new tech, instead of just generalized reviews (eg. engadget/verge). He sold the rights to his site for many millions to conde nast and kept his job as lead reviewer. Pretty sick and his job/specialty knowledge is really not that difficult to learn, but very niche. Same deal, 3-5 years, however I think his was less about luck and more about lack of competition/superior content. Mind you, his site took that many years to get traction, he then held onto it for a long time and kept up the quality work. Been around for like 14+ years now

I have learned from poker that being at the table is not a grind, the grind is living and poker is how I pass the timeLast edit: 04/02/2014 23:34


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