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Day of The Fight

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NotSorry   United States. Mar 17 2014 12:16. Posts 2603
I couldn't sleep for shit was just too excited ended up watching Man with the Iron Fist and Rambo 2 til about 2-3am and just couldn't get comfy in this rock hard hotel bed and spend the night rolling around. Around 8 I just gave up and jumped in the shower to get ready for the day. Gathered the crew and headed out for breakfast in keeping traditions of my favorite fighter Fedor, I went with the steak and eggs, people are telling me I'm crazy and should just be eatting some fruit and whatnot, but if steak and eggs was good enough for the greatest fighter ever then it's good enough for me. The service was rather sub-par and the food took nearly an hour but I had more important things on my mind to care.

After breakfast we head out to weigh-ins being held at a local gym, was nice meeting all the other fighters and coaches. Everyone I spoke with was cool and respectful, shared some stories and some laughs while waiting for things to start off. I met my opponent, real nice guy we chatted for a bit about work and that the winner would buy drinks after the fight. Everyone made weight and we signed the last contracts making it official. Due to it being an amateur fight under the CAMO rules we had to get our gloves and shin guards checked off, neither of mine passed, they had some extra gloves to sell, one of the officials just gave me a set for free. However they don't carry shin guards so we had to rush around town to sport goods stores to find a pair matching their specifications.

Fights were scheduled to start at 6, so we had to be at the venue around 4 for the pre-fight medical screening, and a rules meeting among other things. Rampage, Frank and Ken Shamrock were there doing a press conference about a new show they are doing on SpikeTv and Rampage was launching his own fight promotion. After that it was a lot of hurry up and wait, if you ever been to one of these shows they never start on time. Was nearly 7 before the first fight and I was scheduled for the 4th.

Getting your hands wrapped is an experience in itself, like it's that next to last moment where it all becomes real, and I'm sitting there my mind becomes focused, the background noise fades off and it's just me and my coach preparing for combat. Nothing else matters or even exists at this point. The officials come over and sign off on your wraps and tape your gloves down it's intense. Ran a few warm up drills, did some shadow boxing and then it was time, the producer tells me I'm up next and we head out to the hall way. Pausing for what seemed like an eternity waiting for my next over the speakers thinking to myself, this is what it's about this is what I've given up so much for, this is for every early more, this is for every late night, all the bruises and injuries, all the time away from my family, all of it was for this.

The fans give me little to no reception while nearly going out of their mind for him, I started off well, using my speed to get inside his 88in reach and get my strikes off first and scored a solid take down which for a split second makes the crowd go silent before erupting in cheers for me while I'm getting in some nice shots on the ground, but I got a little too tunnel vision of hitting him that I stopped controlling him and he managed to get back up. Landed some big shots and rocked him a few times but just wasn't enough to finish him. I can't remember the last time I was this happy, having this much fun.

He's already got his hands at his sides breathing heavily. I'm laughing and got an ear to ear smile tattooed on my face, the bell for the start of the round can't come soon enough for me I'm so excited. We circle for a second and I come in with a big push kick under his jab sending him reeling back I try to follow it up with a big superman right into a left hook but my foot slips out and I almost fall down but managed to catch myself by then he clinched up and we played dirty boxing and knees for a bit, he's getting more volume of strikes in while I'm picking my shots and I manage to rock him a few times but I have a hard time pushing out of clinch against his massive arms, about 45seconds left I throw a big knee and slip giving him top position, my foots all stuck in the ropes so I can't even post out or anything I'm wrapping his arms and looking at the ref expecting it to be restarted in the middle but nothing so the round finishes out there.

We figured due to the way R2 ended that it was almost for sure going to him on the score cards so I'm going in looking for a finish and swinging with everything I got left, which at this point isn't too much. His hands are down below his waist and rush in swinging for the fences getting a few solid ones in before he managed to clinch, at this point just the sheer weight of him leaning over me in the clinch is an obstacle I push off a few times to get some strikes in but I can't seem to get far enough away and he keeps pulling me back in about 30seconds left I get a solid break away and start landing clean on him, a big shot sends his mouth piece flying and the ref pauses the fight at this point I just had nothing left I threw my very heart and soul into a few last knees and a hook but wasn't enough to get the job done before the bell rang.

Even before the judges decide I'm already disappointed in myself for getting tunnel vision and stepping away from our game plan and not finishing it in the first while I had him on the ground or getting in that knock out shot during one of the points I had him hurt, a million little could have, would have should haves come rushing forward. Judges saw the match in his favor, was heartbreaking for sure feeling like I let all my team's efforts in getting me ready for this fight go to waste, felt like I let the crowd down who after the take down in the first round were behind me cheering me on because I know I didn't show them my full potential. As I was leaving the ring the crowd starts cheering my name and I'm getting high fives all other the place and everyone's telling me "amazing fight" and the like, felt damn good and made me notice again just how much fun I was having in there. Took a few pictures and went to the back for my post fight medical screening. Then back out to watch the fight and hang with the crowd.

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We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men. 

CamilaPunt   Brasil. Mar 17 2014 12:40. Posts 2422

great read and good job man you'll get it next time! anywhere we can watch the fight?

Daut    United States. Mar 17 2014 12:43. Posts 8955

did you say 88 inch reach???? is that an actual confirmed number?

from your writeup sounds pretty rigged. 1st and 3rd seem pretty clearly in your favor and 2nd was likely yours but close. hopefully one of your buddies caught it on video. not really surprising given its regional amateur MMA but thats still pretty lame given people are trying to start careers in this.

how much were your hands wrapped? isnt it hard to do more than something really simple when you need your hands for grappling?

regarding your breakfast, i was always wondering what fighters ate the day of to make sure they didnt get the shits come fight time.

NewbSaibot: 18 TIMES THE SPEED OF LIGHT. Because FUCK YOU, Daut 

GoTuNk   Chile. Mar 17 2014 13:50. Posts 2860


Mariuslol   Norway. Mar 17 2014 15:08. Posts 4742

Sounds pretty awesome, would have loved to watch it. Saw that vod someone posted of the guy you were fighting, and his reach did look massive lol.

PuertoRican   United States. Mar 17 2014 15:32. Posts 13095

Ah, sucks that you lost. Hopefully this fight drives you to work harder and destroy your next opponent.

Rekrul is a newb 

NotSorry   United States. Mar 17 2014 15:52. Posts 2603

  On March 17 2014 11:43 Daut wrote:
did you say 88 inch reach???? is that an actual confirmed number?

from your writeup sounds pretty rigged. 1st and 3rd seem pretty clearly in your favor and 2nd was likely yours but close. hopefully one of your buddies caught it on video. not really surprising given its regional amateur MMA but thats still pretty lame given people are trying to start careers in this.

how much were your hands wrapped? isnt it hard to do more than something really simple when you need your hands for grappling?

regarding your breakfast, i was always wondering what fighters ate the day of to make sure they didnt get the shits come fight time.

Take into account this is just how I see the fight I might be a little biased towards myself and how I see things from videos and memory may have looked differently to the judges. It was a good fight, I thought I won but it was close and I don't want to come cross like got robbed or anything like that.

The wrap were pretty stiff, but I still felt like I has a decent grip for grappling, but yea a lot less so than gloveless.

I just heard 88in around the backroom, one of the officials walked in talking to another "holy shit that giant across the hall just measured in an 88in reach"

I'll have my cousin upload the rest later or see if I can get videos from others


We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men.Last edit: 17/03/2014 15:53

Mariuslol   Norway. Mar 18 2014 12:13. Posts 4742

I just get error message when I click, says the content isnt available yet

"Innholdet er for øyeblikket utilgjengelig".

NotSorry   United States. Mar 18 2014 12:20. Posts 2603

If anyone knows how to take a video off facebook and upload it to something like youtube send me a pm.

We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men. 

iop   Sweden. Mar 18 2014 13:40. Posts 4951

  On March 18 2014 11:20 NotSorry wrote:
If anyone knows how to take a video off facebook and upload it to something like youtube send me a pm.

You should be able to change the share settings.

Tough luck man!

Milkman lol i didnt spend half a thousand on a phone so i could play it cool and be all stealth 

Mariuslol   Norway. Mar 18 2014 15:10. Posts 4742

It's cool that you got out from it unharmed, happy and eager to get stronger and better. I might be a bit of a wuss, but always a bit scared for fighters when the fights become really brutal, and I see the shots they take to the head, or when someone gets pummeled and barely hangs in there for rounds, taking a beating.

Twisted    Netherlands. Mar 18 2014 20:32. Posts 10422

That link doesn't work for me

KeanuReaver   United States. Mar 19 2014 16:58. Posts 2022

Yeah definitely sounded like a 29-28 win for you.

Regardless, sounds like you had a great time and put on a hell of a show. I'd be pretty proud of myself if I were in your shoes.

and the endurance required for MMA, which has actions like punching and kicking bone and muscle with 1000-2500 PSI. - Taco 

k4ir0s   Canada. Mar 19 2014 18:31. Posts 3478

Sounds like a lot of fun! pretty cool that you found something that makes you feel so happy

link doesnt work

I dont know what a dt drop is. Is it a wrestling move? -Oly 

devon06atX   Canada. Mar 20 2014 18:50. Posts 5459

Good for you man! Keep on kicking ass. Sounds like a pretty fun event to be a part of.

NotSorry   United States. Mar 21 2014 12:52. Posts 2603

Not sure why the link isn't working I set everything to public, anyways if you have facebook and want to see it send a friend request to Jason Speed.

We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men. 

Daut    United States. Mar 21 2014 13:42. Posts 8955

i cant find jason speed on facebook either!

NewbSaibot: 18 TIMES THE SPEED OF LIGHT. Because FUCK YOU, Daut 

k4ir0s   Canada. Mar 21 2014 14:53. Posts 3478

  On March 21 2014 12:42 Daut wrote:
i cant find jason speed on facebook either!

found him

I dont know what a dt drop is. Is it a wrestling move? -Oly 

NotSorry   United States. Mar 22 2014 02:36. Posts 2603

The more I look at it the more disappointed I grow with my performance, nerves really took the gas right out of me and I was way over exaggerating my blocking which looks terrible and doesn't allow me to get back in to counter.

We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men. 

Daut    United States. Mar 22 2014 02:55. Posts 8955

that was a really fun fight. would rather watch 10 more rounds of that than 95% of UFC fights

NewbSaibot: 18 TIMES THE SPEED OF LIGHT. Because FUCK YOU, Daut 


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