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So deep

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NewbSaibot   United States. Mar 27 2014 23:59. Posts 4946
so deep, put your ass to sleep. Thats how I'm going to play from now on. I'm going to play so deep it's as if a large black male has his erect penis so deep inside you that it pinches an artery shut and your butt cheeks begin to tingle. I've been half-stacking NL25 on Bovada for awhile with success before realizing that 50BB poker is heinous and puts you in lots of weird spots where you dont know if you should ship it in or just call/fold or whatever. You cant buy in for any less, and I've been avoiding fullstack play since the games are anonymous and I didnt feel like there was much EV getting set up with coolers vs random players. Then again it's bovada and everyone is terrible so there's certainly value in playing big pots.

But the real goal is to practice for live play again. I havent played live since last november, when I folded a 2000BB pot with a set because a fish shoved on me and they always get there. Of course he had 2 pair and is just being a fish, but it rattled me nonetheless. I didnt stop playing because I lost, but because live games always end up super deep, especially live home games where there's some expectation that you stay awhile. At that moment I realized I was not prepared for deep stacked play, and thus I cant play at all since I'd have to hitrun every time I doubled up.

Well fuck that, there's just too much money in these games to avoid them due to fear. So I'm going to start playing Bovada and basically never table change unless the game breaks. NL25 is a perfect limit to simulate live play (not too retardedly fishy but certainly no talent either). The players are trying to win, just like at live NL200. They just have huge leaks. Hopefully this way not only can I break my fear of assuming the worst suckout always got there, but I can start to hone proper value betting techniques. There's still lots of 200BB stacks at NL25 on bovada which is a start.

By the way anyone hear about that Malaysian plane? Crazy shit..

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bye nowLast edit: 28/03/2014 00:00

Baalim   Mexico. Mar 28 2014 00:43. Posts 34261

coolers go both ways if you are more skilled than the other players you will minimize your losses in those spots and maximize your winnings thus being EV+ thats an irrational justification for playing short.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

mnj   United States. Mar 28 2014 02:10. Posts 3848

  On March 27 2014 23:43 Baalim wrote:
coolers go both ways if you are more skilled than the other players you will minimize your losses in those spots and maximize your winnings thus being EV+ thats an irrational justification for playing short.

youve said this a thousand fucking times now lmao

bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Mar 28 2014 04:05. Posts 8648

woops thought this was gonna be a spetsblog

Truck-Crash Life 

traxamillion   United States. Mar 28 2014 06:08. Posts 10468

  On March 28 2014 01:10 mnj wrote:
Show nested quote +

youve said this a thousand fucking times now lmao


Thought I was having déjà vu after reading that and double check that I clicked today's blog

JosephCalgary   Canada. Mar 28 2014 11:37. Posts 285

Baals right

What is the crime for apostasy?! 

4TM   United States. Mar 28 2014 22:26. Posts 712

Ya, not full stacking because its anonymous is a cop out. You clearly just don't feel comfortable playing 100BB+ poker...

NewbSaibot   United States. Mar 29 2014 11:07. Posts 4946

Funny thing I've played deep plenty of times before, just never any deep pots. I guess since usually I'm the aggressor my opponents just enter call down mode with dominated hands and I continually scoop 50-100BB pots.

bye now 


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