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Gnarly   United States. Apr 05 2014 03:46. Posts 1723
when i go play at the usual game, i find that im usually never respected, even though im quite a nit. ill show down with top 10 hands or so, and i ALWAYS manage to get some fucko to call me down on a 15 bb preflop pot with 84o expecting to get lucky. then, of course, they have to get lucky. this makes me tighten up even more, because i feel like an open book since they will NEVER lay anything down to me unless i have the nuts which they'll fold the very first time i bet out.

i just dont understand how to play when no one will ever fold to me, i will never EVER win a hand, and there is always at least one hand better than mine. i expect to lose with AA and usually right at this point in time. i dont feel i can ever bluff, cause im fucking open book, and everyone already expects to get lucky against me, that other people start picking up on my bad luck and start playing against me with literally any two.

how can i earn respect when the cards dont respect me? i mean, shit, the ENTIRE game felt bad for me tonight and kept giving me rebates.

am i being results oriented or am i just really fucking good at knowing when im beat?

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NewbSaibot   United States. Apr 05 2014 04:32. Posts 4946

It's not that they dont respect you, it's just that they are playing their own little style of poker that they feel works for them. It might be hard for you to believe, but some players wont bat an eye with a hand like 84o. I mean thats 2 live cards there, you could hit an 8 and a 4 on the flop and have two pair! Or you could flop 345 and have a runner runner straight draw. Some people really do think like this. Or they think even a single pair draw to an 8 on the turn is a viable draw to hit. If you have AA then they have 6 outs to beat you whereas you only have 2 outs! I've seen fish on rare occasion justify their actions after responding to a tilted player and it usually had something to do with "well it wasnt that much money and I mean, you could have been bluffing and ya just never know.. uhm" and that was about it.

On some occasions you will actually run into a thinking fish who recognizes you are 100% implied odds to donate your stack if they can catch a flop on you so they'll call with anything just on pure luck factor alone. They know 84o is trash, but they also know you are never folding top pair or an overpair so they think it's worth it to chase anything really.

Finally you probably need to work on your hand range so that you are playing a well rounded range of hands from a variety of positions that can improve significantly without always being way ahead/way behind. Tell me, what is your hand rage across all positions at the table in an unopened pot against an average mix of random players? Name each position and what hands you open with.

bye now 

redrain0125   Canada. Apr 05 2014 04:59. Posts 5455

why do u bluff live donks

Gnarly   United States. Apr 05 2014 05:03. Posts 1723

i have had equilab for quite some time and like to make different ranges for different styles and whatnot. i have like a tight style, a loose style, different 3betting ranges, differently weighted polarized ranges i guess you could say, and very recently have come up with a zone range for bovada.

im still working on post flop ranges but ill get there.

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hording   Sweden. Apr 05 2014 06:32. Posts 474

  On April 05 2014 02:46 Gnarly wrote:
i ALWAYS manage to get some fucko to call me down on a 15 bb preflop pot with 84o expecting to get lucky. then, of course, they have to get lucky. this makes me tighten up even more

Gnarly   United States. Apr 05 2014 11:23. Posts 1723

if i have no respect, i can't bully anyone. so why would i loosen up when im going to get burned for it?

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NewbSaibot   United States. Apr 05 2014 12:50. Posts 4946

  On April 05 2014 10:23 Gnarly wrote:
if i have no respect, i can't bully anyone. so why would i loosen up when im going to get burned for it?

Because if they're playing 84o you can afford to play 94o, in a manner of speaking

Back to your range though, I doubt you're good enough to apply all of these specific scenarios to your range and make correct decisions. You should probably play a lot more statically using a range thats "good enough" against anybody. Regardless, still need to see what kind of hands you are opening with to see if you're just being retarded with QTo or 34s and stuff.

bye now 

Gnarly   United States. Apr 05 2014 13:34. Posts 1723

what style range do you want? ill probably just take a picture of each of them and post them up, but im really lazy

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K40Cheddar   United States. Apr 05 2014 15:29. Posts 2202

I wish I always got called 15bb preflop by 84o when I have AA


Mariuslol   Norway. Apr 05 2014 17:46. Posts 4742

  On April 05 2014 10:23 Gnarly wrote:
if i have no respect, i can't bully anyone. so why would i loosen up when im going to get burned for it?

I think first you have to realize that you're a massive fish, and really, really bad, let that sink in, not a little bad, even though u play like a nit, that's nothing to brag about.

A nit is just losing money all over the place, when I'm at the table, I always try and be as aggro I can vs anyone in front of me, if a guy in a nit in front of me, he's no thread, he's got nothing, he won't be the one who I have to surpass to beat the limit im on.

All his ranges are to narrow, to nitty, and he's losing money by avoiding good spots he probably don't even see.

If a guy opens, lets say 15% from CO!

he's playing so few hands, i don't have to do anything almost, + most of his range if face up, so in good spots, its very easy to play vs him.

Imagine ur opening utg, and u get a flat from the btn, a good lag, flop is Q72

How much money are you going to lose vs him if u got AQ, KQ, QJs?

He flats you with AA, since he knows ur opening range, maybe bad example.

What im trying to get across, being a nit, is like, trying to learn poker by becoming break even, so u can win on rakeback.

A super loose station, is probably the worst, then u get more maniac fishes, then maybe bad weaktight regs, but the latter is around a nit. Tags start doing much better, and the best players each stake, are the ones who don't rly care or follow any of that, they are just trying to play every hand as good as they can, and they end up with pretty aggro stats, cos they attack spots, situations.

Mariuslol   Norway. Apr 05 2014 17:51. Posts 4742

Imagine this scenario;

JdTd on flop 9d6s2c

you isolated a fish limper, or someone at ur home game, live or whatever!!

Just look at this scenario, what do you think?

Most bad ppl, think, meh, shit, i kinda got a T and a J, hoping to hit!

But a player who's better, goes OoOoououooooo!!

4 cards will give combodraw on turn, 3qs and 3 8s will improve our hand to OESD, 6/47 or 12,7% turn cards. 3Ks and 3 7s will improve our hand to a gutshot, 12,7%, 22 of the 47 turn cards, 46,8% on the deck will bring us a draw, 12% chance to hit a pair on turn!!

Thats almost 59% chance to get nice equity on the turn, that's pretty awesome

Mariuslol   Norway. Apr 05 2014 17:54. Posts 4742

When i used to travel london play live, its great for ur image to play laggy, and i wasnt rly out of line, but maybe 25 - 30% vpip in full ring, that's pretty laggy, and most of the fishes, recreational players had fun vs me, since I seemed to be "getting lucky".

But it's always planned! Oh, 22T with AQ, backdoor flush, backdoor gutshot, 2 over, of course we fire, 100%, AQ is probably best anyway, and fishes love to call with broadway, and love to call with overs, its more of a thin valuebet on the flop.

if the recreational player, seems really week, like he was struggling with the call, i might even continue on the turn, i might not, i think in this scenario, a K hit, and he donked out REALLY weak, like, 1/5 pot, so i just called, then A on the river, and he checked, and i put in massive bet, hoping to get called by the king, and he had K rag and called, and then "OMG, SO LUCKY!" and laugh, and point (he had nothing)

being a nit, wont make u good, it really wont

Mariuslol   Norway. Apr 05 2014 17:56. Posts 4742

Here's some good ranges if u dun have it, this is for 6max:

utg: 13,9%

MP: 17,9%

CO: 23,7%

Btn: 47,5%

sb: 36.3%

Gnarly   United States. Apr 05 2014 20:23. Posts 1723

i can go play another game and do good, which is usually how it goes. there is one game in particular that gets to me, however.

i mean, this is literally in the first line of OP "when i go play the USUAL game"
this is a game specific thread.

i usually do 5-10 utg
mp 10-20
co 20-30
bu 30-50
sb 25-35

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k4ir0s   Canada. Apr 05 2014 21:44. Posts 3478

I dont know what a dt drop is. Is it a wrestling move? -OlyLast edit: 05/04/2014 21:44

traxamillion   United States. Apr 05 2014 23:21. Posts 10468

Sounds like ur a complete fish with no concept of this game. How could you be this bad but know about this site? Unless ur just trolling

Gnarly   United States. Apr 06 2014 00:33. Posts 1723

sneaker pimps

i play bad at one game is what i literally said in the first line of this op. unless you're trolling, i feel bad for your parents trax. holy fuck.

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NewbSaibot   United States. Apr 06 2014 01:20. Posts 4946

so describe what hands you are raising UTG vs OTB.

bye now 

Gnarly   United States. Apr 06 2014 02:17. Posts 1723

if im utg, how am i raising vs otb? if im otb, sure, that works.
then again, it depends on how often they raise utg, if they've shown, if i perceive them to be a strong or weak player, yada yada
i either do double their range or half their range, depending on how often they fold to a 3bet

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traxamillion   United States. Apr 06 2014 03:38. Posts 10468

If you have to ask why you are getting owned by fish you are obviously bad.


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