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My band's music video!

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Sliggy   Australia. Apr 25 2014 02:03. Posts 742
We just released our music video today. Check it out!:

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dnagardi   Hungary. Apr 25 2014 07:37. Posts 1776


are u the singer?

ggplz   Sweden. Apr 25 2014 07:41. Posts 16784

nice one

if poker is dangerous to them i would rank sports betting as a Kodiak grizzly bear who smells blood after you just threw a javelin into his cub - RaiNKhAN 

Sliggy   Australia. Apr 25 2014 09:19. Posts 742

Oh right! I'm the bald guitarist on the left. Stage right

Thanks fellas ;D


lopata   Czech Republic. Apr 25 2014 11:16. Posts 73

sick song, love this type of music

goose58   United States. Apr 25 2014 12:52. Posts 871

I had a feeling you guys would be a metal band and I wasn't disappointed.

Pretty good song and music video.

mnj   United States. Apr 25 2014 14:31. Posts 3848

not my cup of tea but nice.

maybe diff outfits? that's so typical of orlando music scene yuck

 Last edit: 25/04/2014 14:45

GoTuNk   Chile. Apr 25 2014 14:41. Posts 2860

liked it a lot but didn't understand the video =(

NewbSaibot   United States. Apr 25 2014 17:52. Posts 4946

Not my style of music but I can recognize talent when I see it.

bye now 

Point88   United States. Apr 26 2014 14:15. Posts 61

That seriously kicked ass man. Nicely done.

dogmeat   Czech Republic. Apr 26 2014 19:18. Posts 6374

not br00tal enough

not bad thou, weak postproduction imo

ban baalLast edit: 26/04/2014 19:21

QuirkyEric   Slovakia. Apr 26 2014 21:53. Posts 308

I hate these satan worshiping bands...
Why cant you guys play nice songs for people to be happy like Lady Gaga or Shakira?

Je ti 31 let a umíš akorát klikat myší, vzpamatuj se -Daniel HavlíkLast edit: 26/04/2014 21:54

Sliggy   Australia. Apr 27 2014 01:45. Posts 742

bcuz satan r00lz t00 h4rd


PuertoRican   United States. Apr 27 2014 02:01. Posts 13095

The video concept needs a little work, however, the song is pretty good.

Rekrul is a newb 

Sliggy   Australia. Apr 27 2014 03:41. Posts 742

Haha it was a pretty inexpensive video for the quality, we think it's pretty funny
Just stoked that it's not another "band plays in a warehouse" clip. Cheers for the reply and that screenshot haha


QuirkyEric   Slovakia. Apr 27 2014 09:54. Posts 308

was trolling obv
i have the same guitar you do...
nice song!

Je ti 31 let a umíš akorát klikat myší, vzpamatuj se -Daniel Havlík 

Sliggy   Australia. Apr 27 2014 17:12. Posts 742

Haha I know man
It's a great guitar! Thanks dude.


ReSpOnSe   United States. Apr 27 2014 20:04. Posts 405

Great video. Bought your EP

Sliggy   Australia. Apr 27 2014 21:25. Posts 742

Haha awesome! Thanks man



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