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el_tilon   Canada. May 02 2014 01:12. Posts 296
Hello LP's it has been a long time since my last post, recently I have received the notice that I won a scholarship, so it is official I´m moving to Vancouver, BC.

I have a lot of things to know about the city, and how the living will be. I started searching for a good place to live in with my wife, of course I want to spend the less money I can in this area, knowing that Vancouver is a very expensive city, we would like save the most money we can.

Recently I called to an apartment which fits most of the things that we need for just 900 cad, and it's amazing, near to UBC which is the universty I will go.

The bad news, the apartment rate doesn't include wireless connection, I've been searching on internet and I saw a lot of companies, and I really don't know which ones are the most reliable, so if you can give me some tips, I will aprecciate it.

In the other hand, we need a cell phone provider, which one has the best cell phone plans?

Please think that we are new to the country, and our incomes are just for the basic stuff.

One last question!, Is it a good idea to bring our car?, some people who lived there tell us that in most of the cases we don't need it, is that true? please give me some tips!.

Thank you!

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Highcard   Canada. May 02 2014 02:42. Posts 5428

Are you really from Seychelles? if so I am interested to hear about the islands

rogers cable is usually the most reliable. You can go with 3rd party smaller companies but they have more upfront costs. Rogers has very good pricing if you get into a signup deal or attempt to switch companies. Getting things like 300gig download/free wifi modem rental is possible. Mostly though, just find what company telus/bell/rogers has the best deals and try to see if any will match plans

Go with the Koodo(owned by Telus) or Fido(owned by Rogers). Pretty much same service quality except less expensive monthly rates than if you went directly with telus/rogers.

The 2 best phones in canada are

MOTO G - $150 very long battery, usable in almost all countries you travel too

NEXUS 5 - $350 very good battery, very good camera, usable in every single country in world

vancouver has good transit, and lots of rental car/car share programs. If you really want your own car, sure, lots of places to drive to (whistler, vancouver island, washington state, seattle)

I have learned from poker that being at the table is not a grind, the grind is living and poker is how I pass the time 

TalentedTom    Canada. May 02 2014 09:08. Posts 20070

as for cell phone / internet
go with any plan and about 2 months in - threaten to quit - they will refer you to this "cancellation sector" where they give you really good private deals. more everything for 20-30% less money, the general deals available to the public are generally kinda crappy. I pay $25 for my cellphone plan and i have unlimited everything except data, w/ Telus

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us and as we let our own lights shine we unconsciously give other people permision to do the same 

Target-x17   Canada. May 02 2014 10:45. Posts 1027


f u bw rock 

careface_   Canada. May 03 2014 01:06. Posts 788

Lots of us from Qc/Ont, the Jon Snow 'you know nothing' gif applies to a lot of us about Vancouver.

Koodoo, Fido or Virgin is gonna be the best bang for a buck for cell phones.

Internet i'd ask around in Vancouver. A lot of options normal (a lot of smaller companies offer services from bigger companies and charge less)

Smuft   Canada. May 03 2014 19:03. Posts 633

re: Car

the people saying you don't need a car probably live in downtown where everything is 2 minutes away

if you're going to live close to UBC campus you probably want a car, unless you are fine with walking a fair bit and waiting for buses, also other option is to get a bike which is kinda popular around UBC campus and across van (also you wont get ass fucked by canadian car insurance companies or have to pay for parking everywhere you go)

k4ir0s   Canada. May 03 2014 20:25. Posts 3478

I dont know what a dt drop is. Is it a wrestling move? -Oly 


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