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This is what I get

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Gnarly   United States. May 02 2014 23:22. Posts 1723
for being the person you can count on.

My sister stole a large sum of money from my dad. Not only has she not moved out, but my dad is dishing out more money for her, in complete contrast to what he said he was going to do. Not only this, she wrecked her car, that he was paying for, which only had one more payment left on it. Oh, wait, she wasn't the one driving it. She's no longer getting any inheritance, though. That is, until my parents die. To show they love me. I wonder if they realize what inheritance is.

Which brings me to my next point: The vehicle she's now driving is the same vehicle I need to start up my little venture this month.

I don't know how much more I can take.

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Diversify or fossilize! 

NewbSaibot   United States. May 03 2014 00:21. Posts 4946

Have you tried threatening her with physical violence?

bye now 

Sliggy   Australia. May 03 2014 01:04. Posts 742

  On May 02 2014 23:21 NewbSaibot wrote:
Have you tried threatening her with physical violence?



careface_   Canada. May 03 2014 01:16. Posts 788

How old are you? Do you understand anything in life? You go out sometimes? In the sun?

Sliggy   Australia. May 03 2014 01:40. Posts 742

  On May 03 2014 00:04 Sliggy wrote:
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jvilla777   Australia. May 03 2014 04:36. Posts 1348

bro do you even HADOOOKEN?

longple: ur missing the point! this is an attempt to get away from the bumhuntmentality! 

Gnarly   United States. May 03 2014 09:32. Posts 1723

I only think about physical violence towards myself.

Diversify or fossilize! 

Gnarly   United States. May 03 2014 09:38. Posts 1723

  On May 03 2014 00:16 careface_ wrote:
How old are you? Do you understand anything in life? You go out sometimes? In the sun?

I know I troll a lot, but I'm putting myself into situations where I can easily die. I don't want to kill myself, but I don't see the point in life.

Diversify or fossilize! 

bigredhoss   Cook Islands. May 03 2014 10:39. Posts 8648

what kind of situations

Truck-Crash Life 

NewbSaibot   United States. May 03 2014 14:07. Posts 4946

  On May 03 2014 08:38 Gnarly wrote:
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I know I troll a lot, but I'm putting myself into situations where I can easily die. I don't want to kill myself, but I don't see the point in life.

I say you take your life roll, put it on bovada (They have $600 max deposit I think so this should work for you), grab your laptop, sit indian style and grind in the middle of the freeway and let whatever happens happen.

bye nowLast edit: 03/05/2014 14:08

traxamillion   United States. May 03 2014 16:30. Posts 10468

  On May 03 2014 13:07 NewbSaibot wrote:
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I say you take your life roll, put it on bovada (They have $600 max deposit I think so this should work for you), grab your laptop, sit indian style and grind in the middle of the freeway and let whatever happens happen.


hiems   United States. May 03 2014 18:22. Posts 2979

I don't know where you guys are getting $600 from. How old are you Gnarly? Despite most of the people on these boards making fun of you, you do have some good things going for you and depending on you're age and some good direction you can make it out of your rut...

I beat Loco!!! [img][/img] 

Sliggy   Australia. May 03 2014 21:52. Posts 742

  On May 03 2014 15:30 traxamillion wrote:
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whamm!   Albania. May 04 2014 03:17. Posts 11625

pics of sister before i make any kind of judgement

Sliggy   Australia. May 04 2014 03:45. Posts 742

  On May 04 2014 02:17 whamm! wrote:
pics of sister before i make any kind of judgement



Fujikura   United States. May 04 2014 04:19. Posts 1795

Good luck with everything guy... I don't know you, but seriously, not sure what kind of responses you expect from posting emo things in your blog on a poker forum... Things will get better, just try to be less pessimistic and look at the up-side of things... you get all the manies from your parents' inheritence, your sister is wrecking her life... Look at this as a way to overcome adversity. Again, best of luck... sorry other people weren't a little more supportive

aka SouL)Z(Isadie and SouL)P(FujikuraLast edit: 04/05/2014 04:20

enfant   Bulgaria. May 04 2014 12:11. Posts 388

Your sister seems like she needs a slap, but what can you do...
Better times WILL come, just be patient ! I wish best of luck to you!

rain one day sunshine the next 

NewbSaibot   United States. May 04 2014 14:21. Posts 4946

  On May 04 2014 11:11 enfant wrote:
Your sister seems like she needs a slap, but what can you do...
Better times WILL come, just be patient ! I wish best of luck to you!

What if better times DONT come though? What if things get worse?

bye now 

suited_mess   Poland. May 04 2014 15:47. Posts 93

she is your sister, Your dad`s daughter...only in "US & A" , Mom You gave her a cookie?! DOnt You love me? said 20+ year old guy


Gnarly   United States. May 13 2014 02:15. Posts 1723

I can't ever enjoy life until what's fundamentally wrong with me is fixed. Even then, what is fundamentally wrong with me? I know the symptoms, but not the cause.

>be me
>don't play poker for a little while
>decide to play tonight
>literally very first hand flop a straight
>sigh as this means i will fold by the river
>there's a flush draw, so obviously no matter what I do, the person will river their flush
>i also have positions, which makes it even worse
>pot gets up to 100b by the river
>of course, there's the flush on the river
>my line can represent the flush, but of course, i get shoved over the top and i have to fold
>sigh as i knew exactly that was going to happen
>every single other good hand i tell myself what's going to happen
>exactly what I tell myself whats going to happen, happens
>ragequit after five minutes

Flopping two pair or a straight means I will lose. That's an ingrained part of my strategy, to fold when I flop those two hands. They are literally my biggest leaks by far. I don't know how many times I've said that on this site. I don't want to be results oriented, but when I tell myself what's going to happen, and it happens, and it keeps happening, it creates even more bias for me to be results oriented. Monster fucking folds with KK and AA all the time, when I should be betting out and getting it all in. Maybe I should start playing ONLY shitty hands? Maybe that would change my psychology behind things... What is the point in even playing AA when they get wrecked by 74o all the time?

Diversify or fossilize! 


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