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I'm psychic

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Gnarly   United States. May 29 2014 12:49. Posts 1723
>be me
>raise kq pre
>tell myself im going to flop a straight, but there's going to be a pair on the flop, and my villian won't let his trips go no matter what i do, and that he's going to boat the river
>exactly that happens
>tell myself i should become cleo's assistant considering how often this happens

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Diversify or fossilize! 

waga   United Kingdom. May 29 2014 12:53. Posts 2375

bad troll

Balzamon   Sweden. May 29 2014 12:55. Posts 2868

for how long did you sit and think of this, days?

NewbSaibot   United States. May 29 2014 14:21. Posts 4946

I thought I told you to quit writing about yourself in the 3rd person.

On an unrelated note, do you believe in a lot of conspiracy theories? You know like the Sandy Hook victims are all actors or the moon landing was fake?

bye now 

longple    Sweden. May 29 2014 15:18. Posts 4472

u probably must be the most unlucky person in the world aswell right

rgfdxm   United States. May 29 2014 16:00. Posts 1514

>pair on flop
>flop a straight

Trav94   Canada. May 29 2014 16:58. Posts 1787

How can you flop a straight, but the board be paired.... bad troll is bad, or you're an idiot

Gnarly   United States. May 29 2014 18:40. Posts 1723

  On May 29 2014 14:18 longple wrote:
u probably must be the most unlucky person in the world aswell right

I was told this yesterday by a couple of people.

But really, it was a turned straight. I guess I shouldn't be Cleo's assistant if I got that mixed up.

Either way, it's the same thing: I call out a couple bluffs, get up about 50 blinds in either table, then I'll lose that much on the other table, then I'll run into fucking 74o raised pre oop fucking 4betting me and no matter what, I lose by the river.

But also that thing where I keep getting the same cards on both tables very often. I think that put me on a slight tilt to start with today.

Diversify or fossilize! 

Gnarly   United States. May 29 2014 19:24. Posts 1723

  On May 29 2014 13:21 NewbSaibot wrote:
I thought I told you to quit writing about yourself in the 3rd person.

On an unrelated note, do you believe in a lot of conspiracy theories? You know like the Sandy Hook victims are all actors or the moon landing was fake?

You know, the sandy hook thing is hard to believe when there's video proof of a number of arab spring demonstrations being completely 100% actors on "both" sides. However, the moon landing isn't fake. Though, I don't really care, either way.

Diversify or fossilize! 

Skoal   Canada. May 29 2014 19:50. Posts 460

  On May 29 2014 15:00 rgfdxm wrote:
>pair on flop
>flop a straight


Gnarly   United States. May 30 2014 00:59. Posts 1723

i just don't understand. why do i keep losing when i get it in correctly? they have such a small chance to win, and im always going over my hands and analyzing what im doing, and NO MATTER WHAT THE FUCK I DO OR HOW CORRECTLY I PLAY THEY WONT FUCKING LAY DOWN A 5% TO WIN AND THEY WILL ALWAYS FUCKING WIN. I don't understand why i have such a high losing rate with aa kk qq jj tt ak aq aj at kq etc. every single fucking time i play i lose fucking every god damned fucking monster. and any time they fucking bluff pre with fucking jack shit THEY ALWAYS FUCKING WIN IT I DONT FUCKING GET IT.

>be me
>get tptk on flop
>bet out trying to lure any draws
>get a bite
>shove all in on the turn as it doesn't help any draw and the other stack is only 40 blinds big
>he insta calls
>shows gutshot flush draw
>gets the gutshot on the river

Every time I do this, where I lure on the flop, to shove or over bet the pot on the turn, and get called, I always have them, but they always win. They win 1 out of 5 times there, but math is wrong. They actually win 100% of the time and it's always the correct call for them to make.

Diversify or fossilize! 

carlosdiaz   Mexico. May 30 2014 01:30. Posts 143

best advice you'll get..
+ Show Spoiler +

napoleono   Romania. May 30 2014 03:57. Posts 771

  On May 30 2014 00:30 carlosdiaz wrote:
best advice you'll get..
+ Show Spoiler +


Spitfiree   Bulgaria. May 30 2014 08:25. Posts 9634

  On May 29 2014 15:00 rgfdxm wrote:
>pair on flop
>flop a straight

was wondering the same ...

Gnarly   United States. May 30 2014 09:08. Posts 1723

  On May 30 2014 00:30 carlosdiaz wrote:
best advice you'll get..
+ Show Spoiler +

I actually took money off of bovada. I'm going to retry carbon since I hear they merged their pool. I don't trust anonymity when it comes to poker. How is it that I lose an overwhelmingly large percentage of the time when I'm overwhelmingly ahead an overwhelmingly large amount of the time? I still don't think they use random generators because of how often I either get the same hand on one table for five to ten hands in a row, or get the same hands on both tables, more often than not, with same suits, so often. I had an entire folder of screenshots I saved of that.

I've never been wrong when I felt someone was a mechanic or colluding with other people or something was up. A lot of people think I'm paranoid, but I can't be when I'm right.

Diversify or fossilize! 

traxamillion   United States. May 31 2014 00:49. Posts 10468

WTF I thought you shot up Santa Barbara

Booyaka   Estonia. May 31 2014 06:19. Posts 197

>shows gutshot flush draw

i see!

Welcome to value city. Population: YOU! 

Gnarly   United States. May 31 2014 09:31. Posts 1723

  On May 30 2014 23:49 traxamillion wrote:
WTF I thought you shot up Santa Barbara

And you wonder why I don't get banned when I tell you that your child is going to be the next Mr. Rodgers.

Diversify or fossilize! 

cariadon   Estonia. Jun 01 2014 12:32. Posts 4019

<< you're an incompetent little wanker with no hope in poker
<< keep playing poker
<< money is being lost
<< not making sense most of the time

Santafairy   Korea (South). Jun 01 2014 12:34. Posts 2232

If this is a character you're doing 1000 posts is a lot of effort to keep it up

It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen 


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