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GoldRush   United States. Jun 03 2014 15:47. Posts 1025
Hey LP! been a bit!

I've spent the last like few months getting my mind back together, which was much tougher than I anticipated.

(totally lost my mind the last 2 months in Canada and boy it was hard to find back home)

I was workin low stakes for a while when I got back, my addictions and my mental stability was giving me a lot of problems.

More and more hours were put in on strengthening the mind, getting my patience back, and executing correctly.

I was playing like a system for a while and some of the reasons I'm strong (hand reading etc) weren't there for a while, thats all from the highstakes fail in Canada like 5 months ago.

I played pretty poorly for a couple months, winnin a couple hundred a week or w/e, it was really bad.

I finally said screw it, talked to a couple backers and now have more people behind me. After doing that, I decided to mix it up with some days MTTs and some days cash.

Using the same 2 backers I have used for the previous summer and Canada, they are two of my best friends, they both tell me they learn from me every session, but obv I know I have a long way to go, and a leak or two I'm plugging.

I have to say this has been a great decision, keeps me from getting burnt out on MTT's like in years past, and cash games are fun in there own right, more of a job, but printing is printing, no matter what limit your playing. (just doing nl25/nl50 on ACR atm)

ah won a seat into the 520 last week, got set over set for like 35k or something, top 15 paid, that woulda been nice 800, 1st was sick too.

won a seat into the 215 too, stream rolled the shit out of that tournament, ended up like 46th (top 63 itm) though after one very weird hand played out.

Had a fun lil casino trip last weekend, things didn't go so hot though. Lost a few hundred. Was my first weekend playin live in a long long time, meh, couple cards go dif and I finish up big so w/e. I played online most the time anyways.

Yeah, hit a $55 for 1500 last week, with some 6rs and some other stuff, this months been pretty good to me. Had a few bad beats cost me a thousand here and there in very key spots, was a lil agitating, but its what we sign up for. Take em in stride.

I won like 60bi at nl25/nl50 (bout 40 at 25, 20 at 50)

I also lost like 1.2k at nl100. I never set a stop loss, honestly was being out played on a couple tables, but I did run way below ev as well. That was the suicide run of last month.

So now I am gearing up for Vegas, I'm flying out either 6/19 or right before July 4th, but most likely 6/19. Theres a $1500 superstack thats kinda stupid to ever miss. Gotta go and play that. Need to.

Gonna set up shop back out in LV I imagine, traveling to Canada and Costa Rica all the time is just getting boring and old. Also live is pretty fun and so easy, atleast at 1/2 1/3 2/5 and some 5/10 are really easy most the time.

Lifes been tough for a few months this year, I was going through a lot of mental stuff, my ego kinda bested me for a while, I now accept responsibility for my downswing as being just bad play (at least compared to up to the 162s)
Blaming it on luck is dumb, I woulda b/e or maybe had 1 big win if a hand went dif, I needed to be more consistant and I wasn't 5betting wide enough or snap jamming vs light 3betters in the higher games. I wasn't playing my game, I was kinda playing there game. Live and learn. Fun game.

Feeling healthier than I have in maybe 5 years.
Been off any hard drugs for a long time, never realized how much my mind was messed up on that stuff, til I got off it and see things from a much more stable point of view.

felt like bloggin
LP respect guys, esp u bosses.
love that this forum is still goin pretty much everyday.

I think you guys should have me be a news writer, i'd do that for free most likely, I follow just about every single news thread in poker, from legality in all Countries, to final tables, players to watch etc, think about adding a column once a week for me, it'd be cool. obv not want feature blog, lmk naz or whoever does that stuff.

if not, a fun neilly rant on something every once and a while could def be good front page material. I always have em, just usually don't write em

GL everyone,

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 Last edit: 03/06/2014 17:49

Rinny   United States. Jun 03 2014 15:57. Posts 600

bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Jun 03 2014 16:17. Posts 8648

hey neilly, where do you see yourself 10 years from now?

Truck-Crash Life 

Royal_Rumble   Germany. Jun 03 2014 16:56. Posts 1760

Neilly, you always have been, you are and, most likely, will always be a shady scumbag. Maybe I have had a beer too much tonight, but damn dude, don't you see the pattern? It's the same shit you've been spreading here for years now. Nothing has changed at all. Where do you take the money to live and continue to lose in poker? Are you scamming your family, some other backers, I don't get it? Don't take it personally, I don't know you in person, maybe you are all cool and shit, at least your blogs are entertaining as hell, but if I was you, i'd be wondering if the amusement isn't at my cost.

money won is twice as sweet as money earned.  

tooker   . Jun 03 2014 17:36. Posts 470

  On June 03 2014 15:56 Royal_Rumble wrote:
at least your blogs are entertaining as hell


GoldRush   United States. Jun 03 2014 17:47. Posts 1025

lol rinny wins! well, if it was like pre 2009 that would be good atleast!

Ahem? Royal, Scumbag? I think not. I may not have the nicest stuff, but a scumbag I am not. I literally paid out like 30 grand in Canada and used like 4-5k on rent etc, I don't screw anyone over, I have great work ethic, and I stay humble most of the time these days. (these days)

Things have changed from me being like a reg up to 55s to me being a super solid reg up to 162s online and I have 2/2 FT's at 1k's, one live one online, all my Canada buddies swear I will win tons of bracelets from watching me play..

Things have changed a lot. I also understand the business of Poker now, which I had never learned business until around like 28 years old lol! I was just a kid havin fun man. Now I take things quite serious, sometimes too serious.

with understanding the business side of poker, having paid off most of what I needed to, and getting my cash games strong again with my MTT's, I believe I am better than I have ever been sir.

hey Royal, you don't know I have used only the same 4 stakes for the past 5 years? Baza88 for 1.5 years, Jlost88 on and off for like 5 years, Justinawe12 last year and this year, and AndrewBoccia.

I understand psychology, I'm not trying to make you like me, I understand 25% of the people you meet will just NOT like you flat out, no matter what you do.

I am just explaining to you, because there seems to be a notion that I just go through 50 stakers or this or that, when in fact, I build great relationships with my backers most the time (although sometimes I am not always the best horse, as my attitude isn't always perfect, although it is something I am working on and care very much for my backers as people before poker, after being tight with them for so long)

Anyways, GL!

barbieman   Sweden. Jun 03 2014 18:16. Posts 2132

  On June 03 2014 16:47 GoldRush wrote:
hey Royal, you don't know I have used only the same 4 stakes for the past 5 years? Baza88 for 1.5 years, Jlost88 on and off for like 5 years, Justinawe12 last year and this year, and AndrewBoccia.


Trav94   Canada. Jun 03 2014 19:54. Posts 1787

Good luck in Vegas Neilly

TheTrees   United States. Jun 03 2014 20:01. Posts 1592

[X] New neilly blog
[X] Same old shit

At least you're consistent.

devon06atX   Canada. Jun 04 2014 02:46. Posts 5459

Insanity. n. mental illness of such a severe nature that a person cannot distinguish fantasy from reality, cannot conduct her/his affairs due to psychosis, or is subject to uncontrollable impulsive behavior.

Achoo   Canada. Jun 04 2014 04:19. Posts 1454

  On June 03 2014 15:17 bigredhoss wrote:
hey neilly, where do you see yourself 10 years from now?

Odds are exactly 50%: it either happens or not 

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Jun 04 2014 10:35. Posts 15163

  On June 03 2014 15:17 bigredhoss wrote:
hey neilly, where do you see yourself 10 years from now?

Neilly will join me in the woods, two ascetics searching for wisdom

93% Sure!  

longple    Sweden. Jun 04 2014 12:01. Posts 4472

gl neilly!

KeyleK_uk   United Kingdom. Jun 04 2014 13:05. Posts 1687

  On June 04 2014 11:01 longple wrote:
gl neilly!

poker is soooo much easier when you flop sets 

GoldRush   United States. Jun 04 2014 14:09. Posts 1025

I see myself on a beach sir. Chillin, drinks, nice flat, good times and good life.

I want to grind forever, to me its just doin what i love

GoldRush   United States. Jun 04 2014 14:10. Posts 1025

Ty Longple, Ty Keylek

heh barbieman, ya we did that 3500 stake, i lost it, and i did pay you back the full 3500 which was a lil cool of me imo so that just goes to show if i mess up, i pay back my debts ! that was 4 years ago ne way hehe

 Last edit: 04/06/2014 14:13

Nitewin   United States. Jun 04 2014 23:00. Posts 1552

If you wrote a column, I'd read it. There are a few interesting fellows on LP and you're one of them.

whamm!   Albania. Jun 04 2014 23:46. Posts 11625

doing what you love aint so bad

devon06atX   Canada. Jun 05 2014 01:41. Posts 5459

once again, wish you the best Ry. Cheers man!! Sorry for my asshole comment earlier. Champ it.

I still think you should get a real job though.

GoldRush   United States. Jun 05 2014 12:35. Posts 1025

hey thx devon, whamm u da man


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