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Delayed exploitation

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NewbSaibot   United States. Jun 11 2014 01:23. Posts 4946
Lets say you observe 3 rapid showdowns whereby a player never cbet as the initial raiser and just gave up if he didnt have a pair. This seems like a good opportunity to start picking off flops when he checks, but what if you miss a bunch of opportunities due to other action? Do you just kinda pick up right where you left off and test your theory at the next available opportunity? Or do you feel like if he hasnt been able to play the last 20 hands that he's probably looking to win his next pot and thus give him some room to fall back into his ways?

For your time I present to you trailers for Doom4 and The Division. Try to keep in mind The Division is supposed to showcasing a new real-time engine. Hard to believe this isnt CGI but there are some frame skips and other telltale signs of imperfection that make me believe it really is real-time.

oh yeah, and new trailer for Interstellar by Chris Nolan

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bye nowLast edit: 11/06/2014 01:36

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Jun 11 2014 04:15. Posts 15163

  On June 11 2014 00:23 NewbSaibot wrote:
Lets say you observe 3 rapid showdowns whereby a player never cbet as the initial raiser and just gave up if he didnt have a pair. This seems like a good opportunity to start picking off flops when he checks, but what if you miss a bunch of opportunities due to other action? Do you just kinda pick up right where you left off and test your theory at the next available opportunity? Or do you feel like if he hasnt been able to play the last 20 hands that he's probably looking to win his next pot and thus give him some room to fall back into

You are thinking like this guy

most things are not black and white. With small samples you don't assume he gives up 100% flops cause you've seen him do it a couple times, neither you assume that he will cbet 100% of the time because his cbets didn't work.

Every piece of information increases the probability that he'll play certain parts of his range one way, the more information you have the higher the probability is and the more you should change your strategy to exploit his. i.e. normally you bet 60% when checked to -only with hands with at least an overcard and 8 backdoor outs. The fact that he check folded 3x in a row increases the probability he does it too much so you would say raise your bet when checked to to 7%, and the assumption that he'll fight for pots now depending on what weight you assign it might be against might decrease the probability that he'll do it again, so you bet 65% of the time etc.

This is one method

93% Sure! Last edit: 11/06/2014 04:23

CrownRoyal   United States. Jun 13 2014 12:51. Posts 11385

interestellar looks nice


ggplz   Sweden. Jun 16 2014 01:23. Posts 16784

sweet trailers
+1 crown, film looks sick!

if poker is dangerous to them i would rank sports betting as a Kodiak grizzly bear who smells blood after you just threw a javelin into his cub - RaiNKhAN 


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