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NewbSaibot   United States. Jul 21 2014 23:34. Posts 4946
Awwwwwww yeeaaahhhhh... for any of you tech geeks out there the new toy this week are android smart watches. While the term "smart watch" has been out for a couple of years thanks to other vendors, none of them could do it right without a major player like Google/Apple obviously. So Google released a new fork in their OS called Android Wear meant for smartwatches or anything similar in this ultra portable category. I saw some vids and talked myself into believing these things could actually be useful, plus I have been without a watch for a year since my battery died so I just said fuck it.

I just bought this lil guy in black

My first fears were that it would be some gaudy brick like monstrosity on my wrist screaming "NEERRRRDDD!" while making women's vaginas dry up like a.... like something that makes women's vaginas dry up.

Anyway I swung by my local Verizon store who had one on display without all the cumbersome security crap so I could actually wear the damn thing and get a good feel for it (which by the way I have the most amazing Verizon store in my neighborhood. They have a fucking bellhop at the door who's sole job is to just open the door for you and greet you, then they take your name and enter it on a tablet that uploads it to a sales rep who comes and somehow knows exactly who you are you without ever meeting you. They arent pushy at all, actually answer legit questions, bring out demo units from stock of anything you want. The whole store is just bustling with activity, lots of neat toys like drones and remote control devices that interface with your cellphone all on display and fully interactive for the customer to mess with. Gotta give Verizon credit here for creating this little tech mecca in their stores lately).

Oh yeah, so I try on the demo unit and I'm instantly sold. It's perfect. It's comfortable, it's snazzy, the band feels great (the band looks like a cheap piece of shit at first but it's actually incredibly soft and comfortable. I still want to upgrade to a black stainless steel one though), it's light weight, the watch face isnt some huge unsightly eyesore gathering attention and the corners dont stab me in the wrist bone. It's just a really nice feeling watch. I buy it on the spot, get it all set up and so far I'm in love with it. It does exactly what I wanted it to, and that is remove the necessity to check your cellphone every time it beeps at you.

What you have to wrap your mind around is what the watch is really for; the purpose is to serve as a notification delivery system for your phone. Sure there are apps and stuff you can interact with on the watch by itself, but the big deal is that it ties in with your phone and just relays information between the two. The watch is not a standalone device, and the sooner you come to terms with this the sooner you can enjoy it. You arent supposed to be constantly fucking with it like you would a full featured phone. All it does is display whatever notifications are in your notification bar on your phone. While this doesnt sound like much it really bridges the gap between making your phone this total seamless experience with your life. One of my major 1st world problems is the struggle of having to whip out a 5" phone from my pocket hundreds of times per day. Or leaving it on my desk in a cradle so I can observe active notifications. The 2-3 seconds it takes to do this are converted into about a fucking nanosecond when you have it on your wrist. The phone wrist vibrates, you look down and boom, you instantly have your phil ivey twitter update. 5 minutes later you get an email confirming payment for something, BAM you see that shit and disregard it. Then your girl texts you whining about dinner and KABLAMO you swipe that shit into the trash, or maybe reply if you're a good boyfriend using voice-to-text.

You think it's silly right now, but once you acclimate yourself to it and get into the groove you instantly feel like you have saved 5-10 minutes of your life every day by not having to reach for your phone ever again. It's almost relaxing in a way, because you are satiating your phone addiction by having instant gratification at all times. Think of having unlimited crack if you were a crackwhore. The pipe is always lit with the effervescent tinge of smoke swirling from its tip at all times. You want a hit? By god have one my man, this one's on me. There are still dozens of other direct watch-to-phone interactions you can conjure such as changing profile status (silent/vibrate/etc), placing phone calls while driving using Google search (just say "ok google, call Sushi Taro" even though they arent in your phone book since it uses google search to identify the business name and lookup the number for you). The list goes on.

So to any of you tech guys who have been on the rail about one of these things, you'll love it. The market is very new so there's going to be tons of competition with lots of new devices coming up. Everyone said "wait for the moto 360, wait for the HTC" blah fucking blah. Yeah I'm sure my LG watch is going to get smoked by a competitor in no time flat, but right now it's amazing and I'll just sell them on ebay and upgrade my way through as I see fit. Losing $50 in depreciated smart watches every 3 months is an acceptable sacrifice to stay bleeding edge for a guy like me until the hardware/software fully matures and you can keep stick with a device. To be honest though I see no reason why this one wont receive plenty of love from LG and the community.

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bye nowLast edit: 21/07/2014 23:38

ggplz   Sweden. Jul 21 2014 23:55. Posts 16784

I try to reduce how much my phone beeps at me so that when it beeps/notifies more often than not it's important and worth checking. I generally dislike having a phone too though and try to leave it at home or switched off in my backpack whenever I can. A big drawback on these smartwatches is the low battery times as I don't want to charge a watch daily. That just sucks! Also, durability? low. Reliability? with daily recharge battery times... it's pretty low. Value? Up to you to decide how much the notification is worth. Geeks tend to overestimate this shit by a lot. It could be great if you have important notifications you don't want to miss or it could just stress you out even more.. That said, I can see why these are popular but it's just a big waste of $ to me and not what im looking for.

Saw this round smartwatch recently which looked kinda cool too for those who prefer round watches, moto 360:

if poker is dangerous to them i would rank sports betting as a Kodiak grizzly bear who smells blood after you just threw a javelin into his cub - RaiNKhANLast edit: 22/07/2014 00:11

Highcard   Canada. Jul 22 2014 00:54. Posts 5428

Tobias B Wen, I have felt elation towards smart watches. Never again feeling a vibration in my pants, followed by the awkward city dweller pocket fishing for my phone. I find ringtones to be obnoxious from the prospective of a group, albeit interesting to hear, what people choose to project gets old fast. Seeing incoming calls/texts/emails will be productive and alleviate both nuisances.

As for watch faces, I can't wait to see how well they are created. There is a lot of customization that can result, with the direction of customization narrowly conceived to data orientated aspects. I believe there is a larger possibility that can come from the the public digital display, a social, artistic, branding offshoot which I don't have an exact understanding of the ramifications at present.

A lot of trends could bounce and disseminate

I have learned from poker that being at the table is not a grind, the grind is living and poker is how I pass the timeLast edit: 22/07/2014 00:55

Highcard   Canada. Jul 22 2014 01:03. Posts 5428


I have learned from poker that being at the table is not a grind, the grind is living and poker is how I pass the time 

whamm!   Albania. Jul 22 2014 06:29. Posts 11625

i like it but i got too much shit to charge every night and i dont wanna add anything to the list

NewbSaibot   United States. Jul 22 2014 22:26. Posts 4946

I was concerned about charging, and this watch definitely requires daily charging. Luckily the charging cradle it comes with is like a maglock type cradle. You just drop the phone on to it and it sticks and charges, almost like wireless charging. There's nothing to plug in, no snapping anything into place, you just lazily line it up and it slips in by itself.

Today I was eating lunch, had a beverage in one hand, sandwich in the other. Wrist vibrates, I look down to see it is an email. Nothing important, but it relieved my email anxiety in case it was the bossman with an emergency. Ordinarily I would have to put something down, wipe my hands, lean back and stretch one leg out to extend my pocket so I could reach my hand in there, and then go through the agony of actually checking the message on my phone.

bye now 


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