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Poker Progress July

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lhr0909   China. Aug 10 2014 17:10. Posts 423
Got some decent volume in this month playing after work. I usually tried to do a 2 hour session every day, 4-tabling on Bovada. It is not a whole lot, but that's how much I am playing. Work is very draining sometimes, and I tried to play tired after work and it usually ended up very shitty sessions because I was just yawning the whole damn time folding hands lol.

I think my flop play has gotten tons better thanks to Lemon. He told me to keep around 60% cbet flop and I started doing that, and I think I have a much better time dealing with turn/river by cbetting less on the flop because the pot is much smaller when I don't flop huge. I still had a lot of trouble on the turn and river, especially facing a raise. On these readless games I think I just tended to call a bit more than I should have. I really need to plug this leak ASAP.

Bovada's anonymous tables really got me at first because I couldn't do stuff I used to do on SealsWithClubs when I have 1000+ hands on a given villain. I felt like I could exploit just a bit more against certain villain, and on Bovada I had to play slightly more defensive most of the time. From the graph I think it took me about 2k hands to adjust. From then on I think I started getting a hang of it and winning more and more. So at the end of this week I am netting +10BI with 8.63bb/100 winrate. So much rake on Bovada though!

Other than that, everything is going well, except for work lol. On a nasty project that couldn't get away with. Kept having production issues and couldn't have my code running. I needed to keep going back trying to fix bugs, and it takes a week to see my bugfixes go live, which sucks balls. Oh well we will see this week.

I am writing a plugin that allows SealsWithClubs players to use HEM/PT HUDs which I am going to sell for 60 chips a pop (60 chips = 0.06BTC = $36). That way I can use the money for playing bitcoin poker on Seals from time to time lol. On the other hand, I am also planning on writing a plugin for Bovada that enables HEM/PT HUD use. Although it is not going to be as good because the of anonymous bullshit but I think it will still help quite a few people online if they want to see more stats/import their hands on the fly. the Bovada converter from acepokersolutions had issues importing to HEM2 so I am pretty pissed about it. Not sure if they are going to fix that any time soon.

Posting my Bovada cash game graph here. You can also checkout to see my progress on various games if you wish haha.

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no pain no gain 

GoTuNk   Chile. Aug 10 2014 20:23. Posts 2860

the app thing seems really interesting

however, isn't this something the companies could easily do if you can code it single handledly?

NewbSaibot   United States. Aug 10 2014 21:54. Posts 4946

A proper cbet range has also been my biggest improvement thus far to date. I wasnt told to just keep it at 60%, but instead cbet based on the amount of outs I have, which interestingly enough resulted in about a 65% range. I'm finishing a lot more sessions in the green these days, and also play on Bovada. I attribute it to simply being more value oriented since the players there are unimaginably bad, you simply must have some equity to outdraw their random pairs or call some crazy donkbet shove when they decide a King on the turn is the perfect card to ship TT with.

bye nowLast edit: 10/08/2014 23:47

lhr0909   China. Aug 10 2014 23:49. Posts 423

  On August 10 2014 19:23 GoTuNk wrote:
the app thing seems really interesting

however, isn't this something the companies could easily do if you can code it single handledly?

you mean HEM/PT? They won't do it unless it is a website with large enough traffic. That website only had around 300 active logins so they don't want to support it. It kinda sucks because that is actually the biggest bitcoin poker website and it is very legit. As a US player I think SwC is far better than a lot of the other ones because of fast cashouts (a cashout takes around 12-24 hours max, and you have 0 limit with cashing out from the site each month). It is just very reg-infested.

no pain no gain 

lhr0909   China. Aug 10 2014 23:53. Posts 423

  On August 10 2014 20:54 NewbSaibot wrote:
A proper cbet range has also been my biggest improvement thus far to date. I wasnt told to just keep it at 60%, but instead cbet based on the amount of outs I have, which interestingly enough resulted in about a 65% range. I'm finishing a lot more sessions in the green these days, and also play on Bovada. I attribute it to simply being more value oriented since the players there are unimaginably bad, you simply must have some equity to outdraw their random pairs or call some crazy donkbet shove when they decide a King on the turn is the perfect card to ship TT with.

Do you want to share how the outs-based cbet logic? I want to learn more too. For me I am cbetting most Axx and Kxx dry-ish looking boards or if I flopped NFD/FD. I think there are some spots that I am not cbetting (very low dry boards where I only have two overcards etc) and it might not be right since I have around 6 outs with 2 overs. I want to get some more input on that.

no pain no gain 

bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Aug 11 2014 00:59. Posts 8648

nice work simon~!

  On August 10 2014 22:53 lhr0909 wrote:
Do you want to share how the outs-based cbet logic? I want to learn more too. For me I am cbetting most Axx and Kxx dry-ish looking boards or if I flopped NFD/FD. I think there are some spots that I am not cbetting (very low dry boards where I only have two overcards etc) and it might not be right since I have around 6 outs with 2 overs. I want to get some more input on that.

i haven't been keeping up with the games lately, but it's pretty safe to say you should be c-betting low dry boards with 2 overs, at least in 2-way pots. besides likely having 6 outs, you may have the best hand (in which case betting is an easier way to realize your equity than checking).

Truck-Crash Life 

NewbSaibot   United States. Aug 11 2014 03:03. Posts 4946

Yeah so the very basic strat was just to fire 1 barrel with 6 outs, 2 barrels with 10 outs, and 3 barrels with 13 outs, and sometimes 1 barrel with 4 outs (gutshot). I'll of course mix in a total air cbet when the board is dry and shows an Ace/King/Queen. And if the board is horrible like 567dd then I dont cbet a 6 outer. Also to reduce my betsizing to 2/3 pot instead of 3/4 or full pot. This gives me more room to value bet/fold when they spaz.

bye nowLast edit: 11/08/2014 03:04


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