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Even Though I know, I Can't!

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oldmemory   United Kingdom. Aug 24 2014 09:35. Posts 49
I know I should stop playing after 12+ consecutive hour session. Yet I can't stop until I literally pass out.

I know I should fold in a lot of situations recently, but I couldn't resist to call trying to believe he got the lower end of his range.

I do believe I know how to beat nl25/nl50 yet my hands betray my thoughts. I've been playing underrolled as well. Maybe im a gambling addict.

Went bust yesterday, don't really care about the money, as im financialy and job stable... as soon as my self-imposed deposit restriction can be removed I can put money back in..

But until then, I have 4-5 days to chill out and think over my actions.

It's a shame I can't complete the summer challenges as I can't deposit - so if anyone is reading this miserable blog, and can transfer me 1 USD on stars 'oldmemor' I can transfer on paypal with 50% interest maybe 1.5$USD + 20% of any Shootout Winnings as I can't deposit now.. just so I can play a zoom hand and get in today's summer stars challenge.

that is all. GL

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 Last edit: 24/08/2014 11:46

2primenumbers   United States. Aug 24 2014 09:36. Posts 199

Pretend your legs are being worked upon by God himself and walk away - All of your commentated gaming entertainment. 

oldmemory   United Kingdom. Aug 24 2014 09:39. Posts 49

Nah, I don't see myself quitting poker at this stage. I honestly feel there's still plenty of fish to take money off if I just discipline myself.

2primenumbers   United States. Aug 24 2014 10:02. Posts 199

Talking about when your session is over - All of your commentated gaming entertainment. 

oldmemory   United Kingdom. Aug 24 2014 10:05. Posts 49

Ohh I see. The problem is I can't call a session over. I get tired physically but not mentally. I just keep going and going... and going. I might just start deliberately putting a clock on my sessions and force myself to stop playing after 4-5 hours or so.

Gnarly   United States. Aug 24 2014 11:24. Posts 1723

>physically tired
>not mentally tired

Welp, there's goes that one.

Diversify or fossilize! 

oldmemory   United Kingdom. Aug 24 2014 11:47. Posts 49

  On August 24 2014 10:24 Gnarly wrote:
>physically tired
>not mentally tired

Welp, there's goes that one.

I've been in this forum for about a week and I already am disgusted by your non-sense trolling.

k4ir0s   Canada. Aug 24 2014 12:38. Posts 3478

  On August 24 2014 08:35 oldmemory wrote:
I do believe I know how to beat nl25/nl50 yet my hands betray my thoughts. I've been playing underrolled as well. Maybe im a gambling addict.

start from nl2, or nl5, and dont move up until you've made 20 bi.

I havent played serious poker in long time, so I force myself to play nl50, until I can prove to myself I can beat it - even though I have a big roll and have beat much higher stakes in the past.

it's tempting to play higher stakes, but you need to earn your right to be there.

also, BAN Gnarly.

I dont know what a dt drop is. Is it a wrestling move? -OlyLast edit: 24/08/2014 12:40

oldmemory   United Kingdom. Aug 24 2014 12:53. Posts 49

  On August 24 2014 11:38 k4ir0s wrote:
Show nested quote +

start from nl2, or nl5, and dont move up until you've made 20 bi.

I havent played serious poker in long time, so I force myself to play nl50, until I can prove to myself I can beat it - even though I have a big roll and have beat much higher stakes in the past.

it's tempting to play higher stakes, but you need to earn your right to be there.

also, BAN Gnarly.

Thanks for the advice.

Honestly playing for $2or $5 I would rather play flips. But I do understand what you mean and I have grinded nl2 15tabling a few years ago. I'm not bad, just not disciplined. Also believe playing for a bit highers stakes will make me stick to good decision-making.

Santafairy   Korea (South). Aug 24 2014 14:19. Posts 2232

  On August 24 2014 11:53 oldmemory wrote:
I'm not bad, just not disciplined.

this seems contradictory

It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen 

oldmemory   United Kingdom. Aug 24 2014 16:02. Posts 49

  On August 24 2014 13:19 Santafairy wrote:
Show nested quote +

this seems contradictory

true u_u

Gnarly   United States. Aug 24 2014 16:16. Posts 1723

  On August 24 2014 10:47 oldmemory wrote:
Show nested quote +

I've been in this forum for about a week and I already am disgusted by your non-sense trolling.

Again, legit advice, and I'm trolling? I don't play right after work because of how physically exhausted I am. Get better discipline.

Diversify or fossilize! 

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Aug 24 2014 18:27. Posts 9634

Don't do that 2nl, 5nl 20bi shit, you wanna know you beat a limit you go and play 300k hands on it.
Gnarly is not a troll , he s just stupid, skip his posts and you save yourself either a laugh ( which would be bad if you find such people amusing - read his posts ) or nuisance

However from what you've written you seem like the type of guy that is in poker for the rush which is bad. If you actually want to prove yourself that you're good just deposit 1000$ and play 25nl, don't do 12hrs sessions there is no way in hell you're even playing your B game most of it. Do hand reviews, take breaks etc etc. - pretty sure you know what to do, you just dont seem to be able to force yourself to it. Plus 50nl games arent nearly as easy as they used to be ( take that from a guy that played 100nl and now is shotting 20nl - well not playing as serious as before, but still... )

Also seems like you got a concept wrong, you can't call cause you believe they have the lower part of their range, if you assume opponents range - you're playing based on his whole range in that given scenario. When you do that 1 or 100 times EV doesn't change, you ll still be behind, letting go isn't a weakness its the opposite lawl :/
And yeah - in poker if you're not disciplined - you are in fact bad

What I don't get is how do you not get tired mentally, how does thinking about multiple "problems" at once for 12hrs while sitting on a chair gets you physically, but not mentally tired ... waat? :D I doubt thats true either

 Last edit: 24/08/2014 18:29

whamm!   Albania. Aug 24 2014 19:25. Posts 11625

If you don't have thick skin this game will troll you out of your mind.
It will keep doing questioning your thought process day in day out, make you adapt the wrong way until you are in a state of confusion on what to do. Learn to discern what is right from all the bad and hurtful lessons each day as you play and try to implement them regardless of the results. You have to take the good with the bad. Just imagine Gnarly is Poker, and being tolerant of his bullshit will make you a better poker player overall. Good luck

oldmemory   United Kingdom. Aug 24 2014 19:42. Posts 49

  On August 24 2014 17:27 Spitfiree wrote:
Don't do that 2nl, 5nl 20bi shit, you wanna know you beat a limit you go and play 300k hands on it.
Gnarly is not a troll , he s just stupid, skip his posts and you save yourself either a laugh ( which would be bad if you find such people amusing - read his posts ) or nuisance

However from what you've written you seem like the type of guy that is in poker for the rush which is bad. If you actually want to prove yourself that you're good just deposit 1000$ and play 25nl, don't do 12hrs sessions there is no way in hell you're even playing your B game most of it. Do hand reviews, take breaks etc etc. - pretty sure you know what to do, you just dont seem to be able to force yourself to it. Plus 50nl games arent nearly as easy as they used to be ( take that from a guy that played 100nl and now is shotting 20nl - well not playing as serious as before, but still... )

Also seems like you got a concept wrong, you can't call cause you believe they have the lower part of their range, if you assume opponents range - you're playing based on his whole range in that given scenario. When you do that 1 or 100 times EV doesn't change, you ll still be behind, letting go isn't a weakness its the opposite lawl :/
And yeah - in poker if you're not disciplined - you are in fact bad

What I don't get is how do you not get tired mentally, how does thinking about multiple "problems" at once for 12hrs while sitting on a chair gets you physically, but not mentally tired ... waat? :D I doubt thats true either

It's the same as Starcraft, I could keep playing 1v1's all night long because I enjoyed the mental stimulation of solving all the problems. But inevitably my hands felt weaker, my fingers slower - I could feel my decision making get poorer as my eyelids began to feel heavy.... But I can't stop, its just so good.

I guess I can't do that with Poker as there's money at risk, I need to find something else to distract me from playing long poker sessions and take it seriously enough to only play on my A game all the time,

goose58   United States. Aug 25 2014 03:57. Posts 871

My first thought was gambling addiction. On second thought, some players get really good playing absurd amount of hours. They say the difference between genius and insanity is measured by success..

Drop to the lowest stakes until you beat them and study instructional videos of good players. If you can't do this, you are probably a degen.

Mardagg   Germany. Aug 26 2014 08:40. Posts 843

try tourneys instead.
I know several guys with similar "problems" like you and some did successfully switch over from cash to tourneys.
Cash these days,especially low limits up to 100/200 NL, is all about self control/tilt control...and if you are bad at this,this isnt the thing for you .

Enigma   Canada. Aug 27 2014 20:09. Posts 158

To borrow a concept from TR, in order to create a lasting change in any pattern in your life you must first associate PAIN with the pattern you want to absolve. Then replace it with an empowering belief and new action.
EG. Maybe if you play past when you are too tired to think EVEN ONCE, you have to quit after only 1-2hours for the next week.
missing out on action due to not following your self imposed restriction. Take a walk to a casino at about 4-5am (after sleeping, so you are fresh) and just look at the dopes that are stuck and look like they are about to pass out. Make that association of a loser with someone that plays in this state. You don't want to be like them, do you?
It is a very powerful tool, try it out. See what works.


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