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Not really a natural poker player

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The Dean   United Kingdom. Aug 27 2014 06:16. Posts 2
This is a question that I have asked myself many times and the fact that I am asking the question at all would confuse an awful lot of people. I play poker so I must be a “poker player” would be many peoples reply. Of course there is some truth to that as anyone that plays poker is technically a poker player but that isn’t what I was referring to. When I say “poker player” then I am referring to being a “natural poker player”. I think natural poker players simply take to the game and have to do far less work than other people.

For example you have already mentally evolved before you come into poker and because poker is a mental game then any issues that you have away from poker will be highlighted within the game itself. So if you are easily bored then you will probably become easily bored at the poker table. Also what about compulsive behaviour? If you are prone to compulsive behaviour by way of over drinking, over eating or anything else then you may have problems controlling your behaviour at the poker table.

At its very core then poker is a simple game although it has the capacity to be complicated immensely, it is just that as humans we tend to automatically complicate things. Also because a human being is many times more complex than a poker game then what we have is a relatively simple but easily complicated poker game played by unbelievably complex entities.

This is why poker can be so frustrating for many people because of the fact that it can seem unbelievably complex. At its very core then we need to concentrate on three key areas to be a poker player.

These are our overall poker system, this is our style of play that we end up playing after we have studied all that we can about the game. What we end up with is our poker game and this poker game will either be good enough or not good enough to make us money……that is the bottom line. Most poker games will need to have certain environments for them to be able to make money. For example depending on your level of experience and ability then your own game may need to be played at a level that is no higher than NL25.

Even then if your own destructive personality traits are holding you back then you may struggle to make any kind of meaningful money. The next question is when you have found a way of playing poker to then estimate your edge. This is more difficult than what it sounds which is why I have designated two ways to go. The first is to use conventional theory and hope that your opponents or a number of your opponents do not know it. The problem with this way of playing poker is that you can find a way of making money fairly quickly but the profit potential will be limited.

Conventional poker theory isn’t called “conventional” for nothing and years ago then the data that you had may have been sufficient to make money on its own but not anymore. So I think that the biggest edges in poker these days are gleaned from understanding theory in an un-conventional way. While this may not ultimately work for many people, it at least allows you to do something different to what the masses are doing which I think is very important. I think that if you play like the masses then your results are going to be broadly similar.

I simply cannot stress this often enough. You are better off thinking about the game differently even if you end up going down a few blind alleys along the way. However if you are working very hard on your game and you still find that your results are not what they should be then there is every possibility that you are simply not cut out to succeed in the modern world of online poker against the new breed of shark. Learning theory simply isn’t enough unless you want to recycle money.

In the games that I play in, most players tend to have a good grasp of poker theory at levels as low as NL25. So this means that getting an edge in terms of knowing more theory is difficult. In full ring cash games then you need to devise a solid strategy based on what your opponents are broadly doing. If you can learn to think strategically in poker rather than merely on a hand to hand basis then you may just find that you can make considerable money from the game. Any player that can make $60/hour and find 40 hours per week to play online is an absolute monster in online poker.

Carl Sampson is a professional poker player that plays online at www

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Love rocks when you let it.Last edit: 27/08/2014 06:19

traxamillion   United States. Aug 27 2014 19:59. Posts 10468

Cash game poker is definitely played on a hand to hand basis not some meta basis. At least according to game theory. Each hand is an independent event/problem with an optimal solution.

-25nl GTO poker gods that can get NO better learning more theory? Doubt it. That would imply they have basically solved poker which is obviously not the case. Most people that play significantly higher don't even have a super solid understanding of the theory and how to play unexploitable poker.

You paint a picture of GTO bots trading money back and forth and if that were really the truth the game would be dead and there would be nothing further anyone could do to gain an edge. Obviously not where we are at yet.

K40Cheddar   United States. Aug 27 2014 22:55. Posts 2202

There will always be money in poker for the following reasons,

Everyone sucks
Good players suck less

GGLast edit: 27/08/2014 22:56

bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Aug 28 2014 02:44. Posts 8648

serious responses to spamblog, not sure if re-leveling

Truck-Crash Life 

whamm!   Albania. Aug 29 2014 01:54. Posts 11625

OP claims to be playing only 100nl now due to the tougher playing field.
Creates poker training site.

The Dean   United Kingdom. Feb 19 2015 10:24. Posts 2

Love rocks when you let it.Last edit: 19/02/2015 10:26

uiCk   Canada. Feb 19 2015 17:53. Posts 3521

I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson 


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