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lol tilt

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Gnarly   United States. Oct 17 2014 06:37. Posts 1723
>be me
>play lol
>a couple of games a week
>only ai games pretty much
>recently for the last two weeks
>at least one person in every game
>doubles mid or gets killed on purpose all game
>matches go from 20ish minutes to an hour and a half
>start losing to bots KEK
>"we have been able to reduce bad player behavior by NOPE %"

It's like when you know the other person in the hand with you is a fucking idiot and for some reason, they just get there every time against you and no matter how bad they play, they keep winning over and over and over and there's never anything you can do about it because it's destined for the rest of time that you get mopped the FUCK up. You just don't play against them, ever.

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devon06atX   Canada. Oct 17 2014 06:49. Posts 5459

>Why are you so fucking annoying?

Honestly, if you wrote like a normal human being and didn't use these >>> perhaps people would take you more seriously.

As it is, tilting as fuck.

Maybe I'm the only one, I dunno.

Did you used to use the handle eightfour0s?

RaiNKhAN    United States. Oct 17 2014 07:16. Posts 4080

ur feeding him

The biggest Rockets, Sixers, and Grizzlies fan you will ever meet! 

ggplz   Sweden. Oct 17 2014 07:23. Posts 16784

  On October 17 2014 05:49 devon06atX wrote:
>Why are you so fucking annoying?

Honestly, if you wrote like a normal human being and didn't use these >>> perhaps people would take you more seriously.

As it is, tilting as fuck.

Maybe I'm the only one, I dunno.

Did you used to use the handle eightfour0s?

if poker is dangerous to them i would rank sports betting as a Kodiak grizzly bear who smells blood after you just threw a javelin into his cub - RaiNKhAN 

Trav94   Canada. Oct 17 2014 07:28. Posts 1787

  On October 17 2014 06:16 RaiNKhAN wrote:
ur feeding him

Santafairy   Korea (South). Oct 17 2014 07:42. Posts 2232

am i supposed to rate this 1 star or by not rating it does it have 0 stars so i shouldn't rate it at all

It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen 

Gnarly   United States. Oct 17 2014 07:58. Posts 1723

>second game in a row
>person in my lane targets the minions im targeting
>they are melee and im ranged, so they have to go out of their way to ks the minion with the two enemy champs attacking them
>always picking out the furthest minion in the back
>every single time
>they come up to scoop it up

I just don't get it.

>getting tilted at my posts

Diversify or fossilize! 

voodoouser   Iceland. Oct 17 2014 14:16. Posts 741

>quickly think of reasons why I cant win
>believe in the reasons I just made up
>act according to those reasons
>have my prophecy self-fulfilled

dogmeat   Czech Republic. Oct 17 2014 15:18. Posts 6374

  On October 17 2014 05:37 Gnarly wrote:
>start losing to bots KEK

fuckin bots, they took our jobs!

ban baal 

Gnarly   United States. Oct 17 2014 15:46. Posts 1723

>be me
>play miss fortune
>AP build
>do massive dmg and not die and not have to fight with another adc in my lane

Diversify or fossilize! 

NewbSaibot   United States. Oct 17 2014 20:11. Posts 4946

  On October 17 2014 05:37 Gnarly wrote:
It's like when you know the other person in the hand with you is a fucking idiot and for some reason, they just get there every time against you and no matter how bad they play, they keep winning over and over and over and there's never anything you can do about it because it's destined for the rest of time that you get mopped the FUCK up. You just don't play against them, ever.

whats with this sentence structure shit?

>play poker
>know opponent is an idiot
>a fucking idiot
>he plays bad
>he gets there
>keeps winning
>impossible to beat
>never play against him again
>until next time


bye nowLast edit: 17/10/2014 20:12

Gnarly   United States. Oct 17 2014 21:56. Posts 1723

>less words
>easier to read through

Diversify or fossilize! 

NewbSaibot   United States. Oct 18 2014 00:33. Posts 4946

would you talk to anyone like that?

bye now 

Silver_nz   New Zealand. Oct 18 2014 02:29. Posts 5647

I think the greentext structure is good, it does get information across more efficiently.

also THIS:
>quickly think of reasons why I cant win
>believe in the reasons I just made up
>act according to those reasons
>have my prophecy self-fulfilled "

fira   United States. Oct 18 2014 03:03. Posts 6345

sounds like tilt.

just take ur sklansky bux and go home

 Last edit: 18/10/2014 03:04

Gnarly   United States. Oct 18 2014 03:17. Posts 1723

ap mf > adc mf

Diversify or fossilize! 

dogmeat   Czech Republic. Oct 21 2014 06:45. Posts 6374


ban baal 

Gnarly   United States. Oct 21 2014 23:53. Posts 1723


Diversify or fossilize! 


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