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Gnarly   United States. Oct 20 2014 00:28. Posts 1723
osgiq is now osgb
egle (eagle shipping?) went up 2k% a couple days ago
im waiting for osg to go down to less than a buck before I get in, but I'm not totally sure if it's going to go down there or not.
i want to be able to get into a shipping company that deals with international frieght (water transport) since the lift on the ban of energy exportation has been lifted in america and the first tanker has already shipped out this year for the first time in like 50 years.
the products they are going to be shipping is refined crude?, though to be able to refine that, there needs to be infrastructure, which is currently being built. from refineries to the keystone xl, there is a lot of upgrading already going on. however, currently, there has been a supply block of unrefined crude to be able to be refined. (again, could be nat gas or something, but im sure it's crude) this caused prices of gas at the pump to go up, along with other goods like grains, since the amount of unrefined crude on trains, which is the current method of transporting the commodity until keystone gets built, has cut short the space other commodities can use.
since this is all starting to come into place more and more every day, we've seen prices of gas drop at the pump, and it will continue to drop. I wouldn't be surprised at all if we went under 2 bucks a gallon, and I'd be marginally surprised if we down under a full dollar.
I've said that all of this has an impact on Russia, and that's why they are acting out in Ukraine. I think they want to be able to get a port so they can increase their exports. opec has had a lot of inner friction, which means brics is gonna probably be having friction, as well.
one question to ask is who is going to be buying our share of the market now that we are taking it up? well, that's actually pretty easy: europe. they were already buying from russia, but since the deal with ukraine, russia has been straining its ties with the eurozone.

>actually comprehending this

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Diversify or fossilize! 

Trav94   Canada. Oct 20 2014 01:54. Posts 1787

Americans think gas is expensive? Gas here is like $1.20 per LITRE (and that's way down from $1.50 in the summer). A litre is like .26 gallons so that's a bit less then $4.00 a gallon.

Gnarly   United States. Oct 20 2014 02:09. Posts 1723

yeah, that was about the same price I was paying in my city, which has some of the cheapest prices in the nation for gas. now im paying a full dollar less and it's been going down every day.

Diversify or fossilize! 

cariadon   Estonia. Oct 20 2014 19:52. Posts 4019

not sure if comprehending

Gnarly   United States. Oct 21 2014 00:31. Posts 1723

Diversify or fossilize! 

napoleono   Romania. Oct 22 2014 03:15. Posts 771

Gnarly   United States. Oct 22 2014 03:35. Posts 1723

you should

Diversify or fossilize! 

Gnarly   United States. Oct 31 2014 13:47. Posts 1723

>having money in metals
>not shorting the yen
>not buying up dollar futures


Diversify or fossilize! 

Gnarly   United States. Dec 12 2014 18:18. Posts 1723


don't know if i wanna start up the dump truck just yet, but, boy oh boy are the keys in the ignition

>gas prices are finally starting to reflect future prices FROM A FUCKING MONTH AGO
>gas futures have continue to fallen and are below a crucial level for the industries
>gas prices at the pump are still lagging behind


Diversify or fossilize! 

Gnarly   United States. Dec 19 2014 17:53. Posts 1723


Diversify or fossilize! 


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