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Fired for Redundancy.

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oldmemory   United Kingdom. Nov 10 2014 15:16. Posts 49
Yep, last friday I got a letter from my employer saying that my job is now redundant because they have cancelled the expansion project I was leading therefore our meeting tomorrow could result in my dismissal.

1.- I was living abroad - he is in the UK, he wanted to hire me expand his business in a foreign country. (my home country)
2.- Being the best oppty I had - I flew over myself and started working for them (we had arranged so that he paid for relocation costs however at the very last minute he turned it into a loan, not a grant. (we settled that as a misunderstanding but left me a bitter-taste tbh).
3.- Worked for him for 6 months in the UK (the only reason those 6 months existed is because he wanted to build on his current product so that once we expand we had a stronger beginning - I was agaisnt this but he insisted that I waited for him until everything was ready according to his plans and so he just asked me to help with whatever possible in the meantime).
4.- 6 months after he said it was time for me to go to my home country so we could start the expansion project.
5.- He paid for my flight (not all luggage/other expenses)
6.- 1 month after, he has now cancelled the expansion project. I spent money on the travels, I lost my tenancy deposit, etc.

I wish he had told me that while I was still there - so I could look for biz opptys in the UK given I had already invested in a fucking flight/accomodation costs.

Also im a bit confused, isn't he legally required to fucking return me back to the country he hired me in?

He also never gave me any written contract at all. But he was indeed paying taxes and had me employed "properly" as I got payslips with my taxcode etc.

To be fair, I was working from home all the time and barely did anything in the 8 months with some spreadsheet exceptions and stupid-ass work.

In the sense of hours worked vs my payment this was more than +EV for me every month - as I sat playing worms armageddon/starcraft/ did other paid work whilst he was paying me to work from home.

So whatever, fair deal? fuck it, I dont know. I guess I had an ideal job for a while - such things can't last forever can they?

While in the UK - I did all the potential revenue numbers and research on the project. I had warned him with MATH that while it was still a profitable expansion it would take longer and a bigger investment than what he had in mind to achieve it. He said it was fine.

I think he just got scared of going ahead with it because of his local competitors taking away market in his UK brand. But I also think he sent me away and then fired me this way to make it easier/cheaper for him.

What a dick.

Life goes on I guess - time for me to move forward with my digital marketing biz/consultancy.

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 Last edit: 10/11/2014 16:01

PuertoRican   United States. Nov 10 2014 16:12. Posts 13095

This is basically a whine-blog that ends with the realization that you were actually paid for doing nothing over the course of 8 months, and now have to focus on finding a job where you actually have to earn your pay. It seems like you're upset that the gravy train ended earlier than you hoped it would.

Thanks for sharing though. It reminds me of one of the jobs I had when I was younger.

Rekrul is a newb 

carlosdiaz   Mexico. Nov 10 2014 16:22. Posts 143

Never talk/write shit about any employeer you had in the past (even if you're right and are in position to)

Just my 2c


oldmemory   United Kingdom. Nov 10 2014 16:24. Posts 49

  On November 10 2014 15:12 PuertoRican wrote:
This is basically a whine-blog that ends with the realization that you were actually paid for doing nothing over the course of 8 months, and now have to focus on finding a job where you actually have to earn your pay. It seems like you're upset that the gravy train ended earlier than you hoped it would.

Thanks for sharing though. It reminds me of one of the jobs I had when I was younger.

Yeah, that's basically it Which is why I would feel bad taking legal action agaisnt him.

I know nothing about UK employment law but what he did doesn't sound legal to me.
Strictly speaking it is his fault that I had no other activities whilst there anyway.

 Last edit: 10/11/2014 18:20

NewbSaibot   United States. Nov 10 2014 20:10. Posts 4946

The moment someone pulls a 411 type scam you should be concerned. He is willing to pay you a salary and invest untold thousands of dollars into his business, but he wont invest in the employee required to make his business run? That makes no sense, shows he's not serious, and that he's too cash poor to run a venture like this. At the very least it clearly says he's a dick. Shoulda immediately began looking for another job.

bye now 

mnj   United States. Nov 10 2014 20:12. Posts 3848

i am 99% sure in the US you could take legal action and receive some compensation. considering the close nature of US/UK law i think you have a fair shot in the UK

if it were me i would 100% pursue legal action

Silver_nz   New Zealand. Nov 10 2014 20:15. Posts 5647

can probably sue him in the UK law system and win very easily. Having no employment contract is autowin in NZ court at least. in the end it probably wont be worth after court costs and fucking around, but can breakeven and at least get some revenge / help prevent him exploiting future workers

RaiNKhAN    United States. Nov 11 2014 04:32. Posts 4080

  On November 10 2014 15:12 PuertoRican wrote:
This is basically a whine-blog that ends with the realization that you were actually paid for doing nothing over the course of 8 months, and now have to focus on finding a job where you actually have to earn your pay. It seems like you're upset that the gravy train ended earlier than you hoped it would.

Thanks for sharing though. It reminds me of one of the jobs I had when I was younger.

yeah op. dont forget to check the daily (dozens of) fukkin mma threads either.


The biggest Rockets, Sixers, and Grizzlies fan you will ever meet! 

Santafairy   Korea (South). Nov 11 2014 05:00. Posts 2232

we pretend to work and they pretend to pay us soviet proverb

It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen 

voodoouser   Iceland. Nov 11 2014 11:51. Posts 741

"He also never gave me any written contract at all"

it so common these days, happened to me not a long time ago, still gave it to me at the end tho... probably 100% illegal too

but why did he make you come if you could do the work at home, doesnt make too much sense...

traxamillion   United States. Nov 11 2014 12:12. Posts 10468

sounds like at the end he scrapped the idea and decided to just fly you home

iop   Sweden. Nov 11 2014 19:54. Posts 4951

  On November 10 2014 14:16 oldmemory wrote:
He also never gave me any written contract at all.


Milkman lol i didnt spend half a thousand on a phone so i could play it cool and be all stealth 

oldmemory   United Kingdom. Dec 09 2014 19:03. Posts 49

For anyone who wondered what happened. They gave me 30 days paid non-worked and half of the money involved in discrepancies. They offered this upon receival of the company laptop (worth maybe like 1700 GBP). It seemed dodgy as they implied to delay my usual salary payment date until the laptop actually arrived.... I had no intention of keeping the laptop but it sounded weird tbh, never gave them a reason for distrust imo. But I rolled with it, and everything was fine.

I do have appreciation for UK companies / legal system - not only this instance was very fair imo but in every past experience everyone has been professional about everything. This wouldn't happen in other places.

 Last edit: 09/12/2014 19:28


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