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Ryan Neilly   United States. Nov 11 2014 19:46. Posts 1639
I am Jacks dedication

Fact is, you can do ANYTHING you want to in this world.

Reality is - it takes EVERY RUDIMENT OF YOUR BEING, if you are shooting for the stars, not 9-5 and fun all night, it takes dedication, 15 hours a day, days off are 5-7 hour work days, constant hard work. Never good enough, can always be done better.

This is the fundamental flaw in the society that wants everything handed to them. There millions in the rat race. Only a few make it to the top. Why? Dedication. . I will play hundreds more hours this month and crush as much as possible, as I do every month, understanding there are so many others slacking. The "raises" are definitely worth it. I'd work this hard at any job to constantly RAISE.

Live your life with NO CEILINGS. IF YOU WANT SOMETHING, TAKE IT. (don't steal it)

You are in control of your own destiny, so make every moment count.

And for the love of god stay in the moment at all times and don't think. ***************

Most of us are do-ers, not thinkers. You're hands know more than your head ever will. **************

Trust Your Instincts, they wouldn't be there if they were wrong. Just saying.

Its 100% True, anything one man can do, another can do (within limits - weight, intellect, etc)

Making things happen is not the same as letting things happen for you, let the world guide you, don't force things. Nobody can control every situation in life and work. Laugh, have fun, and smoke lots of weed, or drink, or be a saint and just sit and smile

Won back like 1500 of 2k i was down this month in last couple days, ballinnnnnnnn
Fuckin lovin the game tho!
havin fun!
Maybe I hold?


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bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Nov 11 2014 21:22. Posts 8648

Truck-Crash Life 

NewbSaibot   United States. Nov 11 2014 22:29. Posts 4946

What if you're wrong though?

bye now 

Ryan Neilly   United States. Nov 11 2014 23:41. Posts 1639

haha im not wrong - well, at least i can do anything i want. im naturally very smart and intuitive though.

Baalim   Mexico. Nov 12 2014 02:13. Posts 34261

  Fact is, you can do ANYTHING you want to in this world.

Its 100% True, anything one man can do, another can do (within limits - weight, intellect, etc)

[ ] Anything you want to do
[ ] 100% true
[ ] Fact
[x] Childish positivism new age philosophy

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Ryan Neilly   United States. Nov 12 2014 02:34. Posts 1639

baalim, im not taking it to the point of a random person becoming a pro football player, but i am saying if you dedicate yourself to something, with every rudement of your core, and you have half a brain or more, you will be very good at whatever you dedicate yourself to, almost always, unless you are like really dumb or really fat and unable to do things or stuff like that

and the fact is u can do anything u want in this world [x] fact . = doesn't mean u will be good at it, but u can do anything u want in this world, so ugh, good trolling there dumbass.

Ryan Neilly   United States. Nov 12 2014 02:35. Posts 1639

i can not name a thing in this world that i can not do.

i know how to watch a youtube video before doing things, i will at least understand whatever I am doing, so ugh, good troll

Ryan Neilly   United States. Nov 12 2014 02:38. Posts 1639

this is a positive blog, with the intention to teach and get people dedicated and playing more.

be a fag or whatever you want all you want. This is to teach and show people they need to work extremely hard, and there are many that read this blog, and I'm sure most of them are not working as hard as they should be, and they know it.

4TM   United States. Nov 12 2014 03:20. Posts 712

Working hard is one thing. But putting in 15 hour days consistently will do more harm than good long run. Especially for someone who is as emotionally unstable as you seem to be. A balanced life is a happy life.

DaEm0niCuS   United States. Nov 12 2014 03:48. Posts 3292

"Can do anything you want".... plays poker hundreds of hours a month just to make another buck. Just become a banker.

 Last edit: 12/11/2014 03:53

Santafairy   Korea (South). Nov 12 2014 03:54. Posts 2232

a balanced life sounds to me like a life that balances shit you don't want to do at all with spending the rest of your time recovering by doing stuff you want to do, it doesn't seem preferable to a life that you fill only with things you want to do

It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen 

4TM   United States. Nov 12 2014 04:15. Posts 712

Balance doesnt mean doing things you hate. It just means finding some interests outside of your job

 Last edit: 12/11/2014 04:20

qwerty67890   New Zealand. Nov 12 2014 04:52. Posts 14026

I don't expect you to answer these questions; I'm not trolling but would be interested to hear your honest answers.

Do you ever stop to think that you might be happier without poker and applying yourself to something else?

Do you consider that successful people look not only at their passion but also at the myriad of factors that contribute to their success? If you're passionate about movies, it would be foolish to invest 15 hours a day into trying to get people to buy VHS tapes.

Why do you think so many notable professionals (from LP and farther afield) are absent from the online games these days?

Incidentally you cant do anything you want. You don't have the money to do it. You are in debt. You are a slave to online poker. You are running in a hamster wheel of absurd rake. You would probably struggle to find gainful employment with the grand canyon size crater in your resume caused by poker.

Ill leave this here. It applies to you, Benjamin1 and others who are playing a lot of PLO Zoom every month. Another consideration for your goals and aspirations,.

For what its worth; I have come to the conclusion that poker is far from dead, but as far as online poker is concerned that ship has sailed.

+ Show Spoiler +

mnj   United States. Nov 12 2014 05:06. Posts 3848


Bigbobm   United States. Nov 12 2014 05:38. Posts 5511

I can't decide if this is sad or funny.

Its time to stop thinking like a bitch and think smart like a poker player - ket 

RaiNKhAN    United States. Nov 12 2014 05:44. Posts 4080

i had a conversation last night with a guy at my indoor league. he told me about his sick mother, and how her doctor told her to not stop smoking cigs because she would probably die if she did stop. neilly will die if he stops playing poker

The biggest Rockets, Sixers, and Grizzlies fan you will ever meet! 

Smuft   Canada. Nov 12 2014 05:50. Posts 633


Liquid`Drone   Norway. Nov 12 2014 06:59. Posts 3096

  On November 12 2014 01:35 Ryan Neilly wrote:
i can not name a thing in this world that i can not do.

i know how to watch a youtube video before doing things, i will at least understand whatever I am doing, so ugh, good troll

become a professional singer
football player
basketball player
actually professional in any sport (and poker doesn't count, it's only competitive for so many people because it's so luck based)
influential academic at high ranking university

with the possible exception of actor, I'd argue that each and every one of these are outside your reach, because you can't just "decide" to become top dog in any of these after you're 25, you need to work on them from when you are a kid. And then as kids don't really make choices for themselves but are more likely to be pushed in one direction, and because you need to be pushed hard from a young age to make it in the most competitive fields.. it's not the conscious effort to dedicate yourself to something that makes you a success.

I mean if you're just talking about "I want to learn how to cook" or "I want to lose 20 lbs fat and become stronger" or "I want to learn how to code" then sure, your success will largely be dependent on your dedication to the cause, although a really great chef or a really great programmer both need some genetic advantage over the rest of the field. But this type of "the world is my oyster and I can do what I want if I just try hard enough" is a mentality which is more likely to be harmful to your mental health than positive, because normally the assumption that you can do "anything" if you just put your mind to it is wrong, and normally you'll come to realize this after failing - making you depressed. Positive thinking actually is important and good- but it needs to be realistically minded. Thinking there's not a thing in the world you can't do, that's just inventing a new god to believe in, it's not grounded in reality and if it provides you with salvation it's only through delusion.

lol POKER 

whamm!   Albania. Nov 12 2014 07:53. Posts 11625

It took a Neilly Blogpost to make Byrnesam come out from retirement lol

iop   Sweden. Nov 12 2014 08:34. Posts 4951

How many people do you think read your blog, read it to:

a.) Get advice from you.
b.) Checkin on your current situation.
c.) Read comments from people trolling you.

Milkman lol i didnt spend half a thousand on a phone so i could play it cool and be all stealth 


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