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RiKD    United States. Nov 14 2014 15:13. Posts 8881
a little later, a little earlier,
that you discover, without surprise,
that something is wrong...

That you do not know how to live and that you never will know.

You sleep, you walk, you continue to live,
like a laboratory rat abandoned in its maze by some absent-minded scientist.

But rats do not spend hours trying to get to sleep.
Rats do not wake up with a start, gripped by panic, bathed in sweat.
Rats do not dream and what can you do to protect yourself against your dreams?

Time, which sees to everything, has provided the solution, despite yourself.

Time, that knows the answer, has continued to flow.

You are afraid,
you are waiting. - Narrator (The Man Who Sleeps)

You are waiting,

you are waiting for?

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 Last edit: 14/11/2014 15:14

voodoouser   Iceland. Nov 14 2014 15:51. Posts 741

euromilion here

mnj   United States. Nov 14 2014 16:35. Posts 3848

iono if this is original or not, but mad props if it is

Big_Rob_isback   United States. Nov 14 2014 16:44. Posts 211

Hope life is Well Rickie D.

But you're the guy that I first saw the phrase "champagne for the pain" so I will always have mad respect for your posts.

just playing live poker for fun 

Oly   United Kingdom. Nov 14 2014 18:36. Posts 3585

they don't eat, don't sleep
they don't feed, they don't seethe
bare their gums when they moan and squeak
lick the dirt off a larger one's feet
they don't push, don't crowd
congregate until they're much too loud
fuck to procreate till they are dead
drink the blood of their so called best friend
they don't scurry when something bigger comes their way
don't pack themselves together and run as one
don't shit where they're not supposed to
don't take what's not theirs, they don't compare
they don't scam, don't fight
don't oppress an equals given rights
starve the poor so they can be well fed
line their holes with the dead ones bread

Researchers used brain scans to show that when straight men looked at pictures of women in bikinis, areas of the brain that normally light up in anticipation of using tools, like spanners and screwdrivers, were activated. 

Loco   Canada. Nov 14 2014 19:17. Posts 20967

Probably my favorite film of all time.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 

Gnarly   United States. Nov 14 2014 19:28. Posts 1723

but rats are gripped by panic when they wake up...
they also do dream...
this is very discriminatory against rats.

Diversify or fossilize! 

DaEm0niCuS   United States. Nov 15 2014 11:20. Posts 3292

Something that will never come, but when it does you won't realize it has.

 Last edit: 15/11/2014 11:20

RiKD    United States. Nov 16 2014 15:07. Posts 8881

  On November 14 2014 14:51 voodoouser wrote:
euromilion here

+utility ev


Good luck. Any plans if you win? You will not be ashamed that everyone knows you as that "lucky euromillions piece of shit but could I have $x to pay rent and bills and buy some things that I wish, I hope, I think will bring me some happiness but probably fleeting you awesome lucky piece of shit guy and I will gossip about you either way and ask for more either way guy"?

RiKD    United States. Nov 16 2014 15:10. Posts 8881

  On November 14 2014 15:35 mnj wrote:
iono if this is original or not, but mad props if it is

Not original. Edited from the movie "The Man Who Sleeps" ("Un homme qui dort". If you liked the OP I would recommend checking it out. If not I would recommend definitely not checking it out.

RiKD    United States. Nov 16 2014 15:11. Posts 8881

  On November 14 2014 18:17 Loco wrote:
Probably my favorite film of all time.

One of mine now too. Thank you.

RiKD    United States. Nov 16 2014 15:11. Posts 8881

  On November 14 2014 18:28 Gnarly wrote:
but rats are gripped by panic when they wake up...
they also do dream...
this is very discriminatory against rats.

How do you know?

RiKD    United States. Nov 16 2014 15:12. Posts 8881

  On November 15 2014 10:20 DaEm0niCuS wrote:
Something that will never come, but when it does you won't realize it has.

I like this.

RiKD    United States. Nov 16 2014 15:16. Posts 8881

I am waiting for Kim Kardashian's photoshopped ass and transcendence... Whoa... No way... it exists?.. oh... it is just a picture of a photoshopped ass... hrmmm... that was ok... was it transcendence?..

I do not know.


Time to go read some Tolstoy... au revoir.

Gnarly   United States. Nov 16 2014 15:52. Posts 1723

  On November 16 2014 14:11 RiKD wrote:
Show nested quote +

How do you know?

>drowning rats in the behavioral sink

Diversify or fossilize! 

RiKD    United States. Dec 11 2014 14:19. Posts 8881

  On November 14 2014 15:44 Big_Rob_isback wrote:
Hope life is Well Rickie D.

But you're the guy that I first saw the phrase "champagne for the pain" so I will always have mad respect for your posts.

Life is well for the most part. I always liked your posts too. I realize we go all the way back to like 50 NL PokerStars in 2005? That winter of '05 was the birth of LP? Crazy. LP almost 10 years strong.

I have been meaning to write some things about the voids of existence that emerge. The pain. The realization that comes and goes and comes back again that we are but tiny specks of consciousness in an infinite universe of nothingness and chaos (hence my starting a thread on healthy means to fill the void in an attempt to grow and improve at/with yoga + stretching + meditation).

"Champagne for the pain"

The first time I heard this was Jay Z or Kanye West? Perhaps earlier but most prominently in a song that does not immediately pop into my head from their Watch the Throne album (which I am a huge fan). Jay Z: "Champagne for the pain... High for the low."

I lived by those words for a long time. With what I know now they have the potential to be a bit damaging and misleading at least for me. Basically, just writing a disclaimer on that advice that there are usually better, more healthy, more sustainable ways to heal "the pain" than drugs and alcohol.

I do not know if I am feeling fleshing out The Void, The Pain at the moment so will just peace out with some quotes that I like on the subject.

"All neurosis stems from mans' attempt to escape life's legitimate sufferings." - Carl Jung

"(one lost everything in the death camps except) the last of the human freedoms, to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances" - Viktor Frankl (Austrian Holocaust survivor and psychologist)


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