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Mortensen8   Chad. Nov 19 2014 04:26. Posts 1841
(Deleting the vid)
Apple cider vinegar, but has to be organic/raw 'mother' type diluted with plenty of water and some lemon, don't drink it everyday. Wouldn't add honey.

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Rear naked wokeLast edit: 20/11/2014 05:50

MeProOk   Bulgaria. Nov 19 2014 05:03. Posts 246

This is getting more and more popular every day. I like

You can also add honey to it.

k4ir0s   Canada. Nov 19 2014 05:45. Posts 3478

I don't understand the benefits of this? the apple simply isn't browning because lemon juice is a natural preservative.

I dont know what a dt drop is. Is it a wrestling move? -Oly 

Santafairy   Korea (South). Nov 19 2014 08:03. Posts 2232

i don't drink vinegar in general

and i agree with k4ir0s it's a category error to think that a preservative can preserve a human being rather than a foodstuff, this guy's logic is on the level of thinking i can become asian by eating yellow food coloring

It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen 

Mortensen8   Chad. Nov 19 2014 09:26. Posts 1841

lol guys it has nothing to do with the apple part. It's not normal vinegar it's high quality one that you want, it's good because it is fermented and people don't eat much fermented food anymore.

Rear naked wokeLast edit: 19/11/2014 09:29

voodoouser   Iceland. Nov 19 2014 10:42. Posts 741

looks like all his confused pseudo-scientific explanations are things he made up himself, nothing he said make too much sense.

Mortensen8   Chad. Nov 19 2014 10:53. Posts 1841

To be clear it's not about the guy in the video pls

Rear naked woke 

Mortensen8   Chad. Nov 19 2014 10:55. Posts 1841

I just wanted a recipe of not tasting like shit, this is bearable.

Rear naked woke 

Santafairy   Korea (South). Nov 19 2014 11:03. Posts 2232

like chocolate milk?

isn't beer fermented why resort to vinegar

It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus HansenLast edit: 19/11/2014 11:04

Nitewin   United States. Nov 19 2014 11:20. Posts 1552

I've heard this elsewhere and I already do it. I do it with a juiced concoction (w 1 lemon) + some apple cider vinegar that I pour into my cup every morning. I'm not sure what he described is accurate about how keeping an apple from oxidizing will somehow help you. However, there are many benefits to apple cider vinegar alone.

Mortensen8   Chad. Nov 19 2014 11:48. Posts 1841

Why resort to vinegar because it's an easy drink and beer is not good for your gut. Just make sure the water you use isn't tap water.

Rear naked woke 

ggplz   Sweden. Nov 19 2014 12:02. Posts 16784

squeeze your own lemons

if poker is dangerous to them i would rank sports betting as a Kodiak grizzly bear who smells blood after you just threw a javelin into his cub - RaiNKhAN 

Romm3l   Germany. Nov 19 2014 12:17. Posts 285

eating things that have centuries or millennia long track record of producing good results is smarter than attempting to understand the science of nutritionism and creating totally new things based on ideas from that. humans have been known to get these things wrong, overabstract and generally underappreciate the difficulty of prediction in complex systems. There's plenty science doesn't yet understand

want fermented food? look into what koreans eat. kimchi and those soups have demonstrably been working out great for them for a long time.

im also skeptical about any claim that eating/drinking the exact same thing EVERY day is the best thing you can do, no matter what that thing is. to each their own but i'll be placing my bets on eating a variety of real food: wide range of fruits, vegetables, meats, unrefined grains with plenty of water as part of an overall balanced lifestyle over whatever latest bs hype revolution comes up

 Last edit: 19/11/2014 12:18

Mortensen8   Chad. Nov 19 2014 12:34. Posts 1841

What do you have to lose from drinking this? and it doesn't stop you from eating healthy food either and it's not dangerous. I know about kimchi ..

Rear naked woke 

Romm3l   Germany. Nov 19 2014 13:31. Posts 285

sure it's not dangerous and there isn't much to lose having this once in a while (though i believe having it daily is clearly suboptimal), but i don't believe there's anything much to gain either over what I'm already doing. ofcourse i could be wrong and it could be great. hope it works out for you though and i'm not meaning to start an argument. we all have common goals of looking after ourselves, just different beliefs on how best to go about that, and it never hurts to discuss/debate

mnj   United States. Nov 19 2014 22:10. Posts 3848

  On November 19 2014 11:17 Romm3l wrote:
eating things that have centuries or millennia long track record of producing good results is smarter than attempting to understand the science of nutritionism and creating totally new things based on ideas from that. humans have been known to get these things wrong, overabstract and generally underappreciate the difficulty of prediction in complex systems. There's plenty science doesn't yet understand

want fermented food? look into what koreans eat. kimchi and those soups have demonstrably been working out great for them for a long time.

im also skeptical about any claim that eating/drinking the exact same thing EVERY day is the best thing you can do, no matter what that thing is. to each their own but i'll be placing my bets on eating a variety of real food: wide range of fruits, vegetables, meats, unrefined grains with plenty of water as part of an overall balanced lifestyle over whatever latest bs hype revolution comes up

yes stick your heads back in the sand, why bother trying to incorporate new research and technologies into our lives.

Liquid`Drone   Norway. Nov 19 2014 23:09. Posts 3096

you really can't go wrong with "eating a variety of real food: wide range of fruits, vegetables, meats, unrefined grains with plenty of water as part of an overall balanced lifestyle".

lol POKER 

ggplz   Sweden. Nov 19 2014 23:22. Posts 16784

  On November 19 2014 11:34 Mortensen8 wrote:
What do you have to lose from drinking this? and it doesn't stop you from eating healthy food either and it's not dangerous. I know about kimchi ..

Not sure guy but it's probably not all that great on your teeth. Fermented foods are lacking in almost every western diet so def try to include them as much as possible imo.

Lemons are good for you. Not really going to go all salesman on you.. just include them in your diet and preferably without cooking where possible. It's good to rinse your mouth out if you get a strong hit of any especially acidic or alkaline drink imo.

The logic used by the guy in the vid doesn't make much sense to me and the apple example even less so. The apple isn't browning because the acid is preventing/protecting it from oxidizing. How does that translate to preventing your body from anything? He says "If it can help prolong the life of an apple, who knows, maybe it'll help prolong your life aswell". If it does "prolong your life" [significantly], it won't have any relation to the apple not turning brown as fast. Btw, brown apples are perfectly edible and not "bad". The body is very complex and just about the only thing drinking acid will change is your urine pH and that's kinda meaningless from my understanding unless you have bladder or urinary tract problems. It won't change your body pH nor will this alkaline diet stuff yet some people believe that because their urine pH can change depending on what they eat that the alkaline diet stuff works. Also, he's using concentrated lemon juice with raw apple cider vinegar which is kinda facepalm. You're willing to look that hard for the good vinegar but skimp on good lemons? Get proper lemons, they're cheap and better for you.

This pretty much says it all about the alkaline diet nonsense:

if poker is dangerous to them i would rank sports betting as a Kodiak grizzly bear who smells blood after you just threw a javelin into his cub - RaiNKhANLast edit: 19/11/2014 23:32

Mortensen8   Chad. Nov 20 2014 05:53. Posts 1841

If you drink it straight from the bottle undiluted that could be damaging but the threat is there and I'll do it less I guess, only on day 4 right now but I don't see how it could damage the enamel being diluted with water, but I'm fine with drinking it less too.

Rear naked woke 

Mortensen8   Chad. Nov 20 2014 05:56. Posts 1841

I think a straw might work.

Rear naked woke 


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