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Mortensen8   Chad. Nov 27 2014 16:52. Posts 1841
This just made my day.

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Rear naked woke 

NewbSaibot   United States. Nov 28 2014 04:09. Posts 4946

A good watch. It's interesting to watch people abuse what little authority they have precisely because they have so little authority over things in their lives.

bye now 

traxamillion   United States. Nov 28 2014 12:22. Posts 10468

big blue shirt dude is a G. Checked those fucks and probably keeps the place if not forever a good while longer

Mortensen8   Chad. Nov 28 2014 15:44. Posts 1841

The scouser did it for a friend and they fought for a long time, but eventually the bird family was unable to keep the house.
The scouser started this when it was his house and is self taught through that process, he kept going back into his house in a 2 year struggle. The bank had to write that if you bought his house you would get him with it as well. So he got his friend to make a small offer and the bank bit his hand off.

Rear naked wokeLast edit: 28/11/2014 16:03

Mortensen8   Chad. Nov 28 2014 15:55. Posts 1841

But the point is that what the banks are doing; lending you money that doesn't exist and charging interest is usury and illegal. Which is why he challenged his bank in court to produce a contract.

Rear naked wokeLast edit: 28/11/2014 15:56

Mortensen8   Chad. Nov 28 2014 16:06. Posts 1841

However, this video was down to luck in a way that they got some police who weren't familiar with situations like this, Sgt Mo was later reprimanded, but he still acted how the law should be acting, but unfortunately they work for the banks too.

Rear naked woke 


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