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Top jeans advice

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Mortensen8   Chad. Dec 01 2014 09:13. Posts 1841
Put them in the freezer if they're not completely filthy. The cold kills the bacteria that makes them smell and you don't wear them out.

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Rear naked woke 

dnagardi   Hungary. Dec 01 2014 09:19. Posts 1776


what the fuck.

i wonder what my gf would think if she found my clothes in the fridge

DaEm0niCuS   United States. Dec 01 2014 10:36. Posts 3292

since when do jeans wear out?

Mortensen8   Chad. Dec 01 2014 12:17. Posts 1841

They fade in the washing machine.

Rear naked woke 

Oly   United Kingdom. Dec 01 2014 13:32. Posts 3585

Freezing does not kill bacteria. You'll just have cold smelly legs. How about dey cleaning.

Researchers used brain scans to show that when straight men looked at pictures of women in bikinis, areas of the brain that normally light up in anticipation of using tools, like spanners and screwdrivers, were activated. 

Mortensen8   Chad. Dec 01 2014 13:52. Posts 1841

Yea, might be a myth, but I'm convinved that they smell less after don't care about bacteria.

Rear naked woke 

mnj   United States. Dec 01 2014 21:45. Posts 3848

  On December 01 2014 08:13 Mortensen8 wrote:
Put them in the freezer if they're not completely filthy. The cold kills the bacteria that makes them smell and you don't wear them out.

haven't u seen the "dead flies" come back to life trick? you freeze fries, they are dormant and can live for weeks, and then u bring em out, tickle them and then they live...

bacteria will just be dormant, so you slow their metabolism, so they're not eating/shitting all over your jeans....the instant you start wearing them or remove them from the freezer i'm sure they will start eating/shitting all over your jeans mate.

man your posts lack so little common sense it reminds me of my effing parents buying shit from infomercials on tv.

traxamillion   United States. Dec 02 2014 00:30. Posts 10468

haha rofl thats a bit harsh

mnj   United States. Dec 02 2014 02:56. Posts 3848

sigh maybe it was.

if you actually want jean advice, and i'm assuming you bought some nice $150+ pair of selvedge jeans considering you don't want to wash them

turn them inside out, use woolite black, wash it in cold water in a tub, let it hang dry. lastly and most importantly don't be a fucking idiot.

Mortensen8   Chad. Dec 02 2014 03:56. Posts 1841

Why not try it yourself? the smell goes away at least for a while.

Rear naked wokeLast edit: 02/12/2014 06:40

Mortensen8   Chad. Dec 02 2014 04:01. Posts 1841

mnj the seemingly endless negative arrogant posts really makes me wonder sometimes why I go to this forum. Which is why I have asked the mods to ban me so pls do mods.

Rear naked wokeLast edit: 02/12/2014 04:04

Mortensen8   Chad. Dec 02 2014 04:16. Posts 1841

Whats a nigga gotta do to get banned around here even called the mods faggots in my it's happening thread. I think we have all believed a myth at one point, but the negativity on this forum stifles discussion and people will make only 'safe' thread. I don't get it, if I see something I disagree with I don't attack the person.

So long lp.

Rear naked wokeLast edit: 02/12/2014 04:18

Mortensen8   Chad. Dec 02 2014 04:47. Posts 1841

(my trying to get banned message) regretted but can't you get banned from request?

Rear naked wokeLast edit: 02/12/2014 06:42

Twisted    Netherlands. Dec 04 2014 13:56. Posts 10422

Or you could try not to be a fucking pussy.

You know you can ban people from commenting on your (future) blogs right?

dogmeat   Czech Republic. Dec 04 2014 16:00. Posts 6374

i never wash jeans...

ban baal 

bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Dec 04 2014 16:03. Posts 8648

Nobody just leaves LP

Truck-Crash Life 

Mortensen8   Chad. Dec 04 2014 16:31. Posts 1841

haha I didn't delete my ban post because I was being a pussy, I'm supposed to be a changed man now, a changed man with occasional hissy fits due to lack of smoking and masturbation.

And yes you are right hoss.

Rear naked woke 

Hoolz_1907   United Kingdom. Dec 05 2014 09:15. Posts 2791

Look at his hand and equities, what do you expect him to have here, uno cards? - TianYuan 

collegesucks   United States. Dec 08 2014 13:47. Posts 5780

  On December 05 2014 08:15 Hoolz_1907 wrote:

Yup. I'm still here.


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