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MyAnacondaDont   United States. Dec 01 2014 10:49. Posts 164
Found this in reddit: Parents of Reddit

I apologize in advance for the length of this story, but there is no other way to tell it, and it is something I really need to tell. So, I hope you will indulge me.

My oldest daughter has always been reserved and emotionally distant. Even as a toddler she would tolerate physical affection, but she never enjoyed it. She has also always been very intelligent and capable. When she was a freshman in high school, she made the cheer-leading squad. This gave her a new social status and, unfortunately, more attention from boys. I was and still am a teacher at this school. I am also the weightlifting coach and am a lifelong weightlifter myself. So, I relied on those two things to keep "the wrong sort" of boys away.

I was very wary when she told me she had been asked out by a senior. I vetoed the idea and didn't give it much more thought. She seemed to lose interest in him after a month or so and life went on. Fast Forward two and a half years to the summer before her senior year. My wife searches my kids rooms, backpacks, etc. periodically because she sees it as a necessary evil in order to be a good parent. As I mentioned earlier, our kid is distant and isn't one to share much about her life.

Well, my wife found a note to a friend. In this note, my daughter described a sexual assault that had happened to her when she was a freshman. Apparently, that senior whom I disapproved of had lured her to an unoccupied room in the school during the half time of a ball game at which she was cheer leading and sexually assaulted her. All this while my wife and I were there. My daughter never reported anything or told anyone as far as I know. I remember laying in bed staring at the ceiling for hours with a flame in the pit of my stomach after reading that. I had the strongest impulse to murder that kid, but something told me to wait, to make sure.

So, I collected data, looked into the school's camera records, and, of course, talked to my daughter about it. I was convinced he did it after my little investigation. He had long since graduated of course, but he still frequented the high school ball games of all types primarily to try to pick up high school girls. Well, about a month later my daughter was cheering at an away game. I walked up to the entrance and guess who was sitting on the rail staring at me with a shit-eating grin? You guessed it, the asshole that had raped my daughter.

A little background here. This was a kid that NO ONE liked at school. I often reach out to those kind of kids and go out of my way to be nice to them. He wasn't an exception, and he must have still thought our relationship amiable, as he waved me over and said hello. I had a moment where I truly felt like an observer in my own body. As though something took over while my conscious mind took a back seat. I grabbed his neck and squeezed hard. Humility aside, I am a physically strong man. I have the record USAPL bench press in my state at 501 pounds. This young man wasn't small at about 180 lbs., but he was like a rag doll to me. I put my face about an inch from his and as he went dead silent, I asked him if he raped my daughter. I felt him start to shake, and he stammered out "I guess you could say that."

His honesty caught me off guard and was the only reason I didn't rip his limbs off at that moment. I thought about my family, all they depend on me for, my elderly dad, and every other reason not to kill this little rapist bastard. I again put my face about an inch from his and summoned all my will to keep from killing him. I said, "Leave, and don't ever let me see you near her again." He jumped down off the rail and ran away, and so, I thought the situation was resolved, at least for the moment.

I went on in to the ball game and sat with my wife and other child who had arrived separately. Around ten minutes later, I saw you-know-who poke his head in and look around. He had come back. My daughter noticed him and turned away. I thought about the shame she must feel, and the hurt. I decided that I had no options left. I walked down the gym stairs and went out towards the bathrooms which he was standing in front of.

I patted him on the back and guided him toward the entrance as he was near a group of friends and the police were also at the game. He began to resist, so I slid my hand up his back to his neck and squeezed, this time as hard as I could. When he felt that, he froze and allowed me to guide him out. I was furious beyond description. He said in a half whimper/sob "This is a public place." I picked him up off the ground about 4 inches and squeezed his neck every bit as hard as I could. By now, we we in the parking lot. "Do you think I give a flying fuck about this being a public place?" I asked.

This was, I think, the first moment this kid realized he was dealing not with reasonable old teacher me, but with a whole other aspect of my personality which he had never imagined existed. I was carrying him at this point by the back of his neck toward a dark part of the parking lot. I don't know what I had planned to do, but I heard footsteps coming toward me, fast. I thought, I have one chance to make this little bastard regret what he did, and so, I drew him back, and threw him into a car with all my might. I saw him crumple, unconscious just as a deputy tackled me.

Now, police get a bad reputation sometimes, but after hearing my story, these cops shocked me by letting me go. The asshole had regained consciousness, and aside from being bruised and bloody, he seemed like he would be alright. The next day at school, a city policeman came to serve a warrant on me for assault. I thought for sure this would end my career, but I had no regrets. I felt like I had done the right thing, and if it cost me the job, so be it. Once again, however, I was surprised when the school board and the administration stood behind me.

The court hearings took about 3 months and thousands of dollars in legal fees, but eventually the case was dismissed. The little asshole couldn't help but embellish the story and when the police contradicted elements of it, along with two arrests for him in the meantime including statutory rape, the judge dismissed all charges. I remember seeing the fierce pride in my daughter's eyes as I walked out of that courtroom, and my heart has never felt so full as it did in that moment.

Edit: Thanks so much for the kind words and gold, but the real hero of the story is my daughter who weathered an unimaginably difficult situation with grace.

Edit2: Thanks again for gold and kind words.

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“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.” 

Royal_Rumble   Germany. Dec 01 2014 11:45. Posts 1760

What's special about this story? Sounds fabricated to me anyways, for many reasons and I do not want to go into detail. Why would charges be dropped anyway? The assault happend, the guy should have gone to the police to deal with the "rape" (sexual assault is not the same as rape anyways), instead of throwing the "rapist" into a car. Everyone is wrong in this story and this sounds like a strong man's fantasy to me to justify vigilantism and dismiss the state's institutions (law enforcement, jurisdiction, ...).

money won is twice as sweet as money earned.  

Nitewin   United States. Dec 01 2014 18:26. Posts 1552

aw damn i thought it was your story. if it was an LP'ers story it might be more believable. But reddit... who knows? nice story though.

mnj   United States. Dec 02 2014 02:53. Posts 3848

this is the worst story ever. and i can't believe anyone would commend the "man" in story. and it sounds fake.

whamm!   Albania. Dec 02 2014 05:24. Posts 11625

Man I thought it was another gym story of yours and was ready to burst into laughter. I am disappoint and yes, this was a shitty story

MyAnacondaDont   United States. Dec 02 2014 08:15. Posts 164

I'm sorry none of you liked the story

“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.” 

Nitewin   United States. Dec 02 2014 13:13. Posts 1552

  On December 02 2014 01:53 mnj wrote:
this is the worst story ever. and i can't believe anyone would commend the "man" in story. and it sounds fake.

why not? is it wrong to hit ppl? should u tell the teacher instead?

MyAnacondaDont   United States. Dec 04 2014 11:56. Posts 164

I'll never understand how people can think physical violence is evil but caging a human for incomprehensible amounts of time is justice. I rather get 50 lashes or a broken leg than 1 year in prison.

“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.” 


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