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Mortensen8   Chad. Jan 03 2015 00:07. Posts 1841
Hey guys I am drunk and of course this is a perfect opportunity to get shit of our chest so this is the say anything thread go ahead

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Rear naked woke 

Mortensen8   Chad. Jan 03 2015 00:10. Posts 1841

There is not enough discussion on this board, people are afraid or something, drink some more and use commas illogically ,,

Rear naked woke 

Mortensen8   Chad. Jan 03 2015 00:13. Posts 1841

check out this mix sometimes I am afriad that the christians are right and all new age is luciferic check it out

I like his arguments especially star of david being two cubes and the cross an unfolded one you should always listen to all arguments, maybe it's not in that video but pretty freaky that the cube is also on saturn,

Rear naked wokeLast edit: 03/01/2015 00:14

Mortensen8   Chad. Jan 03 2015 00:19. Posts 1841

but of course he is wrong and there is bad and good to the so called new age

Rear naked woke 

Santafairy   Korea (South). Jan 03 2015 01:19. Posts 2232

what do you think's better monogamy or polygamy

It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen 

Trav94   Canada. Jan 03 2015 01:25. Posts 1787

The real question is. Why are you drinking alone? Seems to me you wouldn't be on lp if you were socially drinking. You alcoholic you.

PuertoRican   United States. Jan 03 2015 01:34. Posts 13095

  On January 03 2015 00:25 Trav94 wrote:
The real question is. Why are you drinking alone? Seems to me you wouldn't be on lp if you were socially drinking. You alcoholic you.

Brits come out of the womb with a hangover.

Rekrul is a newb 

Mortensen8   Chad. Jan 03 2015 02:33. Posts 1841

not drinking alone sober now after dropping 10k fml

Rear naked woke 

bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Jan 03 2015 03:40. Posts 8648

  On January 02 2015 23:13 Mortensen8 wrote:

check out this mix sometimes I am afriad that the christians are right and all new age is luciferic check it out

I like his arguments especially star of david being two cubes and the cross an unfolded one you should always listen to all arguments, maybe it's not in that video but pretty freaky that the cube is also on saturn,

time to smoke less weed

Truck-Crash Life 

Mortensen8   Chad. Jan 03 2015 03:53. Posts 1841

That vid has great music, scenes and interesting points and no I will not smoke less weed than I see fit

Rear naked woke 

bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Jan 03 2015 04:11. Posts 8648

well from the 10 mins i watched, half the video seems to be about how all mind-altering drugs are connected to satan and part of a conspiracy to brainwash society lol

Truck-Crash Life 

Mortensen8   Chad. Jan 03 2015 04:15. Posts 1841

A perfectly valid point, you see I like to hear points of view that are not usually heard

Rear naked woke 

vasoline73   United States. Jan 03 2015 06:22. Posts 808

That video would have freaked me out during my psychosis. Lol.

If psychedelic drugs connect you to demons or satan then I guess I'm fucked. I know analyzing it seriously is kind of lol, but you can put all the quotes you want about "psychedelic drugs connect you to the matrix of blah blah" and musicians talking about "magic" and shamanism but in the end... it's wild guessing. I feel like the people who made the video were trolling.

The quote that got to me the most was "music made under the influence of drugs is from the serpent... EVEN if the musician didn't intend it!" Really? Really?!?

Haha. Anyway... raves are weird sure, but "tripping = letting your soul loose into the demon fractal dimension... FACT!" I think that's a big stretch...


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