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Wtf is this

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Mortensen8   Chad. Jan 08 2015 11:03. Posts 1841

What is he whispering?

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Rear naked wokeLast edit: 08/01/2015 11:05

austrian oak   Belgium. Jan 08 2015 11:39. Posts 520

Wow super awkward. No idea though what goes on in private at those levels. Probably everything

Valor pleases you, Crom... so grant me one request. Grant me revenge! And if you do not listen, then to HELL with you! 

bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Jan 08 2015 12:08. Posts 8648

i was watching thinking "come on, it's not that weird" then i got to 1:56 ROFL wtf joe

Truck-Crash Life 

bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Jan 08 2015 12:09. Posts 8648

why the fuck does lp fuck up my quotes

Truck-Crash Life 

PuertoRican   United States. Jan 08 2015 15:04. Posts 13095

He reminds me of the Commodore from the TV show Boardwalk Empire.

Rekrul is a newb 

RaiNKhAN    United States. Jan 08 2015 18:23. Posts 4080

You need a level 99 paladin to smite these kinds of demons

The biggest Rockets, Sixers, and Grizzlies fan you will ever meet! 

NewbSaibot   United States. Jan 08 2015 19:50. Posts 4946

Pretty sure he says

bye nowLast edit: 08/01/2015 19:51

TalentedTom    Canada. Jan 08 2015 21:26. Posts 20070

he comes off as a friendly guy in this video, nothing creepy about his behavoir. Prob just making some immature joke

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us and as we let our own lights shine we unconsciously give other people permision to do the same 

napoleono   Romania. Jan 09 2015 16:47. Posts 771

Super awkward smiles. Creepy

DaEm0niCuS   United States. Jan 10 2015 03:48. Posts 3292

All you have to do is put and old guy next to a young girl and everyone will lose their shit and call him a pedo. The PC in america is a fucking joke, its tiring, grow the fuck up and take a step into the real world.

devon06atX   Canada. Jan 10 2015 23:43. Posts 5459

  On January 08 2015 20:26 TalentedTom wrote:
he comes off as a friendly guy in this video, nothing creepy about his behavoir. Prob just making some immature joke

fira   United States. Jan 11 2015 08:12. Posts 6345

  On January 10 2015 22:43 devon06atX wrote:
Show nested quote +


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