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Good Start to 2015 PLO :)

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Bejamin1   Canada. Jan 09 2015 17:04. Posts 7042
Well graphs are always fun, it's been a good start to 2015. I'm still just trying as hard as I can to make sure I take the time to study as much as I play. Despite what Lemon wrote in his blog, I think it's an important aspect of the game . I guess the difference between us is that I'm not constantly trying to re-write the rules of the game as he might describe it. One thing I've noticed over my time playing is that it can be very difficult to find out if any one particular thing you are doing is working. Sample size is challenging and variance is huge. The best you can hope for is to correctly apply concepts you know to be theoretically correct and then wait for a couple 100k hands to go by to see if it turned out how you thought, but heck, that's actually pretty fun to do.

In terms of other stuff I'm doing I've gained a little bit lately from work/thesis/poker and not being quite as active as I want so I'm stepping up my gym routine to take off those 20 pounds and get back to normal. If anyone hasn't done it I find Hot Yoga to be absolutely phenomenal. A great thing to add into your standard routine of lifting/HIIT cardio sprints. I'm trying to find the optimal balance but my life is very time limited so we'll see!

Obligatory Graph:

Cheers to a good 2015 for all LP

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Sorry dude he Jason Bourned me. -Johnny Drama 

SPEWTARD   Peru. Jan 09 2015 20:26. Posts 4306

nice, glgl

Rise and Shine 

Jamie217   Canada. Jan 10 2015 12:45. Posts 4351

good start man keep it going

punix   Germany. Jan 11 2015 08:21. Posts 406

then maybe u can stop posting bad beat hands and complain how bad u run in the future

 Last edit: 11/01/2015 08:22


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