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Ryan Neilly   United States. Jan 21 2015 18:58. Posts 1639
Hey guys, I wanted to let the LP know that 888 poker and just merged in NJ, my friend told me last night.

Going a week every month to grind there now myself. CG's run to 5/10+, MTT pools are now finally right solid.

Also, I asked Tony (AC pokerbuddyetc), if this was true. He said on the website, it says "coming early 2015" He confirmed this is all real. (got image off twitter)

In the start of 2014, they said nothing would happen with online poker, but in 2015 we should expect big things in the USA. This is a very good sign.

New Jerseys not too far from me, be there Feb 6-13th, if any LPers are near AC, let me know.

Goin to give her a whirl.

Playing a mixture of anything profitable these days, nothin to brag about, been consistently..... bad! KJss, grinding up ACR from $100, should be in some good games really soon Its been a fun grind, had a really swingy tough month.

I was too stubborn in one of my sessions...I took at shot at 25 w/ like 385 and left with 190ish, that was my one mistake this month, that was like a week ago... started on the 10th this month (moving sucks in the winter)

Ok enough rambles
Hope u guys are great,
wish you all the best

found a great game selection,
Cheap MTTs and those cheap on demand SNG's, with rb and the beast on that, its actually a really good route for me to take. Solid daily, low risk, high reward, stack the cash, then play big again whenevz, no rush. stakers there if i need em. they rape ya tho, time to do 100% to the tip top.

I was playing WAYYYY to loose, and I needed to play a month of CG's, this has definitely been a month where I've learned more than I feel I've ever taken in, in months past.

Patched a few big leaks in my game that were bad habits for about 2 years and they just worked for the last 1.5 years and feel really good with where my game is and where its heading.

time to get back among the top players.
working hard studying hard

Tonight studying, won some nice stuff last night.


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 Last edit: 21/01/2015 19:05

iop   Sweden. Jan 22 2015 06:31. Posts 4951

Sometimes I wonder if you've been trolling LP for years. I don't know anymore. I seriously have no idea.

Milkman lol i didnt spend half a thousand on a phone so i could play it cool and be all stealth 

Sleepy311   Vietnam. Jan 22 2015 08:36. Posts 154

NJ poker ain't thaaaaaaat great neilios.. it was when first introduced in late 2013 but them games been getting tougher...

Go git Em though partnah

Ryan Neilly   United States. Jan 22 2015 13:21. Posts 1639

its still really good in general sleepy

iop, its a mixture.

SpasticInk   Sweden. Jan 22 2015 16:10. Posts 6298

  On January 22 2015 05:31 iop wrote:
Sometimes I wonder if you've been trolling LP for years. I don't know anymore. I seriously have no idea.

I doubt it. This is what an delusional addict sound like.

SIG1   United States. Jan 22 2015 18:35. Posts 651

made 40k in NJ online poker last year with a full time job. But the promotional $ were much juicer then.

chris   United States. Jan 22 2015 22:47. Posts 5503

ryan why not work for your dad and save up some cash and then do poker again when you dont have to worry about expenses. i know a lot of guys who are/were pros that do it this way because of the volatility in the game

remember even guys like strassa stopped full time to pursue other endeavors. just seems like you always have a ton of pressure on you and i know you would say you like it no other way, or it doesnt get to you, etc. i just worry about you man, as a friend

5 minute showers are my 8 minute abs. - Neilly 

Ryan Neilly   United States. Jan 23 2015 02:06. Posts 1639

chris i understand your point of view, and understand the game volotility and the market and reg to fish ratio etc, I literally just took 6 weeks off to evaluate my life poker and everything, mostly spent on relaxing then studying poker.

poker is what I truly love to do. Thats all it boils down to. I've always been a great player, I went through some spells where my ego was crushing me, I've learned to just grind out lower stakes and be thankful to be making a living doing what I love.

Thats all I can say bud.

I wish you the best,
I don't mind if I make 5M or 25k a year, I'm doing what I love and thats what coints to me.


bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Jan 23 2015 02:46. Posts 8648

neilly rap videos are down from youtube, sickest downswing

Truck-Crash Life 

BlizzY   Slovakia. Jan 23 2015 08:43. Posts 805

  On January 23 2015 01:06 Ryan Neilly wrote:
I'm doing what I love

this is the most important part I guess, because how would you otherwise explain that you just spent more than 400 hours with all-in EV winrate of less than $1/hour, like in the sample you posted in your last blogpost ?

And thinking and saying that you always have been a great player and only your ego prevented you from realising your potential, it's all right there, your world summed up in one sentence - when results don't prove your hypoteses, just say to yourself that you have always been great player - that's just pure ego talk, nothing else.

But that's how you roll i guess, you make a statement, like you can do anything you put your mind to, then in next blogpost you say that you are quitting LP for good because of haters, "unless you win something substantial" and not even 2 months into your self-inflicted seclusion, you post your yearly round-up where you are crushing the games for 80 cent hourly pre-rakeback and wish all the LP the best. You always contradict yourself in the very next post you make and it really seems delusional and almost schizophrenic most of the time, no offense, I don't want to be that hater who makes you want to quit LP again.

DWYW29   United States. Jan 23 2015 16:13. Posts 6

As a longtime reader of this site, and despite the fact that I generally mock those who put themselves in awful situations, I really do feel sad when I read your posts. I hope you find some happiness and stability in your life. All of your trials and tribulations should make it very clear to you that won't happen with poker.

Santafairy   Korea (South). Jan 23 2015 16:37. Posts 2232

to be fair BlizzY everyone has problems hidden somewhere in their psychology. so although you can probably take the evidence and say there is a disconnect between reality and how he's perceiving it or he's delusional or whatever, the same evidence says he's a winner so i don't think it really matters

It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen 

BlizzY   Slovakia. Jan 24 2015 02:58. Posts 805

I agree with that Santafairy, but those problems are mostly in the unconscious, so the person is probably not aware of them, because ego wants to protect itself with statements like this

  On January 23 2015 01:06 Ryan Neilly wrote:
I've always been a great player, I went through some spells where my ego was crushing me

This is a statement that doesn't even consider a possibility that he is not that person he perceives himself to be - a great cashgame player.

But when Neilly presents us with the hard cold data in his blog and after saying he will not come back, his graph where the all-in EV is something like 13 NL25 buyins in 140k hands, although it proves he is a small winner, I think that is a winrate which suggests that cashgames should be his hobby at most at this time.

If you want to play your best game or improve it, you have to be at your best mentally and that at least requires trying to lead a balanced life (no that's not smoking weed every day, thinking it makes you see things more clearly) and try to have some consistency and continuity.
But when you absolutely have to play every day on a short bankroll because you have to pay the bills, it just takes it's toll and I think we see that here - taking a shot at NL25 with 15 buyins and leaving after dropping 8 buyins - and Neilly brands it as his "only" mistake this month.
If you really want to be a pro - this is not a one mistake but something that is absolutely unacceptable and it won't help if you try to brand it like "that one only small mistake this month, otherwise I am great." Not when you are a person with his history of denial, and expect people to just agree with you and pat you on the back.

I don't know what minimal wage is in the US, but I am sure it is at least 3-4x that which Neilly gets in that 400+ hour sample pre-RB. I really don't want to make fun of him or bash him, but clearly he has to think about some other options because this is terrible for every aspect of his life. Trying to make a living on bankroll of $200 in US with that much pressure must eventually show somewhere.
At some point you just have to take responsibility for the state you find yourself in and I don't know if we are ever going to see it. I just hope that there is not a switch to PLO next month , because it was fun at the beggining, but now it seems more and more pathological.

Ryan Neilly   United States. Jan 26 2015 16:08. Posts 1639

Ya know what happened? I became stagnant for like 2 years. I'm finally stoked loving being a student of the game, yeah, I agree, the game was killing me at certain points of my life.
But then again, many parts of my life the game led me around the world - let me live a rockstar life, taught me business, lets me use my game skills to make cash etc, its nice imo.

@blizzy - cgs are my hobby - im a mtt and sng player, always have been.

you're post s just rambles after that since I don't play cg's often at all, about a month a year, if you follow my blog or look in past blogs you will see.
i do like cashgames, but they are insanely hard for me to beat online consistently.

I do agree with most of what you say, you do say it like a dick though.

I'm back to MTT and SNG, and like them for the first time in like forever.

@ DWYW29 - I like your post, I actually have stability in my life for the first time forever. Have my own place, my girl lives 6 miles away which is sweet, im like 5 miles from my dads shop and a hop skip and jump to my hometown. Its nice, Spend about 6 hours a day grinding. Few hours a day relaxing, starting to exercise again, and shes been coming over here this month a lot. I feel quite happy most the time, much happier than I was.

I've always been MTTs and SNG's, I had to learn some shit and change my game around. I'm doing quite well, I have a hard time understanding your guys points of view sometimes.

Yet sometimes you guys are spot on, sometimes you guys are so far out of left field (which is understandable for those who haven't met me )

Anyways, don't forget I used to have like 3 FT posts on here a day, and i'm back MTTing not gonna brag, sharkscope me if you wanna see how i've been doing. DReaMe74 ACR WPN.



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