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Ryan Neilly   United States. Jan 26 2015 16:32. Posts 1639
Hey LP, so my cash game hiatus for the year is on standby

After spending tons of time going through all the game selections I have at my fingertips
MTT's and On Demand SNG's look really good.

I decided to give them a run.

I've won the 3r 2x and the 6r and a couple $11s so far building up last week, those on demand sngs are really great games too and tend to win my fair share.

Finally got to 1k from the 100 I started in there with. I wasted like 2 weeks playing cash games.

I've changed my tourney game around some, still have a lot of work to do, right now im rebuilding from the bottom levels, so things will be coming back to me as they do, and studying a lot.

I forgot I was a student of the game for a while there. I'm 100% just looking to soak everything up like a sponge and keep crushing.

The comments sections of my blogs are all derailed. I'm quite happy in my life, those comments are just distractions and mostly about things my bipolar mind was doing last week which is like moot now ;P

Prolly won't post more than 1-2x a year, no reason to, no positivity comes out of it. Just trolls.

GL to everyone and have an amazing 2015 LP,

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NewbSaibot   United States. Jan 26 2015 18:36. Posts 4946

You know one of the things I really enjoy about live play? I dont feel like some basement dwelling recluse in his shit stained underwear. I have to get dressed, eat breakfast, groom myself, and go out like a real job. I get to meet people, engage in conversation, look at hot waitresses, and basically have a job that's like hanging out with friends. I am not quite there yet, have the roll just not the confidence to go pro, but so far this is how it feels after a few months and I can see myself doing this long term.

Why wont you make a go at the live circuit? I know it's one table and all but for fuck's sake your winrate is like 30bb/100 so you make up for it. Plus the game is infinitely easier so it's much less stressful and you get to keep up a traditional rhythm and daily routine to make yourself feel like a normal member of society. I come home and feel like I've accomplished something. I dont get that feeling of being all cooped up in a house and get to separate my work from my home life. Home is for relaxation, the card room is for working. I think in a way humans are kind of bred for this behavior. Whether you are prehistoric caveman, 18th century hunter, or 21st century scientist, there's a certain aura of having a workplace and a homeplace. You need 2 different zones so your mind can relax. You wouldnt want to live in an office building filled with cubicles, so dont bring your work home with you and play online.

If there are no cardrooms nearby then get some random job near one and scout out some roomates online to live with. You could easily work a day job at Best Buy or something to help pay some bills living with a couple of dudes you may even become friends with while you grind 4-5 hours at night leaving yourself enough time to get home, rest, and restart. Online USA poker is a joke, MTT's are a joke, you need to play cash and if you suck at everything below NL50 then fuck it, play live, you'll enjoy it better anyway and make money like you were at NL200 online.

bye nowLast edit: 26/01/2015 18:39

Trav94   Canada. Jan 26 2015 18:43. Posts 1787

>will never play tournaments as main game again
>two weeks later, starts playing tournaments as main game

nicksson   Sweden. Jan 26 2015 19:11. Posts 4662

  On January 26 2015 15:32 Ryan Neilly wrote:

I forgot I was a student of the game for a while there. I'm 100% just looking to soak everything up like a sponge and keep crushing.

dogmeat   Czech Republic. Jan 26 2015 22:19. Posts 6374

see you in 6 months as 6m-hyper turbos reg

ban baal 

TianYuan    Korea (South). Jan 27 2015 00:32. Posts 6817

:/ This has gone into somewhat worrying territory I think... Actually who am I kidding, it's been worrying for a long ass time now. You need to find something else other than poker.

Even if poker is all you want to do, you need room to BREATHE! You can't live off a microstakes roll in a first world country, and there's just no way you are going to be able to play your best with all this pressure hanging over you.

If you truly want to play poker, then the thing to do right now is to find yourself a parttime job (work for your dad like you've mentioned a million times?) to cover your expenses and just play on the side until you have a solid roll and are actually winning at some respectable stakes. Playing non-stop and putting in insane hours will just leave you stuck in a god damn hamster wheel.

If you actually manage your time wisely you can still play a fuck ton of poker with a part-time (or even full time as long as the commute isnt too bad I guess) job.

This month I've played >170 hours, and still trained MMA 3-5 times per week (2-5 hour classes), AND had days off. I'm not normally organized with regards to my time and last year I didn't put in much volume at all largely because of how much time I wasted being in-effecient.

Hm.. Off-suite socks.. 

Xervean   United States. Jan 27 2015 00:41. Posts 682

In his last status update he posted that he liked the hamster wheel picture because he escaped from the MTT rat race. How ironic lol!

 Last edit: 27/01/2015 00:44

Ryan Neilly   United States. Jan 27 2015 02:57. Posts 1639

yeah i lost passion for mtts for a long time. had to play a helluva lot of cashgames and take a long time off of poker before i wanted to play one again.

its awesome playing them again, at least thats how it feels right now.

Tian, my dads company has everyone laid off for a few months, I live up on the hillside, this is fine and comfortable for me, I do agree I would save up a lot more a lot faster, but thats not really an option. I sold my car and stuff before going to Canada. I still need to get a new one, my mom offered me a truck, g/f offered to put her car in my name, after I'm on the road I may consider something if I can find something that I would actually enjoy.

Pokers good - its fun.

obviously it was disillusion for me to think I could just grind out cashgames online for a living.

I will be playing in the casinos on friday and saturday nights a few times a week hopefully. The time spent online always helps my live winrate.


Chewits   United Kingdom. Jan 27 2015 07:53. Posts 2539

lol such an addict. go get some friends outside of poker. you need them

I am a degen. Do not believe in any of my advice. 

RaiNKhAN    United States. Jan 27 2015 08:13. Posts 4080

  On January 26 2015 23:32 TianYuan wrote:

This month I've played >170 hours, and still trained MMA 3-5 times per week (2-5 hour classes), AND had days off. I'm not normally organized with regards to my time and last year I didn't put in much volume at all largely because of how much time I wasted being in-effecient.


The biggest Rockets, Sixers, and Grizzlies fan you will ever meet! 

Ryan Neilly   United States. Jan 27 2015 16:53. Posts 1639


brings out the trollz

Ryan Neilly   United States. Jan 27 2015 17:46. Posts 1639

newbsaibot good post;

i like live games, we have a local card room about 25 minutes away.

when i get a car which should be very soon that transition will be made somewhat, although online is always my mainstay.

my house is a house before an office, i know what you mean when you say that, this is nice and comfy and a good work area in the sticks, no distractions. i like it

Trav94   Canada. Jan 27 2015 19:44. Posts 1787

Don't mean to bash you Neilly. Honestly hope things work out for you. But it just seems like your poker career is in trouble and you're flip flopping from thing to thing trying desperately to get it back in control. You're just all over the place and it can't be good for you.

Centrin   United States. Jan 28 2015 02:35. Posts 53

GL Ryan hope you're a tournament wizard hope you manage to cultivate a level-headed long term mindset


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