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The Poker Life part 2

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Whiplash   United States. Feb 12 2015 10:40. Posts 6
Part 1 of my Poker Journey,_a_new_chapter.html

Hey guys and gals, I've been in Canada for a bit under 2 weeks now so I figure I'd give an update on whats up in Whip's world. My roomates and I got to Canada on Feb 1st and managed to find a nice place a bit outside of Toronto on our first day. We pretty much went straight to check out the place right after I got off the plane. It's on the countryside, which means no distractions as we grind poker. I got off the plane and started working immediately when I traveled to Korea, so I suppose this is some sort of pattern. We had to deal with getting Canadian bank accounts/depositing money/living expenses for the first week or so, so I haven't played much poker until last weekend.

I just borrowed 50$ from my roommate Everize to play with until I could get my wire transfer to Canada from my American bank. I played 2nl to get a feel for the games on stars since I mainly played on Bovada back in the states. The games were definitely more fun, people felt better on average and 3 bets all over the place! Eventually I got my wire and was able to grab a vanilla master card and used those to deposit 200$ on stars (but it was CAD... rip exchange rate lol). I started playing 5nl to see what it was like, since that's what I was playing over on Bovada. Everyone on 5nl seems to be better overall and play way more aggressive. It took a tiny bit to get used to it, but after my session today I feel like I've really got the hang of it and will most likely move up in a day or 2 to 10nl. I felt like playing 5nl allowed me to quickly improve in multiple areas of my poker game, it was an... interesting experience.

I've been playing a mix of 6ring NL holdem cash games and zoom (4 tables), with pretty comparable results between them (over a small sample size however). I also spent a lot of time recently working on my HEM2 HUD and memorizing ranges. I have a nice preflop ranges excel sheet which I have parts in my head, but I want all that information on a snap's notice so I can play more tables more efficiently.

I know knowledge wise I've barley scratched the surface of poker. I am taking it step by step, building on basic concepts and slowly getting more and more information. I'm still trying to get into a good routine involving the gym and playing more hours of poker, and playing/studying a bit more each day till I am comfortable with the amount of time I put in each day. I'll also post a pic of my cash results graph, I know its quite a small sample size and only around 10k hands... but at least it's a positive graph! Please scold me and tell me to play more lol.

Oh I'm also going to downtown Toronto this weekend to check out a Dota2 lan/tournament, and that also gives me an excuse to check out Korea town in the area so I can feed my KBBQ addiction! I am actually ridiculously exited about this, since there was nothing Korean related anywhere near where I lived in the States. I'll post another blog most likely when I am comfortable with 10nl and am looking to move up beyond that. Lets hope that blog is sooner rather than later!

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former competitive SC2 player... 

Rinny   United States. Feb 12 2015 22:12. Posts 600

u moved to Canada to play 5nl r u fucking kidding lol

Nazgul    Netherlands. Feb 13 2015 03:47. Posts 7080

  On February 12 2015 21:12 Rinny wrote:
u moved to Canada to play 5nl r u fucking kidding lol

Seems a bit of an oversimplification don't you think?

You almost twin-caracked his AK - JonnyCosmo 

traxamillion   United States. Feb 13 2015 06:51. Posts 10468

hes got $ to cover like a year of expenses while he learns. commendable going for it imo. Looks like he already beats micros. i predict success.

flounder44   United States. Feb 13 2015 18:16. Posts 916

why is it always the micro guys blogging about the poker grind/goals/aspirations... if you gonna do something dont talk about it just do it

Whiplash   United States. Feb 13 2015 20:04. Posts 6

  On February 13 2015 17:16 flounder44 wrote:
why is it always the micro guys blogging about the poker grind/goals/aspirations... if you gonna do something dont talk about it just do it

Not trying to brag at all... I know what I've shown doesn't mean anything, I just wanted to show that I am doing something.

former competitive SC2 player... 

Tensai176   Canada. Feb 14 2015 22:20. Posts 1018

Don't get excited for the downtown Korea town.

If you want the better Korea town more authentic/etc. you should get up to Yonge and Finch area. The one near Bloor and Christie is terrible.

ClouD87   Italy. Feb 15 2015 12:35. Posts 524

  On February 13 2015 19:04 Whiplash wrote:
Show nested quote +

Not trying to brag at all... I know what I've shown doesn't mean anything, I just wanted to show that I am doing something.

Hey, I also started cash a few months ago (I stopped blogging cause I am just too focused), and all I can say is that Starcraft players definitely do have an edge and I am already making way more money than I thought I would! There's still a lot of money to be made in poker and as long as you use all the resources to your advantage and work hard you will always have an edge on other players


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