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[nsfw]50 shades of abuse.

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leleds   Mexico. Feb 13 2015 19:47. Posts 8
Well everybody has heard about the book and the movie about 50 shades of grey. jesus, i admit i have read the trilogy, just for fun. But, most of the people that has read them think of themselves as "oh im such a submissive or such a dom, im into bdsm, oh yeah i love whips" but seriously, that book has nothing of bdsm in it, is just abuse, Mr. grey is not a true dom, he just like to hit women, really, he doesnt give comfort after sex. Honestly bdsm is about to enjoy your body with ur partner in a respectful way in which both agree what to do and if any of both individuals want to stop, they have to stop. Other wise is abuse.

The point i want to make is that this movie is going to mislead and misinform hundreds and thousands of young teens, and probably is not going to affect them all but to some is going to. They might think of themselves as doms or subs and they are not going to make things right, *not saying there's a right way, but they are going to miss the most important thing that is respect, this also can lead to traumatize teens if they try stuff in the movie in not a safe way. They are going to even hurt themselves. How? Imagine bondage with a guy they think is "great" and then they want to stop but because of this misinformation maybe the guy doesnt stop, and even if the girl wanted to have sex with the guy in the fist place, if she wanted him to stop and he didn't it becomes rape, and this can traumatize her.

But anyways, my opinion is not going to stop teens to watch this movie or try this things, im not saying they shouldnt, im saying if they want to try them, they shouldn't take 50 shades as a guide. CUZ IS NOT.

What's your opinion?

thanks for reading, and even if you didn't thanks anyways. c:


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 Last edit: 13/02/2015 20:02

Santafairy   Korea (South). Feb 13 2015 20:00. Posts 2232

sure the same thing happened when basic instinct came out, there was a surge in teenagers murdering their boyfriends with icepicks during coitus then seducing a detective and murdering another guy and framing their previous lesbian lover as the killer so she gets killed by the detective, people thought the movie was a guide they don't know the difference between reality and bad fiction

It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen 

PuertoRican   United States. Feb 13 2015 20:21. Posts 13095

I clicked for the nsfw.

Rekrul is a newb 

ggplz   Sweden. Feb 13 2015 21:22. Posts 16784


if poker is dangerous to them i would rank sports betting as a Kodiak grizzly bear who smells blood after you just threw a javelin into his cub - RaiNKhAN 

Liquid`Drone   Norway. Feb 13 2015 21:48. Posts 3096

  On February 13 2015 19:00 Santafairy wrote:
sure the same thing happened when basic instinct came out, there was a surge in teenagers murdering their boyfriends with icepicks during coitus then seducing a detective and murdering another guy and framing their previous lesbian lover as the killer so she gets killed by the detective, people thought the movie was a guide they don't know the difference between reality and bad fiction

while funny, leleds isn't just pulling this out of his ass. In Norway there's a huge surge in BDSM tools etc sold as a direct consequence of the 50 shades hype, and I'd assume it's like that many places. And while experimenting is awesome, not every girl should experiment with bondage with every guy. ;p some might not respect themselves enough to say no when it's too much, some guys might not respect the girl enough to stop when they say no.

lol POKER 

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Feb 13 2015 23:52. Posts 9634

just let eeeem natural selection always win in the end
was thinking about reading it as well, but i just cant get myself to read such shitty book, rather read something meaningful

SPEWTARD   Peru. Feb 14 2015 04:08. Posts 4306

  On February 13 2015 19:21 PuertoRican wrote:
I clicked for the nsfw.


Rise and Shine 

traxamillion   United States. Feb 14 2015 05:14. Posts 10468

Was doing this shit at 16 without watching any movies or reading any books. I also don't exactly get this issue with people saying no during sex. Seems like it's a huge problem. Usually a girl is not going to say stop unless there is a real problem like pain so for a guy not to stop that just makes you a dirtbag. Half of getting off is also your partner getting off; so if I'm having sex with a girl and I see it is hurting her that is gonna kill it for me so I wouldn't want to continue anyways

NewbSaibot   United States. Feb 14 2015 06:01. Posts 4946

I dont really think people are conditioned into bdsm. You're either kinda born into that shit or you're not. Sadists and masochists dont just wake up one day and say "hmm, think I'll give that a try!". They all share a predictable pattern of sexual curiosity or even abuse throughout adolescence that simply manifests itself into this at the right age. Take for instance a porn star; if you dig deep enough you'll always find Uncle Handsy or some major daddy issues going on there that inevitably lead up to them doing porn in the first place.

bye now 

Liquid`Drone   Norway. Feb 14 2015 15:46. Posts 3096

I think the conditioning doesn't necessarily apply to whether or not people enjoy bdsm, but I think people (especially girls) are very "conditionable" when it comes to experimenting with it. I don't have an issue with that though, sexual experimentation is mostly just good..

I haven't read the book or watched the movie though, but what's kinda problematic from what I read is that this isn't actually a healthy bdsm relationship - it's an abusive one semi-portrayed as healthy. ;p

lol POKER 

MARSHALL28   United States. Feb 15 2015 12:51. Posts 1897

i haven't watched the movie. but from what i know about women. this is their nature.

they want their hair pulled---HARD. and they want to be choked. if one says she doesn't like it, shes a liar.

this is just how it is.

MARSHALL28   United States. Feb 15 2015 12:52. Posts 1897

i've even had a 'good girl' tell me she fantasized about it when i made a suggestion that i should tie her up to the stove with only enough slack to reach the bedroom.

ClouD87   Italy. Feb 15 2015 13:19. Posts 524

Yeah most girls do get off from being dominated in a safe way, but the book goes way over the line because not much respect is shown for the girl's feeling. This is just a fantasy much like most girls do fantasize about stuff that would be sick in real life like being raped (obviously only by men they find attractive and they would fuck anyway, not some ugly criminal pulling them in a corner of the street at night), and what's thrilling to them is the fact this story's fantasy is such a borderline situation nobody would really know what to do (the guy would be every woman's dream and no woman would ever let him go, yet at the same time sex is painful and weird but also exciting, he shows some form of attachment but then takes it away constantly). This is basically the stuff women get constantly off to, much like men do get off porn.

ggplz   Sweden. Feb 15 2015 15:58. Posts 16784

I think enough is said by the massive popularity of the book and relative franchises but lots of women have read it and have not just enjoyed it but they've got off because of it imo. There are way worse things written in books. I think OPs concerns about *hard* BDSM being incorrectly practised by teens because of this movie are laughable.

  On February 14 2015 04:14 traxamillion wrote:
Was doing this shit at 16 without watching any movies or reading any books. I also don't exactly get this issue with people saying no during sex. Seems like it's a huge problem. Usually a girl is not going to say stop unless there is a real problem like pain so for a guy not to stop that just makes you a dirtbag. Half of getting off is also your partner getting off; so if I'm having sex with a girl and I see it is hurting her that is gonna kill it for me so I wouldn't want to continue anyways


  On February 13 2015 20:48 Liquid`Drone wrote:
Show nested quote +

while funny, leleds isn't just pulling this out of his ass. In Norway there's a huge surge in BDSM tools etc sold as a direct consequence of the 50 shades hype, and I'd assume it's like that many places. And while experimenting is awesome, not every girl should experiment with bondage with every guy. ;p some might not respect themselves enough to say no when it's too much, some guys might not respect the girl enough to stop when they say no.

What a disaster... all these "what ifs". Of course a hugely popular book will lead some people by the nose into things they may not care much about although some might find that they really do. I think there's a huge psychological element to anything slightly taboo and even the lightest BDSM (harmless) would be enough to satisfy most novices. It doesn't matter if it's full blown BDSM or that the definition of sub and dom are incorrect. To them it's just a touch of naughtiness that adds some extra excitement and not necessarily a specific desire to practise one particular thing. We can't delude ourselves and divert blame onto movies, books or objects etc because of our decisions.

if poker is dangerous to them i would rank sports betting as a Kodiak grizzly bear who smells blood after you just threw a javelin into his cub - RaiNKhANLast edit: 15/02/2015 16:00

Liquid`Drone   Norway. Feb 15 2015 19:11. Posts 3096

not saying it's a disaster.. but it's also not fabricated and it's going to be replicated way more than basic instinct was, and some girls are likely to have kinda rape-y experiences because of the hype? it's also real that many girls report feeling kinda pressured into trying anal post- porn-boom. I'm not even saying it's overall a negative, because I think the positives of increased sexual experimentation are large, just that it's likely that there will be some negative experiences also.

if anything my statement was meaningless cuz it's like, so, duh. or whatever.

lol POKER 

leleds   Mexico. Feb 15 2015 19:32. Posts 8

  On February 15 2015 18:11 Liquid`Drone wrote:
not saying it's a disaster.. but it's also not fabricated and it's going to be replicated way more than basic instinct was, and some girls are likely to have kinda rape-y experiences because of the hype? it's also real that many girls report feeling kinda pressured into trying anal post- porn-boom. I'm not even saying it's overall a negative, because I think the positives of increased sexual experimentation are large, just that it's likely that there will be some negative experiences also.

if anything my statement was meaningless cuz it's like, so, duh. or whatever.

I think they not have rape-y experiences because of the hype, but some of them might experience it, and probably they would be more pressure in teens about virginity and anal stuff and probably they will say stuff like "oh ur not into bondage? such a pussy" which is not right to say, everybody has their own sexual preferences, and in okay to experiment some boundaries, you might even like them, but maybe u dont, and its okay,
imo I think its cool girls and boys experiment with their bodies and discover themselves, in a safe and respectful way, but i dont think its a good thing that teens experiment based on a book/movie with a lot of mislead information.

Santafairy   Korea (South). Feb 16 2015 00:15. Posts 2232

why is it always teens

It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen 

TalentedTom    Canada. Feb 18 2015 16:43. Posts 20070

  On February 15 2015 23:15 Santafairy wrote:
why is it always teens

cause teens are idiots

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us and as we let our own lights shine we unconsciously give other people permision to do the same 


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