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Upping my sauna game

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RiKD    United States. Mar 07 2015 23:12. Posts 8869
Hi All,

This is going to be a bit of a disjointed rando blog. Just letting you know now.

First of all:

Been listening to Beyonce's recent album. Love it. Great for drinking absurd amounts of coffee, cleaning up around the house and dancing ecstatically. Problem is, it is tough to top that high man. Been trying to recreate it for a few days now but coming off a juice cleanse not having coffee for a week and going on a caffeine, dancing, Yonce', cleaning house bender, life just does not seem worth living anymore...



Where you guys at. I have been trying to up my sauna game and it is lacking. Or maybe I am overcomplicating things. I just think of like a natural sauna in Finland or one of those sauna houses out in the country in Sweden and think, "Man! Those guys know how to sauna! I gotta travel over there and spend a few weeks just learning how to sauna!" Basically, I just went to the gym. Sat in the sauna with some gym bros for like 15 min. then I got out and took a shower and then went home. I felt amazing but it was way too cold outside and I was still super hot. Any tips, tricks, insights? I gotta up this sauna game to a respectable level.

Love and tolerance for the earth and mankind!


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cariadon   Estonia. Mar 08 2015 00:21. Posts 4019


Finnish sauna is best. Classic metal stove you heat by burning birch logs. Sauna is especially rewarding after hard labour, when its cold outside or after exercising. Jumping into a body of water after sauna is awesome, we even jump in snow. Or just sit outside naked and cool off after sauna. It is very common, even during winter time.

First you wash yourself (and take off jewelry if present) and then you take some hot water in a bucket with you to the sauna. It is impolite to leave an empty bucket so if you've used all of the water up it is considered good manners to refill. First you sit in the room for a few minutes and then start throwing water on hot stones "löyly". Adding a bit of beer to the water beforehand will produce steam that smells of bread, some other scents can be used but beer is classic After a few rounds of that you can take turns beating eachother with "vihta" made of birch... a complete experience definitely involves this. Beat the shit out of your friend, he will appreciate it. Take a beating, it will change your life, haha.

Did i mention not wearing any clothes? No? If you wear shorts or swimwear or god forbid underwear expect the wrath of fellow saunagoers. Nobody wears clothes to the sauna, even in public saunas.

cariadon   Estonia. Mar 08 2015 00:34. Posts 4019

This reminds me of a funny story. A week ago after my gym routine i was first one into the public sauna. I sat next to the bucket of water. As time went by a few others entered and everything was standard. After some moments a really big guy entered, guy was brutally strong and very little fat... a real big guy. He just walked straight towards the bucket, took it without saying a word and then started throwing insane amounts of "löyly" so we others were kinda looking at each other amazed and amused both. So here's another tip: you can throw as much as you want in a public sauna on the condition that you yourself can take it. If others can't take it they can just leave, or sit on the lower benches. No whining allowed.

nolan   Ireland. Mar 08 2015 01:32. Posts 6205

Cariadon -

What about towel in the sauna, legit or no?

On September 08 2008 10:07 Baal wrote: my head is a gyroscope, your argument is invalid 

mnj   United States. Mar 08 2015 04:27. Posts 3848

rofl at the title xD

cariadon   Estonia. Mar 08 2015 09:12. Posts 4019

  On March 08 2015 00:32 nolan wrote:
Cariadon -

What about towel in the sauna, legit or no?

I can't remember when i saw someone with a towel in a sauna... it has been years and i go every week. Paper towel is cool though.

dnagardi   Hungary. Mar 08 2015 14:06. Posts 1776

i thought this was about flirting with women in the sauna, up your game bro

btw here in hungary no one goes full naked into the sauna, caradion at your place both women and men are completely naked? damn thats cool

KeyleK_uk   United Kingdom. Mar 08 2015 16:51. Posts 1687

  On March 08 2015 13:06 dnagardi wrote:
i thought this was about flirting with women in the sauna, up your game bro

btw here in hungary no one goes full naked into the sauna, caradion at your place both women and men are completely naked? damn thats cool

I imagine they're almost always same sex unless you have one in your home and you go in with your wife/gf

poker is soooo much easier when you flop sets 

RiKD    United States. Mar 08 2015 21:54. Posts 8869

Flirting with hot babes in the sauna?

No way bro. I like my saunas hot, naked, and men only. It is like a tree fort only way better.

iop   Sweden. Mar 09 2015 20:38. Posts 4951

Need dem Finnish genes.

Milkman lol i didnt spend half a thousand on a phone so i could play it cool and be all stealth 

Rande   Finland. Mar 12 2015 00:28. Posts 181

Yep there is something about saunas. We have saunas as standard pretty much in every apartment here in Finland. My 1,5y old son is allready a big sauna fanatic.
Everytime I heat up the sauna he demands to get in there (Finnish genes???) .
I let him sit on the lower bench. The thing is that afterwards he is really calm and nice all evening.
Maybe you had that experience too after the sauna at the gym.

cariadon wrapped it up nicely. We got amazing saunas everywhere with nice nature aspects and such. I imagine there are good ones in Sweden too.
You will find yourself very wellcome here if you ask to sauna with the local people.
It is always honour to offer original sauna to people from countries that dont have the
sauna culture.

About the towels in sauna... the answer is no. Normally the thing is u sauna with men and nobody wears anything. To wear something is super weird. I think I have never seen any man with any clothes in sauna. There is mixed saunas too and the code is that women come in naked or wearing a towel. Some do some dont, but men dont. Saunas dont have any sexual atmosphere here, so people of different gender dont look at each other much nor talk sensitive topics. One standard is not to talk at all (we Finns tolerate super long times of not saying anything) and that is nothing special.
A typical scenario in a public sauna is that 2 or more men sit completely quiet and naked next to each other for 15mins and nobody feels uncomfortable. Obviously with people you know u talk something.
Small kids come in saunas with their parents no matter which gender they are or the sauna is for.
And to flirt with the girls sauna... One does not simply flirt in sauna. Being a gentleman there gives u better odds later Of course some do have sex in saunas but thats for couples mostly or some random drunken idea in a summerparty or such, but not in public saunas obv.
I never liked too much having sex in sauna as nobody is at their best and u have like a little rush to get out of there anyways.

Sauna gets even better in a nice group of people who are drinking. Standard sauna evening with the bros is going in sauna and snow back and forth like 2-3 times and obviously drinking all the way. When u have a moderate levels of alcohol in your system the coldness of snow/cold start to feel really good and the painfullness of it diminshes a bit. Afterwards u literally can feel your blood circulating better than ever. My trick to stay fresh after this is to take a good sip of cold water everytime you enter and exit the sauna.
Sauna obviously dehydrates you so if u do it exessively with alcohol, you'll get a nice hangover next day if you miss the water drinking.
The thing that you're drinking with your friends and sitting in a sauna naked gets the humour blooming in a way it wouldnt bloom normally. There have been some amazing ideas/trash talking over the years but cant really thin of any just now. Some times you get in to a close conversation with people and go deep in to something that wouldnt happen anywhere else so easily.

Allmost forgot to mention a nice trick. Shaving immediately after sauna is heavenly. The beard just peels off like adding butter on a bread without any pinching and redness afterwards. The facial hair gets really soft there. I probably shave without sauna like once a year.


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