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Mortensen8   Chad. Mar 29 2015 19:24. Posts 1841

Stop watching the idiot box

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Rear naked wokeLast edit: 29/03/2015 19:27

Santafairy   Korea (South). Mar 29 2015 20:21. Posts 2232

it sounds like you need a tinfoil hat to protect against NLP

I saw some good points being made about deception/manipulation but it was wrapped in pseudoscience or Deepak Chopra level metaphysical bunk

It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen 

Mortensen8   Chad. Mar 29 2015 20:33. Posts 1841

This is the most bluepilled board. Do you remember when people used to shout at 'conspiracy nuts' about stuff that has come true like nsa that pallak guy used to literally parrot wikipedia and be applauded NLP is not a conspiracy ffs people who are highly suggestible (most people) are open to manipulation.

What is the easiest / best tool to control the population, the idiot box.

Rear naked wokeLast edit: 29/03/2015 20:34

Santafairy   Korea (South). Mar 29 2015 20:52. Posts 2232

okay how much of my money do I need to give you to enroll in an NLP brainwashingeducation course?

or maybe there's an NLP expert you can direct me to so I can buy his book

what's Chaos Magick and Banishing Rituals? these are just some of the 5-star rated courses I've found on that website, wow only $33 to be redpilled, that's a bargain right

4. Be wary of vague language.
5. Be wary of permissive language.
6. Be wary of gibberish.
7. Read between the lines.

10. Trust your intuition.

I never saw a website debunk itself so overtly

It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus HansenLast edit: 29/03/2015 20:57

Mortensen8   Chad. Mar 29 2015 20:59. Posts 1841

And when you are watching the idiot box you are already in a relaxed and suggestible state.

Santa I'm not trying to say that you should be worried about nlp in normal life just to be aware that it exists is nice what I'm more worried about are the masses of people soaking up hollywood culture without a second thought.

Rear naked woke 

Mortensen8   Chad. Mar 29 2015 21:03. Posts 1841

Whatever bro I don't claim any affiliation to the website or know anything about it. I'm trying to point out that your subconscious is easier to manipulate than people think. The NLP way of approaching people is similar to how a psychopath approaches people IMO

Rear naked woke 

Mortensen8   Chad. Mar 29 2015 21:07. Posts 1841

And I knew people were gonna say something about the website almost put it in OP

Rear naked woke 

Mortensen8   Chad. Mar 29 2015 21:15. Posts 1841

Santa you always respond to my blogs with a superiority 'I am a man of science' pls go

Rear naked woke 

ClouD87   Italy. Mar 30 2015 08:50. Posts 524

I did study a bit into NLP, and sure it can be manipulating if chosen to but you could also use it to improve your communication and try to connect with people without lying, being intrusive or deceptive. Other than that I thought being wary of people trying to sell you stuff was considered common sense.

TalentedTom    Canada. Mar 30 2015 13:14. Posts 20070

so tinfoil hat + basement without electricity

ill get my brother to deliver newspapers daily so I can stay in touch with the outside world

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us and as we let our own lights shine we unconsciously give other people permision to do the same 

Rinny   United States. Mar 31 2015 17:47. Posts 600

Agree TV is the worst. I've been living with my great uncle cuz he has Parkinson's and all he does is watch TV 12 hours a day. I can hear the commercials constantly and they just start to drill into you after a while.. So much that they begin to dominate my thoughts. Sickening really.

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Apr 01 2015 14:12. Posts 9634

Derren Brown also predicted the lottery
He s a wizard


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