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The Poker Life part 3

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Whiplash   United States. Apr 09 2015 03:58. Posts 6
Previous blogs of my Poker Journey
Part 2:
Part 1:,_a_new_chapter.html

It's been awhile since my last blog! To be honest I wanted to make a blog when I am in the positive, but to that hasn't happened yet. Luckily I am down less than $100 over about 90,000 hands. Since my last blog I feel my skill in poker has increased by a ridiculous amount, and I am slowly graduating from the "beginner" stage of poker. Despite my results I feel more confident in my poker game than ever, and believe I can beat 5NL on Pokerstars. I did a lot of reading, video watching, stream watching, hand review, and sending hands to friends. Now a days more often then not when I watch a video/stream I find myself making very similar decisions to the broadcaster, and a lot of beginner content focused on the micros is beginning to feel more internalized in my play/brain.

The resources I found most useful while improving was nanonoko's 10NL video series on youtube, komododragonjesus's twitch stream, my friend Spencer's feedback/hand reviews, and of course playing lots of hands. Nanonoko did a wonderful job explaining how to play poker on the lower stakes, and komododragonjesus's stream is just so dam chill. It feels like he is un-tilt-able! I certainly look up to players like these as my poker role models. Big shout out to my buddy Spencer in Korea as well, he has looked over my hands more then any other person by far.

As for things outside the poker world, I've met a lot of great people in Toronto and will be moving closer to the downtown area at the end of April. I also plan to do a bit of Dota 2 broadcasting for some local tournaments. It's great that I can use my old skill set occasionally and prevent it from getting too rusty.

Unfortunately one of my roommates will be departing back to America at the end of the month as me and my other roommate Raddick move near the downtown area. He has not been doing too good in poker and had issues with bankroll management. He will most likely continue to play poker, but more casually in America. I suppose it is better that he recognized this was not for him sooner rather than later, and he didn't lose a lot more money as a result.

I have been experimenting with not playing on zoom tables, and trying out other game types such as spin and go's. Spin and go's are a lot of fun, but they certainly don't feel like a stable way to build a bankroll. I really do enjoy the heads up mind games though! As you will see in my graph, zoom games are where I've lost the majority of my money and indeed they feel a lot harder then normal tables. There definitely seems to be less fish in them as well. I decided recently that I was going to not play zoom tables and focus on standard 6max tables instead. Currently I feel that I can do OK at zoom tables, but I don't anticipate I'll make a lot of money from them.

As for things I want to improve on in poker, I feel that my greatest challenge currently is putting in the proper volume of hands in each day. This is something I'd like to make into a career, but it is rare for me to get in something like 3k hands in one day. I find its even harder when I don't use zoom tables and play 6-8 standard tables, I will only average at best 600-750~hands an hour. I believe in the end it will come down to discipline/work ethic more then anything else if I'm going to succeed in poker. I also seem to do better the less tables I have open, but I think that goes without saying. I will have to find the proper balance of tables/time over the next few months. I think I will start to take some real shots at 10NL once I get out of the negative, and possibly some very tiny ones before that. I'd also like to try and figure out more ways to exploit/play against fish, I'm sure there are a few cool techniques/tricks that could be added into my game. Probably the last thing I'd like to improve on is overall hand reading and putting my opponents on a more accurate range when they call flop/turn, and when it is a good idea to bluff/shove the river.

Here is my current graph and how I've done in the stakes I've played up to this point. Thanks for reading and I will try to post my next blog sooner than later ... now it's back to the tables!

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former competitive SC2 player... 

PuertoRican   United States. Apr 10 2015 20:19. Posts 13095

So, one of your roommates tried to go pro and failed after two months, which means you have one less roommate and thus have to split his share of rent. Kinda sucks when you realize you aren't making any money yet, and have to pay more money for rent than you initially expected to.

gL on the grind~

Rekrul is a newb 

Rinny   United States. Apr 10 2015 23:32. Posts 600

  On February 12 2015 21:12 Rinny wrote:
u moved to Canada to play 5nl r u fucking kidding lol

hiems   United States. Apr 11 2015 18:08. Posts 2979

rent,food,etc >>> profits. not sure what you are trying to do here. you mentioned in your prior blog that if poker doesn't work out you will go back to collge. I strongly disagree.

I'm not sure how your savings look like right and how you are paying for stuff but right now you should be focused on building a bankroll. That means gething a job if you are currently playing microstakes.

Gaming,poker, going back to college, these routes are sonetime easy way to put off facing reality but u ou gotta do it imo. And believe me it's all for the better. Just suck it up and start saving, building a life for yourself in the real world and it will start paying off dividends.

I beat Loco!!! [img][/img]Last edit: 11/04/2015 18:13

DragOn_   Canada. Apr 12 2015 20:35. Posts 214

afaik he already has a bankroll and savings? And hes moving to a different location so probably a cheaper place for two people instead of three... Thats what I would imagine anyway.

GL to you Whiplash. If youre serious about poker I recommend you put in at least as many hours at the tables as you would spend at a full time job, you can still make at least 5k hands a day that way playing normal tables. Cut them up into 2-3hour sessions if it will improve your focus.

Trav94   Canada. Apr 13 2015 01:30. Posts 1787

I don't think you really want to put in the work to succeed with this. Your volume sucks, your work ethic seems to be lacking. It feels like you are just hoping to luckbox this.

"This is something I'd like to make into a career, but it is rare for me to get in something like 3k hands in one day"

You don't want it bad enough bro.

 Last edit: 13/04/2015 01:30


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